Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-mt.324
Author: mt
Time: 16 February 2016, 10:24:09.864748 am
UUID: 9befc2f9-db61-4439-8c2e-8658aa43d262
Ancestors: Graphics-mt.323
Remove last sender of #mousePoint.
=============== Diff against Graphics-mt.323 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Pen>>web (in category 'geometric designs') -----
web "Display restoreAfter: [Pen new web]"
"Draw pretty web-like patterns from the mouse movement on the screen.
Press the mouse button to draw, option-click to exit.
By Dan Ingalls and Mark Lentczner. "
| history newPoint ancientPoint lastPoint filter color |
"self erase."
color := 1.
[ history := OrderedCollection new.
Sensor waitButton.
Sensor yellowButtonPressed ifTrue: [^ self].
+ filter := lastPoint := Sensor cursorPoint.
- filter := lastPoint := Sensor mousePoint.
20 timesRepeat: [ history addLast: lastPoint ].
self color: (color := color + 1).
[ Sensor redButtonPressed ] whileTrue:
+ [ newPoint := Sensor cursorPoint.
- [ newPoint := Sensor mousePoint.
(newPoint = lastPoint) ifFalse:
[ ancientPoint := history removeFirst.
filter := filter * 4 + newPoint // 5.
self place: filter.
self goto: ancientPoint.
lastPoint := newPoint.
history addLast: filter ] ] ] repeat!