The Trunk: Graphics-ct.430.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-ct.430.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-ct.430
Author: ct
Time: 21 March 2020, 8:03:59.93556 pm
UUID: d78a37e5-e52b-e14c-9949-8738184bf42d
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.429

Miscellaneous minor refactoring

- Use #ifError: and correct deprecated [:argWithoutBar] block syntax (see Compiler-ct.417)
- Fix a documetation typo
- Simplify some conditions

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.429 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BMPReadWriter class>>readAllFrom: (in category 'testing') -----
  readAllFrom: fd
  "MessageTally spyOn:[BMPReadWriter readAllFrom: FileDirectory default]"
  fd fileNames do:[:fName|
  (fName endsWith: '.bmp') ifTrue:[
+ [Form fromBinaryStream: (fd readOnlyFileNamed: fName)] ifError: [].
- [Form fromBinaryStream: (fd readOnlyFileNamed: fName)] on: Error do:[:nix].
  fd directoryNames do:[:fdName|
  self readAllFrom: (fd directoryNamed: fdName)

Item was changed:
  StrikeFont subclass: #FormSetFont
  instanceVariableNames: 'tintable combinationRule'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Graphics-Fonts'!
+ !FormSetFont commentStamp: 'ct 2/14/2020 16:49' prior: 0!
+ FormSetFonts are designed to capture individual images as character forms for imbedding in normal text.  While most often used to insert an isolated glyph in some text, the code is actually designed to support an entire user-defined font.  The TextAttribute subclass TextFontReference is specifically designed for such in-line insertion of exceptional fonts in normal text.!
- !FormSetFont commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- FormSetFonts are designed to capture individual images as character forms for imbedding in normal text.  While most often used to insert an isolated glyph in some text, the code is actually desinged to support an entire user-defined font.  The TextAttribute subclass TextFontReference is specifically designed for such in-line insertion of exceptional fonts in normal text.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StrikeFont>>hasGlyphForCode: (in category 'multibyte character methods') -----
  hasGlyphForCode: aCharacterCode
+ (aCharacterCode between: self minAscii and: self maxAscii)
+ ifFalse: [^ false].
+ (xTable at: aCharacterCode + 1) positive
+ ifFalse: [^ false].
- ((aCharacterCode between: self minAscii and: self maxAscii) not) ifTrue: [
- ^ false.
- ].
- (xTable at: aCharacterCode + 1) < 0 ifTrue: [
- ^ false.
- ].
  ^ true.