The Trunk: Graphics-nice.113.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-nice.113.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.113
Author: nice
Time: 28 February 2010, 6:37:28.701 pm
UUID: fa40a087-21c7-2e4c-a915-c64f82bfcd09
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.112

Fix endOfRun and crossedX encodings in paragraph composition - Part 2

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.112 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>basicScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
  basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
  "Primitive. This is the inner loop of text display--but see
  scanCharactersFrom: to:rightX: which would get the string,
  stopConditions and displaying from the instance. March through source
  String from startIndex to stopIndex. If any character is flagged with a
  non-nil entry in stops, then return the corresponding value. Determine
  width of each character from xTable, indexed by map.
  If dextX would exceed rightX, then return stops at: 258.
  Advance destX by the width of the character. If stopIndex has been
  reached, then return stops at: 257. Optional.
  See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."
  | ascii nextDestX char  floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextChar atEndOfRun |
  <primitive: 103>
  lastIndex := startIndex.
  floatDestX := destX.
  widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
  atEndOfRun := false.
  [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
  [char := (sourceString at: lastIndex).
  ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
  (stops at: ascii) == nil ifFalse: [^stops at: ascii].
  "Note: The following is querying the font about the width
  since the primitive may have failed due to a non-trivial
  mapping of characters to glyphs or a non-existing xTable."
  nextChar := (lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex)
  ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
  atEndOfRun := true.
  "if there is a next char in sourceString, then get the kern
  and store it in pendingKernX"
  lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
  ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
  ifFalse:[ nil]].
  widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
  right: nextChar
  into: widthAndKernedWidth.
  nextDestX := floatDestX + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^stops crossedX].
- nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^stops at: CrossedX].
  floatDestX := floatDestX + kernDelta + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
  pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2) - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
  floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
  destX := floatDestX.
  lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
  lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^stops endOfRun!
- ^stops at: EndOfRun!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
  scanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
  | startEncoding selector |
  (sourceString isByteString) ifTrue: [^ self basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta.].
  (sourceString isWideString) ifTrue: [
+ startIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops endOfRun].
- startIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops at: EndOfRun].
  startEncoding :=  (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
  selector := EncodedCharSet scanSelectorAt: startEncoding.
  ^ self perform: selector withArguments: (Array with: startIndex with: stopIndex with: sourceString with: rightX with: stops with: kernDelta).
+ ^ stops endOfRun
- ^ stops at: EndOfRun

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanMultiCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
  scanMultiCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
  | ascii encoding f nextDestX startEncoding |
  lastIndex := startIndex.
+ lastIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops endOfRun].
- lastIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops at: EndOfRun].
  startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
  font ifNil: [font := (TextConstants at: #DefaultMultiStyle) fontArray at: 1].
  ((font isMemberOf: StrikeFontSet) or: [font isKindOf: TTCFontSet]) ifTrue: [
  f := font fontArray at: startEncoding + 1.
  spaceWidth := f widthOf: Space.
  [lastIndex <= stopIndex] whileTrue: [
  encoding := (sourceString at: lastIndex) leadingChar.
+ encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stops endOfRun].
- encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stops at: EndOfRun].
  ascii := (sourceString at: lastIndex) charCode.
  (encoding = 0 and: [ascii < 256 and:[(stops at: ascii + 1) notNil]])
  ifTrue: [^ stops at: ascii + 1].
  nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: (sourceString at: lastIndex)).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^ stops crossedX].
- nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^ stops at: CrossedX].
  destX := nextDestX + kernDelta.
  "destX printString displayAt: 0@(lastIndex*20)."
  lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.
  lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^ stops endOfRun!
- ^ stops at: EndOfRun!

Item was changed:
  (PackageInfo named: 'Graphics') postscript: '"below, add code to be run after the loading of this package"
+ StrikeFont installDejaVu.'!
- StrikeFont installDejaVu.
- CharacterScanner initialize.'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanJapaneseCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
  scanJapaneseCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
  | ascii encoding f nextDestX startEncoding |
  lastIndex := startIndex.
+ lastIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops endOfRun].
- lastIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops at: EndOfRun].
  startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
  font ifNil: [font := (TextConstants at: #DefaultMultiStyle) fontArray at: 1].
  ((font isMemberOf: StrikeFontSet) or: [font isKindOf: TTCFontSet]) ifTrue: [
  f := font fontArray at: startEncoding + 1.
  spaceWidth := f widthOf: Space.
  [lastIndex <= stopIndex] whileTrue: [
  encoding := (sourceString at: lastIndex) leadingChar.
+ encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stops endOfRun].
- encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stops at: EndOfRun].
  ascii := (sourceString at: lastIndex) charCode.
  (encoding = 0 and: [ascii < 256 and:[(stops at: ascii + 1) notNil]])
  ifTrue: [^ stops at: ascii + 1].
  nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: (sourceString at: lastIndex)).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^ stops crossedX].
- nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^ stops at: CrossedX].
  destX := nextDestX + kernDelta.
  "destX printString displayAt: 0@(lastIndex*20)."
  lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.
  lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^ stops endOfRun!
- ^ stops at: EndOfRun!