The Trunk: Graphics-nice.254.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-nice.254.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.254
Author: nice
Time: 6 October 2013, 11:42:25.53 pm
UUID: 50c35c24-a1dd-4a24-af58-722e212b41ac
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.253

TextPrinter is designed for MVC, give it back to ST80.
Attempt to comment the CharacterScanner hierarchy in more details.
Move wantsColumnBreaks: where it belongs to: CompositionScanner.
** Note that I did not dare moving the instance variable, I'm a bit coward wrt MC experimentations.

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.253 ===============

Item was changed:
  CharacterScanner subclass: #CharacterBlockScanner
  instanceVariableNames: 'characterPoint characterIndex nextLeftMargin specialWidth lastCharacterWidth'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Graphics-Text'!
+ !CharacterBlockScanner commentStamp: 'nice 10/6/2013 22:04' prior: 0!
+ A CharacterScanner does scan text to compute the CharacterBlock for a character specified by its index in the text or its proximity to the cursor location. The CharacterBlock stores information both about character layout and character index in the text.
+ This class is essential for selecting text with the mouse or with arrow keys.
+ Instance Variables
+ characterIndex: <Integer | nil>
+ characterPoint: <Point>
+ lastCharacterWidth: <Number | nil>
+ nextLeftMargin: <Number>
+ specialWidth: <Number | nil>
+ characterIndex
+ - the index of character for which the layout information is searched, or nil when the layout is searched by cursor location
+ characterPoint
+ - the cursor location for which nearest character index and layout are searched.
+ lastCharacterWidth
+ - a number indicating the width of last character being processed.
+ Note that this variable is left to nil during the inner scan loop, and only set on stopConditions.
+ nextLeftMargin
+ - a number specifying the distance between left of composition zone and left of first character for the next line.
+ specialWidth
+ - a number holding the width of an embedded object if any, or nil if none.
+ !
- !CharacterBlockScanner commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- My instances are used to scan text to compute the CharacterBlock for a character specified by its index in the text or its proximity to the cursor location.!

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #CharacterScanner
  instanceVariableNames: 'destX lastIndex destY stopConditions text textStyle alignment leftMargin rightMargin font line runStopIndex spaceCount spaceWidth emphasisCode kern indentationLevel wantsColumnBreaks pendingKernX'
  classVariableNames: 'ColumnBreakStopConditions CompositionStopConditions DefaultStopConditions MeasuringStopConditions PaddedSpaceCondition'
  poolDictionaries: 'TextConstants'
  category: 'Graphics-Text'!
+ !CharacterScanner commentStamp: 'nice 10/6/2013 23:18' prior: 0!
+ A CharacterScanner holds the state associated with scanning text. Subclasses scan characters for specified purposes, such as computing a CharacterBlock or placing characters into Forms.
+ Instance Variables
+ alignment: <Integer>
+ destX: <Number>
+ destY: <Number>
+ emphasisCode: <Object>
+ font: <AbstractFont>
+ indentationLevel: <Integer>
+ kern: <Number>
+ lastIndex: <Integer>
+ leftMargin: <Number>
+ line: <TextLine>
+ pendingKernX: <Number>
+ rightMargin: <Number>
+ runStopIndex: <Integer>
+ spaceCount: <Integer>
+ spaceWidth: <Number>
+ stopConditions: <TextStopConditions>
+ text: <Text>
+ textStyle: <TextStyle>
+ wantsColumnBreaks: <Boolean>
+ alignment
+ - an Integer encoding the alignment of text
+ destX
+ - horizontal position for next character (distance from left of composition area)
+ destY
+ - vertical position for next character (distance from top of composition area)
+ emphasisCode
+ - an Integer encoding the current text emphasis to use (bold, italic, ...)
+ font
+ - the current font used for measuring/composing/displaying characters
+ indentationLevel
+ - an Integer specifying a number of leading tabs to be inserted at beginning of new lines
+ kern
+ - a Number specifying additional horizontal spacing to place between characters (spacing is reduced when kern is negative)
+ lastIndex
+ - the Integer index of next character to be processed in the text
+ leftMargin
+ - a Number specifying the distance between left of composition zone and left of first character in the line.
+ line
+ - an object holding information about the line currently being displayed (like first and last index in text).
+ Note: this is either a TextLine in Morphic, or TextLineInterval for ST80 compatibility
+ pendingKernX
+ - a Number to be added to horizontal spacing of next char if ever it is in the same font than previous one.
+ The inner scan loop is interrupted by a change of text run.
+ But some changes won't change the font, so the kerning must be remembered and applied later.
+ rightMargin
+ - a Number specifying the distance between right of composition zone and right of last character in the line.
+ runStopIndex
+ - the Integer index of last character in current text run.
+ spaceCount
+ - the number of spaces encoutered so far in current line. This is useful for adjusting the spacing in cas of Justified alignment.
+ spaceWidth
+ - the width of space character in current font.
+ stopConditions
+ - an object holding a table of characters for which special actions are to be taken.
+ These are typically control characters like carriage return or horizontal tab.
+ text
+ - the text to be measured/composed/displayed
+ textStyle
+ - an object holding a context for the text style (which set of font to use, which margins, etc...)
+ wantsColumnBreaks
+ - a Boolean indicating whether some special handling for multiple columns is requested.
+ !
- !CharacterScanner commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- My instances hold the state associated with scanning text. My subclasses scan characters for specified purposes, such as computing a CharacterBlock or placing characters into Forms.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>wantsColumnBreaks: (in category 'initialize') -----
- wantsColumnBreaks: aBoolean
- wantsColumnBreaks := aBoolean!

Item was changed:
  CharacterScanner subclass: #CompositionScanner
  instanceVariableNames: 'spaceX spaceIndex lineHeight baseline lineHeightAtSpace baselineAtSpace lastBreakIsNotASpace nextIndexAfterLineBreak'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Graphics-Text'!
+ !CompositionScanner commentStamp: 'nice 10/6/2013 23:24' prior: 0!
+ A CompositionScanner measures text and determines where line breaks.
+ Given a rectangular zone on input, it is used to split text in horizontal lines, and produce information about those lines on output (at which index a line starts/stops, which vertical space does the line require, which horizontal space if left for adjusting inter-word spacing, etc...)
+ Instance Variables
+ baseline: <Number>
+ baselineAtSpace: <Number>
+ lastBreakIsNotASpace: <Boolean>
+ lineHeight: <Number>
+ lineHeightAtSpace: <Number>
+ nextIndexAfterLineBreak: <Integer>
+ spaceIndex: <Integer>
+ spaceX: <Number>
+ baseline
+ - the distance between top of line and the base line (that is the bottom of latin characters abcdehiklmnorstuvwx in most fonts)
+ baselineAtSpace
+ - memorize the baseline at last encountered space or other breakable character.
+ This is necessary because the CompositionScanner wants to break line at a breakable character.
+ If a word layout overflows the right margin, the scanner has to roll back and restore the line state to last encountered breakable character.
+ lastBreakIsNotASpace
+ - indicates that the last breakable character was not a space.
+ This is necessary because handling a line break at a space differs from non space.
+ If line break occurs on space, the space won't be displayed in next line.
+ If it's another breakable character, it has to be displayed on next line.
+ lineHeight
+ - the total line height from top to bottom, including inter-line spacing.
+ lineHeightAtSpace
+ - the line height at last encountered space or other breakable character.
+ See baselineAtSpace for explanation.
+ nextIndexAfterLineBreak
+ - the index of character after the last line break that was encountered.
+ spaceIndex
+ - the index of last space or other breakable character that was encountered
+ spaceX
+ - the distance from left of composition zone to left of last encountered space or other breakable character
+ See baselineAtSpace for explanation.
+ Note: if a line breaks on a space, a linefeed or a carriage return, then the space, linefeed or carriage return is integrated in the line.
+ If there is a carriage return - linefeed pair, the pair is integrated to the line as if it were a single line break for compatibility with legacy software.!
- !CompositionScanner commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- CompositionScanners are used to measure text and determine where line breaks and space padding should occur.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
+ initialize
+ wantsColumnBreaks := false.
+ super initialize!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>space (in category 'stop conditions') -----
  "Record left x and character index of the space character just encountered.
  Used for wrap-around. Answer whether the character has crossed the
  right edge of the composition rectangle of the paragraph."
- pendingKernX := 0.
  spaceX := destX.
  spaceIndex := lastIndex.
  lineHeightAtSpace := lineHeight.
  baselineAtSpace := baseline.
  spaceCount := spaceCount + 1.
  lastBreakIsNotASpace := false.
  destX + spaceWidth > rightMargin ifTrue:[^self crossedX].
  destX := spaceX + spaceWidth + kern.
  lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>wantsColumnBreaks: (in category 'initialize') -----
+ wantsColumnBreaks: aBoolean
+ wantsColumnBreaks := aBoolean!

Item was changed:
  CharacterScanner subclass: #DisplayScanner
  instanceVariableNames: 'bitBlt lineY foregroundColor backgroundColor fillBlt lineHeight paragraphColor morphicOffset ignoreColorChanges'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Graphics-Text'!
+ !DisplayScanner commentStamp: 'nice 10/6/2013 23:26' prior: 0!
+ A DisplayScanner displays characters on Screen or other Form with help of a BitBlt.
+ Instance Variables
+ backgroundColor: <Color>
+ bitBlt: <BitBlt>
+ fillBlt: <BitBlt>
+ foregroundColor: <Color>
+ ignoreColorChanges: <Boolean>
+ lineHeight: <Number>
+ lineY: <Number>
+ morphicOffset: <Point>
+ paragraphColor: <Color>
+ backgroundColor
+ - the background color for displaying text.
+ Note that this can be set to Color transparent, in which case no background is displayed.
+ bitBlt
+ - the object which knows how to copy bits from one Form (the font glyph data) to another (the destination Form)
+ fillBlt
+ - another object for copying form bits, initialized for displaying the background.
+ foregroundColor
+ - the foreground color for displaying text
+ ignoreColorChanges
+ - indicates that any change of color specified in text attributes shall be ignored.
+ This is used for displaying text in a shadow mode, when dragging text for example.
+ lineHeight
+ - the total line height from top to bottom, including inter-line spacing
+ lineY
+ - the distance between destination form top and current line top
+ morphicOffset
+ - an offset for positionning the embedded morphs.
+ paragraphColor
+ - the default foreground color for displaying text in absence of other text attributes specification
+ !
- !DisplayScanner commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- My instances are used to scan text and display it on the screen or in a hidden form.!

Item was changed:
  CompositionScanner subclass: #SegmentScanner
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: 'TextConstants'
  category: 'Graphics-Text'!
+ !SegmentScanner commentStamp: 'nice 10/6/2013 22:39' prior: 0!
+ A SegmentScanner is a CompositionScanner specialized for composing TextOnCurve.
+ !

Item was removed:
- Object subclass: #TextPrinter
- instanceVariableNames: 'form para paperSize landscape resolution depth offset columns docTitle noHeader noFooter'
- classVariableNames: 'DefaultPaperSize DefaultTextPrinter'
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'Graphics-Text'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>defaultPaperSize (in category 'accessing') -----
- defaultPaperSize
- ^DefaultPaperSize!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>defaultPaperSize: (in category 'accessing') -----
- defaultPaperSize: aPoint
- DefaultPaperSize := aPoint!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>defaultTextPrinter (in category 'accessing') -----
- defaultTextPrinter
- "This is the global default TextPrinter instance."
- DefaultTextPrinter isNil ifTrue: [DefaultTextPrinter := self new].
- ^DefaultTextPrinter!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
- initialize
- "TextPrinter initialize"
- self defaultPaperSize: self paperSizeA4.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>mm2in: (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- mm2in: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from millimeters to inches"
- ^aPoint / 25.4!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSize10x14 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSize10x14
- ^10.0@14.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSize11x17 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSize11x17
- ^11.0@17.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeA3 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeA3
- ^self mm2in: 297@420!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeA4 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeA4
- ^self mm2in: 210@297!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeA5 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeA5
- ^self mm2in: 148@210!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeB4 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeB4
- ^self mm2in: 250@354!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeB5 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeB5
- ^self mm2in: 182@257!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeCSheet (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeCSheet
- ^17.0@22.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeDSheet (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeDSheet
- ^22.0@34.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeESheet (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeESheet
- ^34.0@44.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelope10 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelope10
- ^4.125@9.5
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelope11 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelope11
- ^4.5@10.375!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelope12 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelope12
- ^4.75@11!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelope14 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelope14
- ^5.0@11.5!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelope9 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelope9
- ^3.875@8.875!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeB4 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeB4
- ^self mm2in: 250@353!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeB5 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeB5
- ^self mm2in: 176@250!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeB6 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeB6
- ^self mm2in: 176@125!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeC3 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeC3
- ^self mm2in: 324@458!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeC4 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeC4
- ^self mm2in: 229@324!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeC5 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeC5
- ^self mm2in: 162@229!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeC6 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeC6
- ^self mm2in: 114@162!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeEnvelopeC65 (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeEnvelopeC65
- ^self mm2in: 114@229!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeFanfoldGerman (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeFanfoldGerman
- "German standard fanfold"
- ^8.5@12.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeFanfoldLegalGerman (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeFanfoldLegalGerman
- "German legal fanfold"
- ^8.5@13.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeFanfoldUS (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeFanfoldUS
- "US standard fanfold"
- ^14.875@11.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeFolio (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeFolio
- ^8.5@13.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeLegal (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeLegal
- ^8.5@14.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeLetter (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeLetter
- ^8.5@11.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeNote (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeNote
- ^8.5@11.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter class>>paperSizeTabloid (in category 'paper sizes') -----
- paperSizeTabloid
- ^11.0@17.0!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>bestColor (in category 'accessing') -----
- bestColor
- "Set the reproduction quality to true color"
- depth := 32.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>blackAndWhite (in category 'accessing') -----
- blackAndWhite
- "Set the reproduction quality to black and white"
- depth := 1.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>columnRect: (in category 'formatting') -----
- columnRect: n
- "Return a rectangle describing the n-th column"
- | area left right |
- area := self textArea.
- left := area left + ((n-1) * self columnWidth).
- left := left + ((n-1) * self columnSkip).
- right := left + self columnWidth.
- ^(self in2pix: left @ area top) corner:
- (self in2pix: right @ area bottom)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>columnSkip (in category 'formatting') -----
- columnSkip
- "Return the separating space between two columns in inches"
- ^0.2!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>columnWidth (in category 'formatting') -----
- columnWidth
- ^(self textWidth - ((self columns-1) * self columnSkip)) / self columns!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>columns (in category 'accessing') -----
- columns
- ^columns!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>columns: (in category 'accessing') -----
- columns: aNumber
- columns := aNumber asInteger max: 1.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>defaultPaperSize (in category 'initialize') -----
- defaultPaperSize
- "Return the default paper size (inches) for printing"
- ^self class defaultPaperSize!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>defaultResolution (in category 'initialize') -----
- defaultResolution
- "Return the default resolution (DPI) for printing"
- ^TextStyle pixelsPerInch asPoint!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>documentTitle (in category 'accessing') -----
- documentTitle
- ^docTitle!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>documentTitle: (in category 'accessing') -----
- documentTitle: aString
- docTitle := aString!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>flushPage (in category 'printing') -----
- flushPage
- "The current page has been set up. Send it to the printer."
- form primPrintHScale: self resolution x vScale: self resolution y landscape: self landscape.
- "Uncomment the following for testing"
- "form displayOn: Display. (Delay forSeconds: 5) wait."
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>footerHeight (in category 'footer') -----
- footerHeight
- "Return the (additional) height of the footer in inches."
- self noFooter ifTrue:[^0.0].
- ^(self pix2in: 0@TextStyle default lineGrid) y * 2!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>footerParagraph (in category 'footer') -----
- footerParagraph
- "Return a paragraph for the footer"
- | fPara rect paragraphClass |
- paragraphClass := Smalltalk at: #Paragraph
- ifAbsent: [^ self notify: 'MVC class Paragraph not present'].
- fPara := paragraphClass new.
- fPara destinationForm: form.
- rect := (self in2pix: self textArea bottomLeft) corner:
- (self in2pix: self textArea bottomRight + (0.0@self footerHeight)).
- fPara clippingRectangle: rect.
- fPara compositionRectangle: rect.
- ^fPara!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>formatColumn:startingWith: (in category 'formatting') -----
- formatColumn: columnNum startingWith: anIndex
- "Format a new column starting at the given string index. Return the string index indicating the start of the next column or nil if no more columns need printing."
- | colRect blk |
- colRect := self columnRect: columnNum.
- anIndex > 1 ifTrue:[para text: (para text copyFrom: anIndex to: para text size)].
- para compositionRectangle: colRect.
- para clippingRectangle: colRect.
- para composeAll.
- para displayOn: form.
- para visibleRectangle corner y <= colRect extent y ifTrue:[^nil].
- "More columns -- find the character block of the last line and adjust clip rect"
- blk := para characterBlockAtPoint: para visibleRectangle bottomLeft.
- para clearVisibleRectangle. "Make sure that the background is clean"
- para clippingRectangle: (colRect topLeft corner: colRect right@blk top).
- para displayOn: form.
- ^blk stringIndex.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>formatPage:startingWith: (in category 'formatting') -----
- formatPage: pageNum startingWith: anIndex
- "Format a new page starting at the given string index. Return the string index indicating the start of the next page or nil if no more pages need printing."
- | nextIndex |
- nextIndex := anIndex.
- 1 to: self columns do:[:i|
- nextIndex := self formatColumn: i startingWith: nextIndex.
- nextIndex isNil ifTrue:[^nil].
- ].
- ^nextIndex!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>goodColor (in category 'accessing') -----
- goodColor
- "Set the reproduction quality to 8 bit color depth"
- depth := 8.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>headerHeight (in category 'header') -----
- headerHeight
- "Return the (additional) height of the header in inches."
- self noHeader ifTrue:[^0.0].
- ^(self pix2in: 0@TextStyle default lineGrid) y * 2!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>headerParagraph (in category 'header') -----
- headerParagraph
- "Return a paragraph for the footer"
- | hPara rect paragraphClass |
- paragraphClass := Smalltalk at: #Paragraph
- ifAbsent: [^ self notify: 'MVC class Paragraph not present'].
- hPara := paragraphClass new.
- hPara destinationForm: form.
- rect := (self in2pix: self textArea topLeft - (0.0@self headerHeight)) corner:
- (self in2pix: self textArea topRight).
- hPara clippingRectangle: rect.
- hPara compositionRectangle: rect.
- ^hPara!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>in2mm: (in category 'other') -----
- in2mm: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from millimeters to inches"
- ^aPoint * 25.4!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>in2pix: (in category 'other') -----
- in2pix: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from inches to actual pixels"
- ^(aPoint * self resolution) rounded!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
- initialize
- self paperSize: self defaultPaperSize.
- self resolution: self defaultResolution.
- self blackAndWhite.
- self landscape: false.
- self offsetRect: (1.0@1.0 corner: 1.0@1.0).
- self columns: 1.
- self noHeader: false.
- self noFooter: false.
- self documentTitle: 'Squeak Document (from ', Date today printString,')'.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>landscape (in category 'accessing') -----
- landscape
- ^landscape!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>landscape: (in category 'accessing') -----
- landscape: aBoolean
- landscape := aBoolean!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>mm2in: (in category 'other') -----
- mm2in: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from millimeters to inches"
- ^aPoint / 25.4!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>mm2pix: (in category 'other') -----
- mm2pix: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from millimeters to actual pixels"
- ^self in2pix: (self mm2in: aPoint)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>noFooter (in category 'accessing') -----
- noFooter
- ^noFooter!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>noFooter: (in category 'accessing') -----
- noFooter: aBoolean
- "Turn off footer printing"
- noFooter := aBoolean.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>noHeader (in category 'accessing') -----
- noHeader
- ^noHeader!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>noHeader: (in category 'accessing') -----
- noHeader: aBoolean
- "Turn off header printing"
- noHeader := aBoolean.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>offsetRect (in category 'accessing') -----
- offsetRect
- ^offset!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>offsetRect: (in category 'accessing') -----
- offsetRect: aRectangle
- "Set the offset rectangle"
- offset := aRectangle!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>paperSize (in category 'accessing') -----
- paperSize
- ^paperSize!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>paperSize: (in category 'accessing') -----
- paperSize: aPoint
- paperSize := aPoint!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>pix2in: (in category 'other') -----
- pix2in: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from a pixel value to inches"
- ^aPoint / self resolution!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>pix2mm: (in category 'other') -----
- pix2mm: aPoint
- "Convert aPoint from a pixel value to millimeters"
- ^self in2mm: (self pix2in: aPoint)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>pixelSize (in category 'private') -----
- pixelSize
- "Return the size of the page in pixels"
- ^self in2pix: (self realPaperSize)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>printFooter: (in category 'footer') -----
- printFooter: pageNumber
- "Print the footer for the given page number"
- | fPara |
- self noFooter ifTrue:[^self].
- fPara := self footerParagraph.
- fPara centered.
- fPara text: ('Page ', pageNumber printString) asText.
- fPara displayOn: form.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>printHeader: (in category 'header') -----
- printHeader: pageNumber
- "Print the header for the given page number"
- | fPara |
- self noHeader ifTrue:[^self].
- fPara := self headerParagraph.
- fPara centered.
- fPara text: self documentTitle asText.
- fPara displayOn: form.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>printParagraph (in category 'printing') -----
- printParagraph
- | pageNum nextIndex |
- para destinationForm: form.
- pageNum := 1.
- nextIndex := 1.
- [form fillColor: Color white.
- self printHeader: pageNum.
- self printFooter: pageNum.
- nextIndex := self formatPage: pageNum startingWith: nextIndex.
- self flushPage.
- nextIndex isNil] whileFalse:[pageNum := pageNum + 1].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>printText: (in category 'printing') -----
- printText: aText
- "Print aText"
- | paragraphClass |
- form isNil ifTrue:[
- form := Form extent: self pixelSize depth: depth.
- ].
- paragraphClass := Smalltalk at: #Paragraph
- ifAbsent: [^ self notify: 'MVC class Paragraph not present'].
- para := paragraphClass withText: aText asText.
- Cursor wait showWhile:[
- self printParagraph.
- ].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>realPaperSize (in category 'private') -----
- realPaperSize
- ^self landscape
- ifTrue:[self paperSize y @ self paperSize x]
- ifFalse:[self paperSize]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>resolution (in category 'accessing') -----
- resolution
- ^resolution!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>resolution: (in category 'accessing') -----
- resolution: aPoint
- resolution := aPoint!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>textArea (in category 'formatting') -----
- textArea
- ^(self offsetRect origin + (0.0@self headerHeight)) corner:
- (self realPaperSize - self offsetRect corner - (0.0@self footerHeight))!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: TextPrinter>>textWidth (in category 'formatting') -----
- textWidth
- ^self textArea extent x!