The Trunk: Graphics-fbs.278.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-fbs.278.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-fbs.278
Author: fbs
Time: 22 November 2013, 5:48:51.268 pm
UUID: deedd03f-88b2-6146-b1d4-ed24ac37d30f
Ancestors: Graphics-fbs.277

Methods involving writing to change sets belong in the change sets package - System-Changes.

=============== Diff against Graphics-fbs.277 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextStyle class>>writeSF2FamilyNamed:inDirectory:toChangeSet: (in category 'mime file in/out') -----
- writeSF2FamilyNamed: familyName inDirectory: directoryName toChangeSet: csName
- "
- TextStyle writeSF2FamilyNamed: 'Accuny' inDirectory: 'AccunyCorrectedFeb252004Beta Folder' toChangeSet: 'AccunyInstall'.
- "
- |  family |
- family := OrderedCollection new.
- family addAll: (StrikeFont readStrikeFont2Family: familyName fromDirectory: (FileDirectory default fullNameFor: directoryName)) .
- family do: [:f | f reset].
- self
- writeStyle: (TextStyle fontArray: family asArray)
- named: familyName
- toChangeSet: csName!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextStyle class>>writeStyle:named:toChangeSet: (in category 'mime file in/out') -----
- writeStyle: aTextStyle named: familyName toChangeSet: csName
- "Write the text style to a change set, with a postscript that will re-load it.
- NOTE: to do TTCFonts, you have to have a working ShortPointArray endianness conversion."
- "
- TTCFont recreateCache.
- TextStyle writeStyle: (TextStyle named: #Arial) named: 'Arial' toChangeSet: 'ArialInstall'.
- TextStyle writeStyle: (TextStyle named: #Accuny) named: 'Accuny' toChangeSet: 'AccunyInstall2'.
- "
- | cs mimeStream |
- cs := ChangeSet basicNewNamed: csName.
- cs adoptSelector: #collectionFromCompressedMIMEString: forClass: self class.
- cs adoptSelector: #replaceStyle:with: forClass: self class.
- cs adoptSelector: #replaceFontsIn:with: forClass: self class.
- cs adoptSelector: #looseFontsFromFamily: forClass: self class.
- ((aTextStyle fontArray copyWithout: nil) collect: [ :f | f class ]) asSet do: [ :cls  |
- cs adoptSelector: #derivativeFonts forClass: cls.
- cs adoptSelector: #releaseCachedState forClass: cls ].
- cs preambleString: (String streamContents: [ :s |
- s nextPutAll: '"Change Set: '; nextPutAll: csName; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'Date: '; print: Date today; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'Author: '; nextPutAll: Utilities authorName; cr; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'Installs the text style '''; nextPutAll: familyName; nextPutAll: ''''; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'from a compressed MIME encoding in the postscript."'; cr. ]).
- mimeStream := aTextStyle compressedMIMEEncodedStream.
- cs postscriptString: (String streamContents: [ :s | s
- nextPutAll: '"Postscript:'; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'Install the text style from the compressed MIME encoding, and replace the old one.';
- nextPut: $"; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'TextConstants at: #';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: ' ifPresent: [ :oldStyle | TextConstants at: #';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: 'OLD put: oldStyle. TextConstants removeKey: #';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: ' ].';
- cr;
- nextPutAll: 'TextStyle collectionFromCompressedMIMEString: ';
- cr;
- print: mimeStream contents;
- nextPut: $.; cr; cr;
- nextPutAll: 'TextConstants at: #';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: 'OLD ifPresent: [ :oldStyle | TextStyle replaceStyle: oldStyle with: (TextStyle named: ''';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: ''') ].';
- cr;
- nextPutAll: 'TextStyle replaceFontsIn: (TextStyle looseFontsFromFamily: ''';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: ''') with: (TextStyle named: ''';
- nextPutAll: familyName;
- nextPutAll: ''').';
- cr ]).
- cs fileOut.
- !