Laura Perez Cerrato uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-lpc.350 Author: lpc Time: 15 June 2016, 2:00:37.274582 pm UUID: 5d02a1bd-65f6-469c-b8b5-456e1dfef5eb Ancestors: Graphics-mt.349 Support for both the current version and the new version of JPEGReadWriter2Plugin =============== Diff against Graphics-mt.349 =============== Item was changed: Form subclass: #ColorForm instanceVariableNames: 'colors cachedDepth cachedColormap' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Graphics-Display Objects'! + ColorForm class + instanceVariableNames: 'grayScalePalette'! !ColorForm commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! ColorForm is a normal Form plus a color map of up to 2^depth Colors. Typically, one reserves one entry in the color map for transparent. This allows 1, 3, 15, or 255 non-transparent colors in ColorForms of depths 1, 2, 4, and 8 bits per pixel. ColorForms don't support depths greater than 8 bits because that would require excessively large color maps with little real benefit, since 16-bit and 32-bit depths already support thousands and millions of colors. ColorForms have several uses: 1) Precise colors. You can have up to 256 true colors, instead being limited to the 8-bit color palette. 2) Easy transparency. Just store (Color transparent) at the desired position in the color map. 3) Cheap color remapping by changing the color map. A color map is an Array of up to 2^depth Color objects. A Bitmap colorMap is automatically computed and cached for rapid display. Note that if you change the color map, you must resubmit it via the colors: method to flush this cache. ColorForms can be a bit tricky. Note that: a) When you BitBlt from one ColorForm to another, you must remember to copy the color map of the source ColorForm to the destination ColorForm. b) A ColorForm's color map is an array of depth-independent Color objects. BitBlt requires a BitMap of actual pixel values, adjusted to the destination depth. These are different things!! ColorForms automatically maintain a cache of the BitBlt-style color map corresponding to the colors array for the last depth on which the ColorForm was displayed, so there should be little need for clients to work with BitBlt-style color maps. c) The default map for 8 bit depth has black in the first entry, not transparent. Say (cform colors at: 1 put: Color transparent). ! + ColorForm class + instanceVariableNames: 'grayScalePalette'! Item was added: + ----- Method: ColorForm class>>grayScalePalette (in category 'constants') ----- + grayScalePalette + grayScalePalette ifNil: [ + grayScalePalette := (0 to: 255) collect: [:brightness | Color gray: brightness asFloat / 255.0]. + grayScalePalette at: 1 put: Color transparent]. + ^ grayScalePalette! Item was added: + ----- Method: ColorForm>>isGrayScale (in category 'testing') ----- + isGrayScale + ^ self colors = ColorForm grayScalePalette.! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>asGrayScale (in category 'converting') ----- asGrayScale "Assume the receiver is a grayscale image. Return a grayscale ColorForm computed by extracting the brightness levels of one color component. This technique allows a 32-bit Form to be converted to an 8-bit ColorForm to save space while retaining a full 255 levels of gray. (The usual colormapping technique quantizes to 8, 16, or 32 levels, which loses information.)" + | f32 srcForm result map bb | - | f32 srcForm result map bb grays | self depth = 32 ifFalse: [ f32 := Form extent: width@height depth: 32. self displayOn: f32. ^ f32 asGrayScale]. self unhibernate. srcForm := Form extent: (width * 4)@height depth: 8. srcForm bits: bits. result := ColorForm extent: width@height depth: 8. map := Bitmap new: 256. 2 to: 256 do: [:i | map at: i put: i - 1]. map at: 1 put: 1. "map zero pixel values to near-black" bb := (BitBlt toForm: result) sourceForm: srcForm; combinationRule: Form over; colorMap: map. 0 to: width - 1 do: [:dstX | bb sourceRect: (((dstX * 4) + 2)@0 extent: 1@height); destOrigin: dstX@0; copyBits]. "final BitBlt to zero-out pixels that were truely transparent in the original" map := Bitmap new: 512. map at: 1 put: 16rFF. (BitBlt toForm: result) sourceForm: self; sourceRect: self boundingBox; destOrigin: 0@0; combinationRule: Form erase; colorMap: map; copyBits. + + result colors: ColorForm grayScalePalette. - grays := (0 to: 255) collect: [:brightness | Color gray: brightness asFloat / 255.0]. - grays at: 1 put: Color transparent. - result colors: grays. ^ result ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Form>>isGrayScale (in category 'testing') ----- + isGrayScale + ^ false! Item was changed: ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>compress:quality: (in category 'public access') ----- compress: aForm quality: quality + "Encode the given Form and answer the compressed ByteArray. Quality goes from 0 (low) to 100 (high), where -1 means default. + We can only compress: + * 32-bit deep Forms + * -32-bit deep Forms + * 16-bit deep Forms + * -16-bit deep Forms + * GrayScale ColorForms (see #isGrayScale)" - "Encode the given Form and answer the compressed ByteArray. Quality goes from 0 (low) to 100 (high), where -1 means default." - | sourceForm jpegCompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct buffer byteCount | + aForm unhibernate. + + sourceForm := self supports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs + ifTrue: [ + (aForm depth = 32) | (aForm depth = 16) | (aForm isGrayScale) + ifTrue: [aForm] + ifFalse: [aForm asFormOfDepth: 32 ]] + ifFalse: [ + (aForm nativeDepth > 0) & ((aForm depth = 32) | ((aForm depth = 16) & (aForm width even))) + ifTrue: [aForm] + ifFalse: [aForm asFormOfDepth: 32 ]]. + - "odd width images of depth 16 give problems; avoid them." - sourceForm := (aForm depth = 32) | (aForm width even & (aForm depth = 16)) - ifTrue: [aForm] - ifFalse: [aForm asFormOfDepth: 32]. jpegCompressStruct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGCompressStructSize. jpegErrorMgr2Struct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGErrorMgr2StructSize. buffer := ByteArray new: sourceForm width * sourceForm height + 1024. byteCount := self primJPEGWriteImage: jpegCompressStruct onByteArray: buffer form: sourceForm quality: quality progressiveJPEG: false errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. byteCount = 0 ifTrue: [self error: 'buffer too small for compressed data']. ^ buffer copyFrom: 1 to: byteCount ! Item was changed: ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>nextImageSuggestedDepth: (in category 'public access') ----- + nextImageSuggestedDepth: suggestedDepth + "Decode and answer a Form of the given depth from my stream. Close the stream if it is a file stream. + We can read RGB JPEGs into: + * 32-bit Forms + * -32-bit Forms + * 16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + * -16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + We can read grayscale JPEGs into: + * 32-bit Forms + * -32-bit Forms + * 16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + * -16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + * 8-bit grayScale ColorForms (see #isGrayScale) + * -8-bit grayScale ColorForms (see #isGrayScale)" - nextImageSuggestedDepth: depth - "Decode and answer a Form of the given depth from my stream. Close the stream if it is a file stream. Possible depths are 16-bit and 32-bit." + | bytes width height components form jpegDecompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct | - | bytes width height form jpegDecompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct depthToUse | bytes := stream upToEnd. stream close. jpegDecompressStruct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGDecompressStructSize. jpegErrorMgr2Struct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGErrorMgr2StructSize. self primJPEGReadHeader: jpegDecompressStruct fromByteArray: bytes errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. width := self primImageWidth: jpegDecompressStruct. height := self primImageHeight: jpegDecompressStruct. + components := self primImageNumComponents: jpegDecompressStruct. + form := + self supports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs + ifTrue: [ + components = 3 + ifTrue: [ Form extent: width@height depth: suggestedDepth ] + ifFalse: [ (Form extent: width@height depth: suggestedDepth) asGrayScale ]] + ifFalse: [ + Form + extent: width@height + depth: + (suggestedDepth = 32 + ifTrue: [ 32 ] + ifFalse: [ + ((suggestedDepth = 16) & (width even)) + ifTrue: [ 16 ] + ifFalse: [ 32 ]])]. + - "Odd width images of depth 16 gave problems. Avoid them (or check carefully!!)" - depthToUse := ((depth = 32) | width odd) ifTrue: [32] ifFalse: [16]. - form := Form extent: width@height depth: depthToUse. - (width = 0 or: [height = 0]) ifTrue: [^ form]. self primJPEGReadImage: jpegDecompressStruct fromByteArray: bytes onForm: form doDithering: true errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. + ^ form! - ^ form - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>nextPutImage:quality:progressiveJPEG: (in category 'public access') ----- nextPutImage: aForm quality: quality progressiveJPEG: progressiveFlag + "Encode the given Form on my stream with the given settings. Quality goes from 0 (low) to 100 (high), where -1 means default. If progressiveFlag is true, encode as a progressive JPEG. + We can compress: + * 32-bit deep Forms + * -32-bit deep Forms + * 16-bit deep + * -16-bit deep + * GrayScale ColorForms (see #isGrayScale)" - "Encode the given Form on my stream with the given settings. Quality goes from 0 (low) to 100 (high), where -1 means default. If progressiveFlag is true, encode as a progressive JPEG." | sourceForm jpegCompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct buffer byteCount | + aForm unhibernate. + + sourceForm := self supports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs + ifTrue: [ + (aForm depth = 32) | (aForm depth = 16) | (aForm isGrayScale) + ifTrue: [aForm] + ifFalse: [aForm asFormOfDepth: 32 ]] + ifFalse: [ + (aForm nativeDepth > 0) & ((aForm depth = 32) | ((aForm depth = 16) & (aForm width even))) + ifTrue: [aForm] + ifFalse: [aForm asFormOfDepth: 32 ]]. + - "odd width images of depth 16 give problems; avoid them." - sourceForm := (aForm depth = 32) | (aForm width even & (aForm depth = 16)) - ifTrue: [aForm] - ifFalse: [aForm asFormOfDepth: 32]. jpegCompressStruct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGCompressStructSize. jpegErrorMgr2Struct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGErrorMgr2StructSize. buffer := ByteArray new: sourceForm width * sourceForm height + 1024. "Try to write the image. Retry with a larger buffer if needed." [ byteCount := self primJPEGWriteImage: jpegCompressStruct onByteArray: buffer form: sourceForm quality: quality progressiveJPEG: progressiveFlag errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. byteCount = 0 and: [ buffer size < (sourceForm width * sourceForm height * 3 + 1024) ] ] whileTrue: [ buffer := ByteArray new: buffer size * 2 ]. byteCount = 0 ifTrue: [ self error: 'buffer too small for compressed data' ]. stream next: byteCount putAll: buffer startingAt: 1. self close. ! Item was added: + ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>primImageNumComponents: (in category 'primitives') ----- + primImageNumComponents: aJPEGDecompressStruct + + <primitive: 'primImageNumComponents' module: 'JPEGReadWriter2Plugin'> + ^ 3! Item was added: + ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>primSupports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs (in category 'primitives') ----- + primSupports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs + <primitive: 'primSupports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs' module: 'JPEGReadWriter2Plugin'> + ^ false! Item was added: + ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>supports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs (in category 'testing') ----- + supports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs + ^ self primSupports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs! Item was changed: ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>uncompress:into: (in category 'public access') ----- uncompress: aByteArray into: aForm + ^ self uncompress: aByteArray into: aForm doDithering: true - "Uncompress an image from the given ByteArray into the given Form. - Fails if the given Form has the wrong dimensions or depth. - If aForm has depth 16, do ordered dithering." - - | jpegDecompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct w h | - aForm unhibernate. - jpegDecompressStruct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGDecompressStructSize. - jpegErrorMgr2Struct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGErrorMgr2StructSize. - self - primJPEGReadHeader: jpegDecompressStruct - fromByteArray: aByteArray - errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. - w := self primImageWidth: jpegDecompressStruct. - h := self primImageHeight: jpegDecompressStruct. - ((aForm width = w) & (aForm height = h)) ifFalse: [ - ^ self error: 'form dimensions do not match']. - - "odd width images of depth 16 give problems; avoid them" - w odd - ifTrue: [ - aForm depth = 32 ifFalse: [^ self error: 'must use depth 32 with odd width']] - ifFalse: [ - ((aForm depth = 16) | (aForm depth = 32)) ifFalse: [^ self error: 'must use depth 16 or 32']]. - - self primJPEGReadImage: jpegDecompressStruct - fromByteArray: aByteArray - onForm: aForm - doDithering: true - errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: JPEGReadWriter2>>uncompress:into:doDithering: (in category 'public access') ----- uncompress: aByteArray into: aForm doDithering: ditherFlag "Uncompress an image from the given ByteArray into the given Form. Fails if the given Form has the wrong dimensions or depth. + We can read RGB JPEGs into: + * 32-bit Forms + * -32-bit Forms + * 16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + * -16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + We can read grayscale JPEGs into: + * 32-bit Forms + * -32-bit Forms + * 16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + * -16-bit Forms (with or without dithering!!) + * 8-bit grayScale ColorForms (see #isGrayScale) + * -8-bit grayScale ColorForms (see #isGrayScale)" - If aForm has depth 16 and ditherFlag = true, do ordered dithering." + | jpegDecompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct width height components | + - | jpegDecompressStruct jpegErrorMgr2Struct w h | aForm unhibernate. + jpegDecompressStruct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGDecompressStructSize. jpegErrorMgr2Struct := ByteArray new: self primJPEGErrorMgr2StructSize. self primJPEGReadHeader: jpegDecompressStruct fromByteArray: aByteArray errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. + width := self primImageWidth: jpegDecompressStruct. + height := self primImageHeight: jpegDecompressStruct. + components := self primImageNumComponents: jpegDecompressStruct. + + ((aForm width = width) & (aForm height = height)) ifFalse: [ + ^ self error: 'form dimensions do not match' ]. + self supports8BitGrayscaleJPEGs - w := self primImageWidth: jpegDecompressStruct. - h := self primImageHeight: jpegDecompressStruct. - ((aForm width = w) & (aForm height = h)) ifFalse: [ - ^ self error: 'form dimensions do not match']. - - "odd width images of depth 16 give problems; avoid them" - w odd ifTrue: [ + components = 3 + ifTrue: [ + aForm depth = 8 + ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'Cannot uncompress multi-channel JPEGs into 8-bit deep forms' ]]. + components = 1 + ifTrue: [ + aForm depth = 8 + ifTrue: [ + aForm isGrayScale + ifFalse: [ ^ self error: 'Cannot uncompress single-channel JPEGs into 8-bit deep forms that are not grayscale' ]]]] + - aForm depth = 32 ifFalse: [^ self error: 'must use depth 32 with odd width']] ifFalse: [ + aForm nativeDepth < 0 + ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'Current plugin version doesn''t support uncompressing JPEGs into little-endian forms' ] + ifFalse: [ + aForm depth = 16 + ifTrue: [ + width odd + ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'Current plugin version doesn''t support uncompressing JPEGs with an odd width into 16-bit deep forms' ]]. + aForm depth = 8 + ifTrue: [ ^ self error: 'Current plugin version doesn''t support uncompressing JPEGs into 8-bit deep forms' ]]]. - ((aForm depth = 16) | (aForm depth = 32)) ifFalse: [^ self error: 'must use depth 16 or 32']]. self primJPEGReadImage: jpegDecompressStruct fromByteArray: aByteArray onForm: aForm doDithering: ditherFlag errorMgr: jpegErrorMgr2Struct. ! |
Laura, great to see this. Thank you for your energy!! and welcome. On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 10:01 AM, <[hidden email]> wrote: Laura Perez Cerrato uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: _,,,^..^,,,_ best, Eliot |
In reply to this post by commits-2
Welcome in the team! :)
Best, Marcel |
In reply to this post by commits-2
On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 05:01:36PM +0000, [hidden email] wrote:
> Laura Perez Cerrato uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: > > Yay! Thank you Laura for your contributions. Dave |
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