Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-pre.367 Author: pre Time: 20 January 2017, 5:44:33.081379 pm UUID: 6258ced8-1a7f-5344-914d-5a641a0734cf Ancestors: Graphics-bp.366 Implements HTML colors with 8 characters denoting RGBa colors. Small refactoring of fromString: method. =============== Diff against Graphics-bp.366 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: Color class>>fromHTMLString: (in category 'other') ----- + fromHTMLString: aColorHex + "Do not call this method directly, call Color>>#fromString: instead as it is more generic" + + | green red blue resultColor | + red := (Integer readFrom: (aColorHex first: 2) base: 16). + green := (Integer readFrom: (aColorHex copyFrom: 3 to: 4) base: 16). + blue := (Integer readFrom: (aColorHex copyFrom: 5 to: 6) base: 16). + resultColor := self r: red g: green b: blue range: 255. + ^ (aColorHex size = 8) + ifTrue: [resultColor alpha: ((Integer readFrom: (aColorHex last: 2) base: 16) / 255)] + ifFalse: [resultColor]! Item was added: + ----- Method: Color class>>fromRGBString: (in category 'other') ----- + fromRGBString: rgb + "Do not call this method directly, call Color>>#fromString: instead as it is more generic" + + | green red blue | + red := (Integer readFrom:(rgb at: 1)) min: 255 max: 0. + green := (Integer readFrom:(rgb at: 2)) min: 255 max: 0. + blue := (Integer readFrom:(rgb at: 3)) min: 255 max: 0. + ^self r: red g: green b: blue range: 255! Item was changed: ----- Method: Color class>>fromString: (in category 'instance creation') ----- fromString: aString "for HTML color spec: #FFCCAA or white/black/red/other name, or an r,g,b triplet string" "Color fromString: '#FFCCAA'. Color fromString: 'white'. Color fromString: 'orange' Color fromString: '126,42,33' " | aColorHex rgb| aString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ ^self white ]. aString first = $# ifTrue: [ aColorHex := aString allButFirst ] ifFalse: [ aColorHex := aString ]. + "is the string a 6 digit hex number?" + ((aColorHex size = 6 or: [aColorHex size = 8]) and: [ - (aColorHex size = 6 and: [ aColorHex allSatisfy: [ :each | '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef' includes: each ] ]) + ifTrue: [^ self fromHTMLString: aColorHex ]. + - ifTrue: [ - | green red blue | - red := (Integer readFrom: (aColorHex first: 2) base: 16). - green := (Integer readFrom: (aColorHex copyFrom: 3 to: 4) base: 16). - blue := (Integer readFrom: (aColorHex last: 2) base: 16). - ^self r: red g: green b: blue range: 255]. "is the string in the form a,b,c ?" rgb := aColorHex findTokens: $, . + rgb size = 3 ifTrue: [^ self fromRGBString: rgb]. + - rgb size = 3 ifTrue: [ - | green red blue | - red := (Integer readFrom:(rgb at: 1)) min: 255 max: 0. - green := (Integer readFrom:(rgb at: 2)) min: 255 max: 0. - blue := (Integer readFrom:(rgb at: 3)) min: 255 max: 0. - ^self r: red g: green b: blue range: 255]. "try to match aColorHex with known named colors, case insensitive" ^self perform: (ColorNames detect: [:colorSymbol | aColorHex sameAs: colorSymbol] ifNone: [ #white ])! Item was added: + ----- Method: TranslucentColor>>asHTMLColor (in category 'conversions') ----- + asHTMLColor + + ^ super asHTMLColor + , (Character digitValue: ((alpha bitShift: -4) bitAnd: 15)) + , (Character digitValue: (alpha bitAnd: 15))! |
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