The Trunk: Graphics-nice.257.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-nice.257.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.257
Author: nice
Time: 9 October 2013, 1:30:52.037 am
UUID: 20505844-b570-4fa6-a08e-8140b5cf77e0
Ancestors: Graphics-tpr.256

Give some StrikeFont extensions back to *Multilingual

=============== Diff against Graphics-tpr.256 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>fixForISO8859From: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- fixForISO8859From: aStrikeFont
- ^aStrikeFont copy fixForISO8859From: aStrikeFont.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>newForKoreanFromEFontBDFFile:name:overrideWith: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- newForKoreanFromEFontBDFFile: fileName name: aString overrideWith: otherFileName
- | n |
- n := self new.
- n readEFontBDFForKoreanFromFile: fileName name: aString overrideWith: otherFileName.
- ^ n.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>newFromEFontBDFFile:name:ranges: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- newFromEFontBDFFile: fileName name: aString ranges: ranges
- | n |
- n := self new.
- n readEFontBDFFromFile: fileName name: aString ranges: ranges.
- ^ n.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>newFromEFontBDFFile:name:startRange:endRange: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- newFromEFontBDFFile: aFileName name: aString startRange: start endRange: end
- | n |
- n := self new.
- n readEFontBDFFromFile: aFileName name: aString rangeFrom: start to: end.
- ^n.
- "TextConstants at: #Helvetica put: (TextStyle fontArray: {StrikeFont newFromBDFFile: 'helvR12.bdf' name: 'Helvetica12'})"
- "TextConstants at: #Lucida put: (TextStyle fontArray: {StrikeFont newFromBDFFile: 'luRS12.bdf' name: 'Lucida'})"
- "TextStyle default fontAt: 5 put: (StrikeFont new readFromStrike2: 'helv12.sf2')."
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>newFromF12File: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- newFromF12File: aFileName
- "StrikeFont newFromF12File: 'kaname.f12'"
- | file n |
- ('*.F12' match: aFileName) ifFalse: ["self halt. " "likely incompatible"].
- file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aFileName.
- file binary.
- n := self new.
- n name: (FileDirectory baseNameFor: (FileDirectory localNameFor: aFileName)).
- n readF12FromStream: file.
- ^ n.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont>>fixForISO8859From: (in category 'multibyte character methods') -----
- fixForISO8859From: aStrikeFont
- | fixer m mappingTable |
- fixer := StrikeFontFixer newOn: aStrikeFont.
- self reset.
- xTable := aStrikeFont xTable copy.
- glyphs := Form extent: aStrikeFont glyphs extent.
- maxAscii := 255.
- minAscii := 0.
- mappingTable := fixer mappingTable.
- "stopConditions := nil."
- 0 to: 255 do: [:i |
- (m := mappingTable at: i+1) ~= nil ifTrue: [
- self characterFormAt: (Character value: i)
- put: (aStrikeFont characterFormAt: (Character value: m)).
- ] ifFalse: [
- self characterFormAt: (Character value: i)
- put: (aStrikeFont characterFormAt: (Character space)).
- ]
- ].
- ^self.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont>>readEFontBDFForJapaneseFromFile:name:overrideWith: (in category 'file in/out') -----
- readEFontBDFForJapaneseFromFile: fileName name: aString overrideWith: otherFileName
- | fontReader stream |
- fontReader := EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges readOnlyFileNamed: fileName.
- stream := ReadStream on: (fontReader readRanges: fontReader rangesForJapanese overrideWith: otherFileName otherRanges: {Array with: 8481 with: 12320} additionalOverrideRange: fontReader additionalRangesForJapanese).
- xTable := stream next.
- glyphs := stream next.
- minAscii := stream next.
- maxAscii := stream next.
- maxWidth := stream next.
- ascent := stream next.
- descent := stream next.
- pointSize := stream next.
- name := aString.
- type := 0. "no one see this"
- superscript := ascent - descent // 3.
- subscript := descent - ascent // 3.
- emphasis := 0.
- self reset.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont>>readEFontBDFForKoreanFromFile:name:overrideWith: (in category 'file in/out') -----
- readEFontBDFForKoreanFromFile: fileName name: aString overrideWith: otherFileName
- | fontReader stream |
- fontReader := EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges readOnlyFileNamed: fileName.
- stream := ReadStream on: (fontReader readRanges: fontReader rangesForKorean overrideWith: otherFileName otherRanges: {Array with: 8481 with: 12320} additionalOverrideRange: fontReader additionalRangesForKorean).
- xTable := stream next.
- glyphs := stream next.
- minAscii := stream next.
- maxAscii := stream next.
- maxWidth := stream next.
- ascent := stream next.
- descent := stream next.
- pointSize := stream next.
- name := aString.
- type := 0. "no one see this"
- superscript := ascent - descent // 3.
- subscript := descent - ascent // 3.
- emphasis := 0.
- self reset.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont>>readEFontBDFFromFile:name:rangeFrom:to: (in category 'file in/out') -----
- readEFontBDFFromFile: fileName name: aString rangeFrom: startRange to: endRange
- | fontReader stream |
- fontReader := EFontBDFFontReader readOnlyFileNamed: fileName.
- stream := ReadStream on: (fontReader readFrom: startRange to: endRange).
- xTable := stream next.
- glyphs := stream next.
- minAscii := stream next.
- maxAscii := stream next.
- maxWidth := stream next.
- ascent := stream next.
- descent := stream next.
- pointSize := stream next.
- name := aString.
- type := 0. "no one see this"
- superscript := ascent - descent // 3.
- subscript := descent - ascent // 3.
- emphasis := 0.
- self reset.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont>>readEFontBDFFromFile:name:ranges: (in category 'file in/out') -----
- readEFontBDFFromFile: fileName name: aString ranges: ranges
- | fontReader stream |
- fontReader := EFontBDFFontReaderForRanges readOnlyFileNamed: fileName.
- stream := ReadStream on: (fontReader readRanges: ranges).
- xTable := stream next.
- glyphs := stream next.
- minAscii := stream next.
- maxAscii := stream next.
- maxWidth := stream next.
- ascent := stream next.
- descent := stream next.
- pointSize := stream next.
- name := aString.
- type := 0. "no one see this"
- superscript := ascent - descent // 3.
- subscript := descent - ascent // 3.
- emphasis := 0.
- self reset.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: StrikeFont>>readF12FromStream: (in category 'file in/out') -----
- readF12FromStream: aStream
- | box blt |
- minAscii := 0.
- maxAscii := 94*94.
- ascent := 12.
- descent := 0.
- pointSize := 12.
- superscript := 0.
- subscript := 0.
- emphasis := 0.
- maxWidth := 12.
- box := Form extent: 12@12.
- glyphs  := Form extent: (94*94*12)@12.
- blt := BitBlt toForm: glyphs.
- xTable := XTableForFixedFont new.
- xTable maxAscii: maxAscii + 3.
- xTable width: 12.
- 1 to: 256 do:  [:index |
- 1 to: 12 do: [:i |
- aStream next.
- ].
- ].
- (minAscii + 1 to: 94*94) do:  [:index |
- self readCharacter: (box bits) from: aStream.
- blt copy: ((12*(index-1))@0 extent: 12@12) from: 0@0 in: box.
- ].
- !