The Trunk: Graphics-nice.235.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-nice.235.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.235
Author: nice
Time: 29 September 2013, 2:38:15.212 am
UUID: dc85806a-22af-482b-b058-88acc8259764
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.234

Correct this glitch: when a text was centered or right flush, clicking at the very left of text morph would incorrectly position the text cursor.

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.234 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>characterBlockAtPoint:index:in: (in category 'scanning') -----
  characterBlockAtPoint: aPoint index: index in: textLine
  "This method is the Morphic characterBlock finder.  It combines
+ MVC's characterBlockAtPoint:, -ForIndex:, and buildCharacterBlockIn:"
- MVC's characterBlockAtPoint:, -ForIndex:, and buildCharcterBlock:in:"
  | runLength lineStop stopCondition |
  line := textLine.
  rightMargin := line rightMargin.
  lastIndex := line first.
  self setStopConditions. "also sets font"
  characterIndex := index.  " == nil means scanning for point"
  characterPoint := aPoint.
  (characterPoint isNil or: [characterPoint y > line bottom])
  ifTrue: [characterPoint := line bottomRight].
+ destX := leftMargin := line leftMarginForAlignment: alignment.
+ destY := line top.
+ (text isEmpty or: [(characterPoint y < destY or: [characterPoint x < destX])
- (text isEmpty or: [(characterPoint y < line top or: [characterPoint x < line left])
  or: [characterIndex notNil and: [characterIndex < line first]]])
  ifTrue: [^ (CharacterBlock new stringIndex: line first text: text
+ topLeft: destX@destY extent: 0 @ textStyle lineGrid)
- topLeft: line leftMargin@line top extent: 0 @ textStyle lineGrid)
  textLine: line].
- destX := leftMargin := line leftMarginForAlignment: alignment.
- destY := line top.
  runLength := text runLengthFor: line first.
  lineStop := characterIndex "scanning for index"
  ifNil: [ line last ]. "scanning for point"
  runStopIndex := lastIndex + (runLength - 1) min: lineStop.
  lastCharacterExtent := 0 @ line lineHeight.
  spaceCount := 0.
  stopCondition := self scanCharactersFrom: lastIndex to: runStopIndex
  in: text string rightX: characterPoint x
  stopConditions: stopConditions kern: kern.
  "see setStopConditions for stopping conditions for character block operations."
  self lastCharacterExtentSetX: (specialWidth
  ifNil: [font widthOf: (text at: lastIndex)]
  ifNotNil: [specialWidth]).
  self perform: stopCondition
  ] whileFalse.
  ifNil: [
  "Result for characterBlockAtPoint: "
  (stopCondition ~~ #cr and: [ lastIndex == line last
  and: [ aPoint x > ((characterPoint x) + (lastCharacterExtent x / 2)) ]])
  ifTrue: [ "Correct for right half of last character in line"
  ^ (CharacterBlock new stringIndex: lastIndex + 1
  text: text
  topLeft: characterPoint + (lastCharacterExtent x @ 0) + (font descentKern @ 0)
  extent:  0 @ lastCharacterExtent y)
  textLine: line ].
  ^ (CharacterBlock new
  stringIndex: lastIndex
  text: text topLeft: characterPoint + (font descentKern @ 0)
  extent: lastCharacterExtent - (font baseKern @ 0))
  textLine: line]
  ifNotNil: ["Result for characterBlockForIndex: "
  ^ (CharacterBlock new
  stringIndex: characterIndex
  text: text topLeft: characterPoint + ((font descentKern) - kern @ 0)
  extent: lastCharacterExtent)
  textLine: line]!