The Trunk: Graphics-fbs.221.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-fbs.221.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-fbs.221
Author: fbs
Time: 25 July 2013, 8:29:39.711 am
UUID: 5be384b4-2d62-5c49-abb8-390dcb1881ab
Ancestors: Graphics-fbs.220

SmalltalkImage current -> Smalltalk.

=============== Diff against Graphics-fbs.220 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Bitmap>>asByteArray (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  "Faster way to make a byte array from me.
  copyFromByteArray: makes equal Bitmap."
  | f bytes hack |
  f := Form extent: 4@self size depth: 8 bits: self.
  bytes := ByteArray new: self size * 4.
  hack := Form new hackBits: bytes.
+ Smalltalk isLittleEndian ifTrue:[hack swapEndianness].
- SmalltalkImage current isLittleEndian ifTrue:[hack swapEndianness].
  hack copyBits: f boundingBox
  from: f
  at: (0@0)
  clippingBox: hack boundingBox
  rule: Form over
  fillColor: nil
  map: nil.
  "f displayOn: hack."
  ^ bytes.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Bitmap>>copyFromByteArray: (in category 'accessing') -----
  copyFromByteArray: byteArray
  "This method should work with either byte orderings"
  | myHack byteHack |
  myHack := Form new hackBits: self.
  byteHack := Form new hackBits: byteArray.
+ Smalltalk  isLittleEndian ifTrue: [byteHack swapEndianness].
- SmalltalkImage current  isLittleEndian ifTrue: [byteHack swapEndianness].
  byteHack displayOn: myHack!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Form>>readResourceFrom: (in category 'resources') -----
  readResourceFrom: aStream
  "Store a resource representation of the receiver on aStream.
  Must be specific to the receiver so that no code is filed out."
  | bitsSize msb |
  (aStream next: 4) asString = self resourceTag
  [aStream position: aStream position - 4.
  ^self readNativeResourceFrom: aStream].
  width := aStream nextNumber: 4.
  height := aStream nextNumber: 4.
  depth := aStream nextNumber: 4.
  bitsSize := aStream nextNumber: 4.
  bitsSize = 0
  [bits := aStream next: bitsSize.
  msb := (aStream nextNumber: 4) = 1.
  bitsSize := aStream nextNumber: 4.
  bits := Bitmap new: self bitsSize.
  extent: width @ height
  depth: depth
  bits: (aStream next: bitsSize * 4)) displayOn: self.
+ msb = Smalltalk isBigEndian
- msb = SmalltalkImage current  isBigEndian
  swapBytesIn: bits
  from: 1
  to: bits size]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Form>>storeResourceOn: (in category 'resources') -----
  storeResourceOn: aStream
  "Store a resource representation of the receiver on aStream.
  Must be specific to the receiver so that no code is filed out."
  self hibernate.
  aStream nextPutAll: self resourceTag asByteArray. "tag"
  aStream nextNumber: 4 put: width.
  aStream nextNumber: 4 put: height.
  aStream nextNumber: 4 put: depth.
  (bits isMemberOf: ByteArray) ifFalse:[
  "must store bitmap"
  aStream nextNumber: 4 put: 0. "tag"
+ aStream nextNumber: 4 put: (Smalltalk isBigEndian ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]).
- aStream nextNumber: 4 put: (SmalltalkImage current  isBigEndian ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]).
  aStream nextNumber: 4 put: bits size.
  aStream nextPutAll: bits.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MacOS9WindowProxy class>>isActiveHostWindowProxyClass (in category 'system startup') -----
  "Am I active?"
+ ^Smalltalk platformName  = 'Mac OS' and: [Smalltalk osVersion asInteger < 1000]!
- ^SmalltalkImage current platformName  = 'Mac OS' and: [SmalltalkImage current osVersion asInteger < 1000]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MacOSXWindowProxy class>>isActiveHostWindowProxyClass (in category 'system startup') -----
  "Am I active?"
+ ^Smalltalk platformName  = 'Mac OS' and: [Smalltalk osVersion asInteger >= 1000]!
- ^SmalltalkImage current platformName  = 'Mac OS' and: [SmalltalkImage current osVersion asInteger >= 1000]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MatrixTransform2x3>>restoreEndianness (in category 'objects from disk') -----
  "This word object was just read in from a stream.  It was stored in Big Endian (Mac) format.  Swap each pair of bytes (16-bit word), if the current machine is Little Endian.
  Why is this the right thing to do?  We are using memory as a byteStream.  High and low bytes are reversed in each 16-bit word, but the stream of words ascends through memory.  Different from a Bitmap."
  | w b1 b2 b3 b4 |
+ Smalltalk  isLittleEndian ifTrue: [
- SmalltalkImage current  isLittleEndian ifTrue: [
  1 to: self basicSize do: [:i |
  w := self basicAt: i.
  b1 := w digitAt: 1.
  b2 := w digitAt: 2.
  b3 := w digitAt: 3.
  b4 := w digitAt: 4.
  w := (b1 << 24) + (b2 << 16) + (b3 << 8) + b4.
  self basicAt: i put: w.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriter>>nextImage (in category 'accessing') -----
+ bigEndian := Smalltalk isBigEndian.
- bigEndian := SmalltalkImage current isBigEndian.
  filtersSeen := Bag new.
  globalDataChunk := nil.
  transparentPixelValue := nil.
  unknownChunks := Set new.
  stream reset.
  stream binary.
  stream skip: 8.
  [stream atEnd] whileFalse: [self processNextChunk].
  "Set up our form"
  palette ifNotNil:
  ["Dump the palette if it's the same as our standard palette"
  palette = (StandardColors copyFrom: 1 to: palette size)
  ifTrue: [palette := nil]].
  (depth <= 8 and: [palette notNil])
  [form := ColorForm extent: width @ height depth: depth.
  form colors: palette]
  ifFalse: [form := Form extent: width @ height depth: depth].
  backColor ifNotNil: [form fillColor: backColor].
  chunk := globalDataChunk ifNil: [self error: 'image data is missing'].
  chunk ifNotNil: [self processIDATChunk].
  unknownChunks isEmpty
  ["Transcript show: ' ',unknownChunks asSortedCollection asArray printString."
  self debugging
  show: 'form = ' , form printString.
  show: 'colorType = ' , colorType printString.
  show: 'interlaceMethod = ' , interlaceMethod printString.
  show: 'filters = ' , filtersSeen sortedCounts asArray printString].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriter>>nextPutImage:interlace:filter: (in category 'writing') -----
  nextPutImage: aForm interlace: aMethod filter: aFilterType
  "Note: For now we keep it simple - interlace and filtering are simply ignored"
  | crcStream |
+ bigEndian := Smalltalk isBigEndian.
- bigEndian := SmalltalkImage current isBigEndian.
  form := aForm.
  width := aForm width.
  height := aForm height.
  aForm depth <= 8
  [bitsPerChannel := aForm depth.
  colorType := 3.
  bytesPerScanline := (width * aForm depth + 7) // 8]
  [bitsPerChannel := 8.
  colorType := 6.
  bytesPerScanline := width * 4].
  self writeFileSignature.
  crcStream := WriteStream on: (ByteArray new: 1000).
  crcStream resetToStart.
  self writeIHDRChunkOn: crcStream.
  self writeChunk: crcStream.
  form depth <= 8
  [crcStream resetToStart.
  self writePLTEChunkOn: crcStream.
  self writeChunk: crcStream.
  form isColorForm
  [crcStream resetToStart.
  self writeTRNSChunkOn: crcStream.
  self writeChunk: crcStream]].
  form depth = 16
  [crcStream resetToStart.
  self writeSBITChunkOn: crcStream.
  self writeChunk: crcStream].
  crcStream resetToStart.
  self writeIDATChunkOn: crcStream.
  self writeChunk: crcStream.
  crcStream resetToStart.
  self writeIENDChunkOn: crcStream.
  self writeChunk: crcStream!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Win32WindowProxy class>>isActiveHostWindowProxyClass (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  "Am I active?"
+ ^Smalltalk platformName  = 'Win32'!
- ^SmalltalkImage current platformName  = 'Win32'!