The Trunk: Graphics-nice.428.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-nice.428.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-nice.428
Author: nice
Time: 3 March 2020, 10:11:33.559746 pm
UUID: b9310c73-f7b2-43d3-b457-16b9d8b0b0dc
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.427

Really expunge ifNil: guards from LayoutFrame

We can now do it, because we provided proper fixup for upgrading existing instances in previous commit/update map.

Note: explicit the layout constraints that we want to respect when calculating #minWidthFrom: and #minHeightFrom:
See how we can do it without having to revert to right or bottom fraction = 1.
Those methods are unused in trunk image, but might be in additional packages, if you depend on it, please test it.

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.427 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LayoutFrame>>layout:in: (in category 'layout') -----
  layout: oldBounds in: newBounds
  "Return the proportional rectangle insetting the given bounds"
+ | left right top bottom |
+ left := newBounds left + (newBounds width * leftFraction).
+ left := left + leftOffset.
+ right := newBounds right - (newBounds width * (1.0 - rightFraction)).
+ right := right + rightOffset.
+ top := newBounds top + (newBounds height * topFraction).
+ top := top + topOffset.
+ bottom := newBounds bottom - (newBounds height * (1.0 - bottomFraction)).
+ bottom := bottom + bottomOffset.
- | left right top bottom |
- leftFraction ifNotNil:[
- left := newBounds left + (newBounds width * leftFraction).
- leftOffset ifNotNil:[left := left + leftOffset]].
- rightFraction ifNotNil:[
- right := newBounds right - (newBounds width * (1.0 - rightFraction)).
- rightOffset ifNotNil:[right := right + rightOffset]].
- topFraction ifNotNil:[
- top := newBounds top + (newBounds height * topFraction).
- topOffset ifNotNil:[top := top + topOffset]].
- bottomFraction ifNotNil:[
- bottom := newBounds bottom - (newBounds height * (1.0 - bottomFraction)).
- bottomOffset ifNotNil:[bottom := bottom + bottomOffset]].
- left ifNil:[ right
- ifNil:[left := oldBounds left. right := oldBounds right]
- ifNotNil:[left := right - oldBounds width]].
- right ifNil:[right := left + oldBounds width].
- top ifNil:[ bottom
- ifNil:[top := oldBounds top. bottom := oldBounds bottom]
- ifNotNil:[top := bottom - oldBounds height]].
- bottom ifNil:[bottom := top + oldBounds height].
  ^(left rounded @ top rounded) corner: (right rounded @ bottom rounded)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LayoutFrame>>minHeightFrom: (in category 'layout') -----
  minHeightFrom: minHeight
+ "Return the minimal height the given bounds can be represented in
+ we have:
+ top = (height * topFraction + topOffset)
+ bottom = (height * bottomFraction + bottomOffset)
+ we want to fullfill those constraints if possible:
+ 0 <= top <= height
+ 0 <= bottom <= heigth
+ bottom - top >= minHeight"
+ | height |
+ height := bottomFraction = topFraction
- "Return the minimal extent the given bounds can be represented in"
- | height top bottom |
- top := topFraction ifNil: [0.0].
- bottom := bottomFraction ifNil: [1.0].
- height := bottom = top
  ifTrue: [0]
+ ifFalse: [minHeight + topOffset - bottomOffset / (bottomFraction - topFraction) max: 0].
+ topFraction < 1 ifTrue: [height := height max: topOffset / (1 - topFraction)].
+ bottomFraction < 1 ifTrue: [height := height max: bottomOffset / (1 - bottomFraction)].
+ topFraction > 0 ifTrue: [height := height max: topOffset negated / topFraction].
+ bottomFraction > 0 ifTrue: [height := height max: bottomOffset negated / bottomFraction].
- ifFalse: [minHeight / (bottom - top)].
- topOffset ifNotNil:[height := height + topOffset].
- bottomOffset ifNotNil:[height := height + bottomOffset].
  ^ height truncated!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LayoutFrame>>minWidthFrom: (in category 'layout') -----
  minWidthFrom: minWidth
+ "Return the minimal width the given bounds can be represented in
+ we have:
+ left = (width * leftFraction + leftOffset)
+ right = (width * rightFraction + rightOffset)
+ we want to fullfill those constraints if possible:
+ 0 <= left <= width
+ 0 <= right <= heigth
+ right - left >= minwidth"
+ | width |
+ width := rightFraction = leftFraction
- "Return the minimal extent the given bounds can be represented in"
- | width left right |
- left := leftFraction ifNil: [0.0].
- right := rightFraction ifNil: [1.0].
- width := left = right
  ifTrue: [0]
+ ifFalse: [minWidth + leftOffset - rightOffset / (rightFraction - leftFraction) max: 0].
+ leftFraction < 1 ifTrue: [width := width max: leftOffset / (1 - leftFraction)].
+ rightFraction < 1 ifTrue: [width := width max: rightOffset / (1 - rightFraction)].
+ leftFraction > 0 ifTrue: [width := width max: leftOffset negated / leftFraction].
+ rightFraction > 0 ifTrue: [width := width max: rightOffset negated / rightFraction].
+ ^ width truncated!
- ifFalse: [minWidth / (right - left)].
- leftOffset ifNotNil:[width := width + leftOffset].
- rightOffset ifNotNil:[width := width + rightOffset].
- ^width truncated!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: LayoutFrame>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
  printOn: aStream
  super printOn: aStream.
  aStream nextPutAll: '( '.
  { {'l'. self leftFraction. self leftOffset}. {'t'. self topFraction. self topOffset}. {'r'. self rightFraction. self rightOffset}. {'b'. self bottomFraction. self bottomOffset} } do: [:spec |
  aStream nextPutAll: spec first; space.
+ spec second printOn: aStream maxDecimalPlaces: 2.
- (spec second ifNil: [0]) printOn: aStream maxDecimalPlaces: 2.
+ aStream nextPutAll: (spec third >= 0 ifTrue: ['+'] ifFalse: ['-']).
+ spec third abs printOn: aStream maxDecimalPlaces: 0]
- aStream nextPutAll: ((spec third ifNil: [0]) >= 0 ifTrue: ['+'] ifFalse: ['-']).
- (spec third ifNil: [0]) abs printOn: aStream maxDecimalPlaces: 0]
  separatedBy: [aStream space].
  aStream nextPutAll: ' )'.!