David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Graphics-dtl.106.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-dtl.106
Author: dtl
Time: 12 February 2010, 9:46:03.458 pm
UUID: 8e3195d6-dd38-4a70-8269-2fe884cc846b
Ancestors: Graphics-dtl.105
Remove explicit references to MVC Paragraph from TextPrinter.
Note - TextPrinter is used only by Paragraph in the image but appears to be of general utility.
=============== Diff against Graphics-dtl.105 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextPrinter>>printText: (in category 'printing') -----
printText: aText
"Print aText"
+ | paragraphClass |
form isNil ifTrue:[
form := Form extent: self pixelSize depth: depth.
+ paragraphClass := Smalltalk at: #Paragraph
+ ifAbsent: [^ self notify: 'MVC class Paragraph not present'].
+ para := paragraphClass withText: aText asText.
- para := Paragraph withText: aText asText.
Cursor wait showWhile:[
self printParagraph.
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextPrinter>>headerParagraph (in category 'header') -----
"Return a paragraph for the footer"
+ | hPara rect paragraphClass |
+ paragraphClass := Smalltalk at: #Paragraph
+ ifAbsent: [^ self notify: 'MVC class Paragraph not present'].
+ hPara := paragraphClass new.
- | hPara rect |
- hPara := Paragraph new.
hPara destinationForm: form.
rect := (self in2pix: self textArea topLeft - (0.0@self headerHeight)) corner:
(self in2pix: self textArea topRight).
hPara clippingRectangle: rect.
hPara compositionRectangle: rect.
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextPrinter>>footerParagraph (in category 'footer') -----
"Return a paragraph for the footer"
+ | fPara rect paragraphClass |
+ paragraphClass := Smalltalk at: #Paragraph
+ ifAbsent: [^ self notify: 'MVC class Paragraph not present'].
+ fPara := paragraphClass new.
- | fPara rect |
- fPara := Paragraph new.
fPara destinationForm: form.
rect := (self in2pix: self textArea bottomLeft) corner:
(self in2pix: self textArea bottomRight + (0.0@self footerHeight)).
fPara clippingRectangle: rect.
fPara compositionRectangle: rect.