Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-nice.80
Author: nice
Time: 19 October 2009, 11:30:04 am
UUID: 93dd7163-98f2-1c4e-8cd9-d9d18bfed44d
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.79
use #fasterKeys
=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.79 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextStyle class>>knownTextStyles (in category 'TextConstants access') -----
"Answer the names of the known text styles, sorted in alphabetical order"
"TextStyle knownTextStyles"
+ ^ (TextConstants select: [:thang | thang isKindOf: TextStyle]) fasterKeys sort
- ^ (TextConstants select: [:thang | thang isKindOf: TextStyle]) keys asSortedArray
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextStyle class>>decodeStyleName: (in category 'utilities') -----
decodeStyleName: styleName
"Given a string styleName, return a collection with:
* [1] the probable Squeak emphasis code, which is a bit combination of:
1 bold
2 italic
4 underlined
8 narrow
16 strikeout
* [2] the base style name without the modifiers (can be empty)
* [3] the modifiers in the order they were found
* [4] the codes for those modifiers, in the same order
| decoder keys modifiers modifierCodes baseName styleCode matchedKey |
decoder := self styleDecoder.
modifiers := OrderedCollection new.
modifierCodes := OrderedCollection new.
+ keys := decoder fasterKeys
- keys := decoder keys asArray
sort: [:a :b | a size > b size].
styleCode := 0.
baseName := styleName asString.
[matchedKey := keys
detect: [:k | baseName endsWith: k]
ifNone: [].
matchedKey notNil]
whileTrue: [| last code |
last := baseName size - matchedKey size.
last > 0
ifTrue: [('- ' includes: (baseName at: last))
ifTrue: [last := last - 1]].
baseName := baseName copyFrom: 1 to: last.
code := decoder at: matchedKey.
styleCode := styleCode + code.
modifiers addFirst: matchedKey.
modifierCodes addFirst: code.
^ {styleCode. baseName. modifiers. modifierCodes }!
Item was changed:
----- Method: StrikeFont class>>familyNames (in category 'accessing') -----
+ ^ (TextConstants select: [:each | each isKindOf: TextStyle]) fasterKeys asSortedCollection!
- ^ (TextConstants select: [:each | each isKindOf: TextStyle]) keys asSortedCollection!