Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-nice.140 Author: nice Time: 25 June 2010, 11:09:20.113 pm UUID: a1f90174-88db-499e-858e-5e58b7222015 Ancestors: Graphics-cmm.138 Replace some underscore assignments... =============== Diff against Graphics-cmm.138 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: PNMReadWriter>>nextImage (in category 'reading') ----- nextImage "read one image" | data p | first ifNil:[ + first := false. + data := stream contentsOfEntireFile. + stream := (RWBinaryOrTextStream with: data) reset. - first _ false. - data _ stream contentsOfEntireFile. - stream _ (RWBinaryOrTextStream with: data) reset. ] ifNotNil:[ type < 4 ifTrue:[ self error:'Plain PBM, PGM or PPM have only one image' ]. ]. stream ascii. + p := stream next. + type := (stream next) asInteger - 48. - p _ stream next. - type _ (stream next) asInteger - 48. (p = $P and:[type > 0 and:[type < 8]]) ifFalse:[ self error:'Not a PNM file' ]. type = 7 ifTrue:[ self readHeaderPAM ] ifFalse: [ self readHeader ]. type caseOf: { [1] -> [^self readPlainBW]. [2] -> [^self readPlainGray]. [3] -> [^self readPlainRGB]. [4] -> [^self readBWreverse: false]. [5] -> [^self readGray]. [6] -> [^self readRGB]. [7] -> [ "PAM" (tupleType asUppercase) caseOf: { ['BLACKANDWHITE'] -> [^self readBWreverse: true]. ['GRAYSCALE'] -> [^self readGray]. ['RGB'] -> [^self readRGB]. ['RGB_ALPHA'] -> [^self error:'Not implemented']. ['GRAYSCALE_ALPHA'] -> [^self error:'Not implemented']. } otherwise: [^self readData]. ] }! Item was changed: ----- Method: BDFFontReader>>read (in category 'reading') ----- read | xTable strikeWidth glyphs ascent descent minAscii maxAscii maxWidth chars charsNum height form encoding bbx array width blt lastAscii pointSize ret stream | + form := encoding := bbx := nil. - form _ encoding _ bbx _ nil. self readAttributes. + height := Integer readFromString: ((properties at: #FONTBOUNDINGBOX) at: 2). + ascent := Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_ASCENT' asSymbol) first. + descent := Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_DESCENT' asSymbol) first. + pointSize := (Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'POINT_SIZE' asSymbol) first) // 10. - height _ Integer readFromString: ((properties at: #FONTBOUNDINGBOX) at: 2). - ascent _ Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_ASCENT' asSymbol) first. - descent _ Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_DESCENT' asSymbol) first. - pointSize _ (Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'POINT_SIZE' asSymbol) first) // 10. + maxWidth := 0. + minAscii := 9999. + strikeWidth := 0. + maxAscii := 0. - maxWidth _ 0. - minAscii _ 9999. - strikeWidth _ 0. - maxAscii _ 0. + charsNum := Integer readFromString: (properties at: #CHARS) first. + chars := Set new: charsNum. - charsNum _ Integer readFromString: (properties at: #CHARS) first. - chars _ Set new: charsNum. 1 to: charsNum do: [:i | + array := self readOneCharacter. + stream := ReadStream on: array. + form := stream next. + encoding := stream next. + bbx := stream next. - array _ self readOneCharacter. - stream _ ReadStream on: array. - form _ stream next. - encoding _ stream next. - bbx _ stream next. form ifNotNil: [ + width := bbx at: 1. + maxWidth := maxWidth max: width. + minAscii := minAscii min: encoding. + maxAscii := maxAscii max: encoding. + strikeWidth := strikeWidth + width. - width _ bbx at: 1. - maxWidth _ maxWidth max: width. - minAscii _ minAscii min: encoding. - maxAscii _ maxAscii max: encoding. - strikeWidth _ strikeWidth + width. chars add: array. ]. ]. + chars := chars asSortedCollection: [:x :y | (x at: 2) <= (y at: 2)]. + charsNum := chars size. "undefined encodings make this different" - chars _ chars asSortedCollection: [:x :y | (x at: 2) <= (y at: 2)]. - charsNum _ chars size. "undefined encodings make this different" charsNum > 256 ifTrue: [ "it should be 94x94 charset, and should be fixed width font" + strikeWidth := 94*94*maxWidth. + maxAscii := 94*94. + minAscii := 0. + xTable := XTableForFixedFont new. - strikeWidth _ 94*94*maxWidth. - maxAscii _ 94*94. - minAscii _ 0. - xTable _ XTableForFixedFont new. xTable maxAscii: 94*94. xTable width: maxWidth. ] ifFalse: [ + xTable := (Array new: 258) atAllPut: 0. - xTable _ (Array new: 258) atAllPut: 0. ]. + glyphs := Form extent: strikeWidth@height. + blt := BitBlt toForm: glyphs. + lastAscii := 0. - glyphs _ Form extent: strikeWidth@height. - blt _ BitBlt toForm: glyphs. - lastAscii _ 0. charsNum > 256 ifTrue: [ 1 to: charsNum do: [:i | + stream := ReadStream on: (chars at: i). + form := stream next. + encoding := stream next. + bbx := stream next. + encoding := ((encoding // 256) - 33) * 94 + ((encoding \\ 256) - 33). - stream _ ReadStream on: (chars at: i). - form _ stream next. - encoding _ stream next. - bbx _ stream next. - encoding _ ((encoding // 256) - 33) * 94 + ((encoding \\ 256) - 33). blt copy: ((encoding * maxWidth)@0 extent: maxWidth@height) from: 0@0 in: form. ]. ] ifFalse: [ 1 to: charsNum do: [:i | + stream := ReadStream on: (chars at: i). + form := stream next. + encoding := stream next. + bbx := stream next. - stream _ ReadStream on: (chars at: i). - form _ stream next. - encoding _ stream next. - bbx _ stream next. lastAscii+1 to: encoding-1 do: [:a | xTable at: a+2 put: (xTable at: a+1)]. blt copy: (((xTable at: encoding+1)@(ascent - (bbx at: 2) - (bbx at: 4))) extent: (bbx at: 1)@(bbx at: 2)) from: 0@0 in: form. xTable at: encoding+2 put: (xTable at: encoding+1)+(bbx at: 1). + lastAscii := encoding. - lastAscii _ encoding. ] ]. + ret := Array new: 8. - ret _ Array new: 8. ret at: 1 put: xTable. ret at: 2 put: glyphs. ret at: 3 put: minAscii. ret at: 4 put: maxAscii. ret at: 5 put: maxWidth. ret at: 6 put: ascent. ret at: 7 put: descent. ret at: 8 put: pointSize. ^ret. " ^{xTable. glyphs. minAscii. maxAscii. maxWidth. ascent. descent. pointSize}" ! Item was changed: ----- Method: StrikeFont>>makeAssignArrow (in category 'make arrows') ----- makeAssignArrow "Replace the underline character with an arrow for this font" | arrowForm arrowCanvas arrowY arrowLeft arrowRight arrowHeadLength | + arrowForm := (self characterFormAt: $_) copy. + arrowCanvas := arrowForm getCanvas. - arrowForm _ (self characterFormAt: $_) copy. - arrowCanvas _ arrowForm getCanvas. arrowCanvas fillColor: Color white. + arrowY := arrowForm height // 2. + arrowLeft := 0. + arrowRight := arrowForm width - 2. + arrowHeadLength := (arrowRight - arrowLeft) * 2 // 5. - arrowY _ arrowForm height // 2. - arrowLeft _ 0. - arrowRight _ arrowForm width - 2. - arrowHeadLength _ (arrowRight - arrowLeft) * 2 // 5. "Draw the lines" arrowCanvas line: (arrowLeft@arrowY) to: (arrowRight@arrowY) color: Color black. arrowCanvas line: (arrowLeft@arrowY) to: ((arrowLeft + arrowHeadLength)@(arrowY - arrowHeadLength)) color: Color black. arrowCanvas line: (arrowLeft@arrowY) to: ((arrowLeft + arrowHeadLength)@(arrowY + arrowHeadLength)) color: Color black. "Replace the glyph" self characterFormAt: $_ put: arrowForm. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: XBMReadWriter>>readHeader (in category 'private') ----- readHeader "Set width and height, and position stream at start of bytes" | number setwidth setheight fieldName | + setwidth := setheight := false. - setwidth _ setheight _ false. [((stream atEnd) or: [setwidth and: [setheight]])] whileFalse: [ self skipCComments. (stream nextMatchAll: '#define ') ifFalse: [^ false]. (stream skipTo: $_) ifFalse: [^ false]. + fieldName := String streamContents: - fieldName _ String streamContents: [:source | [(stream atEnd) or: [ stream peek isSeparator ]] whileFalse: [ source nextPut: stream next]]. (fieldName = 'width') ifTrue: [ stream skipSeparators. + number := Integer readFrom: stream. - number _ Integer readFrom: stream. (number > 0) ifTrue: [setwidth _true]. + width := number.]. - width _ number.]. (fieldName = 'height') ifTrue: [ stream skipSeparators. + number := Integer readFrom: stream. + (number > 0) ifTrue: [setheight := true]. + height := number. - number _ Integer readFrom: stream. - (number > 0) ifTrue: [setheight _ true]. - height _ number. ]. ]. (setwidth & setheight) ifFalse: [^ false]. ^ stream skipTo: ${ ! Item was changed: ----- Method: PNGReadWriter class>>test1 (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- test1 "PNGReadWriter test1" | d0 d1 fileInfo book d2 f | + Debugging := true. - Debugging _ true. 1 = 1 ifTrue: [ + book := BookMorph new. - book _ BookMorph new. book setProperty: #transitionSpec toValue: {'silence'. #none. #none}. ]. + d0 := FileDirectory default. + d1 := d0 directoryNamed: 'PngSuite Folder'. + d2 := d0 directoryNamed: 'BIG PNG'. - d0 _ FileDirectory default. - d1 _ d0 directoryNamed: 'PngSuite Folder'. - d2 _ d0 directoryNamed: 'BIG PNG'. {d0. d1. d2}. "keep compiler quiet" "== citrus_none_sub.png citrus_adm7_adap.png citrus_adm7_aver.png citrus_adm7_non.png citrus_adm7_paeth.png pngs-img-ie5mac.png ==" + fileInfo := { - fileInfo _ { d2. {'citrus_adm7_adap.png'}. "d1. d1 fileNames." }. fileInfo pairsDo: [ :dir :fileNames | fileNames do: [ :each | | error data t | Transcript cr; show: each. + data := (dir fileNamed: each) contentsOfEntireFile. + error := ''. - data _ (dir fileNamed: each) contentsOfEntireFile. - error _ ''. MessageTally spyOn: [ + t := [ | result | + result := self createAFormFrom: data. - t _ [ | result | - result _ self createAFormFrom: data. f_ result first. + error := result second. - error _ result second. ] timeToRun.]. self insertMorph: f asMorph named: each into: book. Transcript show: each,' ',data size printString,' = ',t printString,' ms',error; cr. ]. ]. book ifNotNil: [book openInWorld]. + Debugging := false.! - Debugging _ false.! Item was changed: ----- Method: BDFFontReader>>readChars (in category 'reading') ----- readChars | strikeWidth ascent descent minAscii maxAscii maxWidth chars charsNum height form encoding bbx array width pointSize stream | + form := encoding := bbx := nil. - form _ encoding _ bbx _ nil. self readAttributes. + height := Integer readFromString: ((properties at: #FONTBOUNDINGBOX) at: 2). + ascent := Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_ASCENT' asSymbol) first. + descent := Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_DESCENT' asSymbol) first. + pointSize := (Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'POINT_SIZE' asSymbol) first) // 10. - height _ Integer readFromString: ((properties at: #FONTBOUNDINGBOX) at: 2). - ascent _ Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_ASCENT' asSymbol) first. - descent _ Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'FONT_DESCENT' asSymbol) first. - pointSize _ (Integer readFromString: (properties at: 'POINT_SIZE' asSymbol) first) // 10. + maxWidth := 0. + minAscii := 9999. + strikeWidth := 0. + maxAscii := 0. - maxWidth _ 0. - minAscii _ 9999. - strikeWidth _ 0. - maxAscii _ 0. + charsNum := Integer readFromString: (properties at: #CHARS) first. + chars := Set new: charsNum. - charsNum _ Integer readFromString: (properties at: #CHARS) first. - chars _ Set new: charsNum. 1 to: charsNum do: [:i | + array := self readOneCharacter. + stream := ReadStream on: array. + form := stream next. + encoding := stream next. + bbx := stream next. - array _ self readOneCharacter. - stream _ ReadStream on: array. - form _ stream next. - encoding _ stream next. - bbx _ stream next. form ifNotNil: [ + width := bbx at: 1. + maxWidth := maxWidth max: width. + minAscii := minAscii min: encoding. + maxAscii := maxAscii max: encoding. + strikeWidth := strikeWidth + width. - width _ bbx at: 1. - maxWidth _ maxWidth max: width. - minAscii _ minAscii min: encoding. - maxAscii _ maxAscii max: encoding. - strikeWidth _ strikeWidth + width. chars add: array. ]. ]. + chars := chars asSortedCollection: [:x :y | (x at: 2) <= (y at: 2)]. - chars _ chars asSortedCollection: [:x :y | (x at: 2) <= (y at: 2)]. ^ chars. ! |
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