Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-pre.418 Author: pre Time: 4 October 2019, 11:16:04.703303 am UUID: a8c151ab-580e-0549-9897-7fdbf1fa10c2 Ancestors: Graphics-pre.412, Graphics-nice.417 Adds infrastructure for layouting morphs (and forms) inline in text by using TextAnchor TextAttributes. =============== Diff against Graphics-nice.417 =============== Item was removed: - ----- Method: BitBltDisplayScanner>>displayEmbeddedForm: (in category 'displaying') ----- - displayEmbeddedForm: aForm - aForm - displayOn: bitBlt destForm - at: destX @ (lineY + line baseline - aForm height) - clippingBox: bitBlt clipRect - rule: Form blend - fillColor: Color white ! Item was added: + ----- Method: BitBltDisplayScanner>>displayEmbeddedForm:at: (in category 'displaying') ----- + displayEmbeddedForm: aForm at: aPoint + + aForm + displayOn: bitBlt destForm + at: aPoint + (aForm extent / 2) + clippingBox: bitBlt clipRect + rule: Form blend + fillColor: Color white ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>placeEmbeddedObject: (in category 'private') ----- - placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorph - "Workaround: The following should really use #textAnchorType" - | w | - anchoredMorph relativeTextAnchorPosition ifNotNil:[^true]. - w := anchoredMorph width. - specialWidth := w. - (destX + w > characterPoint x) ifTrue: [^false]. - destX := destX + w + kern. - ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: (in category 'private') ----- + placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: aTextAttribute + + | width anchoredMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties | + anchoredMorphOrForm := aTextAttribute anchoredMorph. + textAnchorProperties := self textAnchorPropertiesFor: anchoredMorphOrForm. + + textAnchorProperties anchorLayout == #document ifTrue: [^ true]. + width := textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace + ifTrue: [anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding] + ifFalse: [0]. + + lastCharacterWidth := width. + + (destX + width > characterPoint x) ifTrue: [^false]. + destX := destX + width + kern. + ^ true! Item was changed: ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>retrieveLastCharacterWidth (in category 'private') ----- retrieveLastCharacterWidth | lastCharacter | lastIndex > text size ifTrue: [^lastCharacterWidth := 0]. - specialWidth ifNotNil: [^lastCharacterWidth := specialWidth]. lastCharacter := text at: lastIndex. (lastCharacter charCode >= 256 or: [(stopConditions at: lastCharacter charCode + 1) isNil]) ifTrue: [lastCharacterWidth := font widthOf: (text at: lastIndex)]. "if last character was a stop condition, then the width is already set" ^lastCharacterWidth! Item was changed: ----- Method: CharacterBlockScanner>>setFont (in category 'stop conditions') ----- setFont - specialWidth := nil. super setFont! Item was changed: ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>embeddedObject (in category 'stop conditions') ----- embeddedObject + pendingKernX := 0. + ((text attributesAt: lastIndex) reject: [:each | each anchoredMorph isNil]) + ifNotEmpty: [:attributes | attributes do: [:attr | - text attributesAt: lastIndex do:[:attr| - attr anchoredMorph ifNotNil:[ "Try to placeEmbeddedObject: - if it answers false, then there's no place left" + (self placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: attr) ifFalse: [^ self crossedX]]]. + - (self placeEmbeddedObject: attr anchoredMorph) ifFalse:[^self crossedX]]]. "Note: if ever several objects are embedded on same character, only indent lastIndex once" lastIndex := lastIndex + 1. ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>placeEmbeddedObject: (in category 'private') ----- - placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorph - "Place the anchoredMorph or return false if it cannot be placed" - ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: (in category 'private') ----- + placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: aTextAttribute + "Place the anchoredMorph or return false if it cannot be placed" + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>textAnchorPropertiesFor: (in category 'private-text-anchor') ----- + textAnchorPropertiesFor: aMorphOrForm + + ^ aMorphOrForm isForm + ifTrue: [TextAnchorProperties new] + ifFalse: [aMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties]! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>alignmentMorphOffsetFor:of: (in category 'private') ----- + alignmentMorphOffsetFor: textAnchorProperties of: aMorphOrForm + + ^ textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentMorph caseOf: { + [#top] -> [textAnchorProperties padding top]. + [#center] -> [(aMorphOrForm height / 2) floor]. + [#baseline] -> [textAnchorProperties morphBaselineGetter + ifNil: [0] + ifNotNil: [:s | aMorphOrForm perform: s]]. + [#bottom] -> [aMorphOrForm height + textAnchorProperties padding bottom]}! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>baselineAdjustmentFor: (in category 'private') ----- + baselineAdjustmentFor: textAnchorProperties + + ^ textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentLine caseOf: { + [#top] -> [font ascent]. + [#center] -> [(font ascent / 2) floor]. + [#baseline] -> [0]. + [#bottom] -> [font descent negated]}. + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>lineHeightForMorphOfHeight:aligned:to: (in category 'private') ----- + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight aligned: morphPosition to: linePosition + + ^ self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight + aligned: morphPosition + to: linePosition + paddedWith: 0 + andOptionalMorphBaseline: 0! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>lineHeightForMorphOfHeight:aligned:to:paddedWith:andOptionalMorphBaseline: (in category 'private') ----- + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight aligned: morphPosition to: linePosition paddedWith: verticalPadding andOptionalMorphBaseline: morphBaseline + "The idea here is to first compute the total height and then subtract the overlapping area." + + | adjustedLineHeight morphHeight total | + morphHeight := aMorphHeight + verticalPadding. + total := font height + morphHeight. + adjustedLineHeight := 0. + + morphPosition = #top ifTrue: [ + linePosition = #top ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font height]. + linePosition = #center ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - (font descent + (font ascent / 2))]. + linePosition = #baseline ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font descent]. + linePosition = #bottom ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total].]. + morphPosition = #center ifTrue: [ | upperMorphHalf lowerMorphHalf | + "The overlapping area of a morph aligned at the center position can be determined by splitting + the morph into a top half which is aligned at the bottom and a lower half aligned at the top." + upperMorphHalf := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight / 2 + aligned: #bottom to: linePosition. + lowerMorphHalf := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight / 2 + aligned: #top to: linePosition. + adjustedLineHeight := upperMorphHalf + lowerMorphHalf - font height]. + morphPosition = #baseline ifTrue: [ | upperMorphHalf lowerMorphHalf | + "We use the same trick as we used with the center position but with different proportions of the morph." + upperMorphHalf := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: morphBaseline + aligned: #bottom to: linePosition. + lowerMorphHalf := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight - morphBaseline + aligned: #top to: linePosition. + adjustedLineHeight := upperMorphHalf + lowerMorphHalf - font height]. + morphPosition = #bottom ifTrue: [ + linePosition = #top ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total]. + linePosition = #center ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - (font ascent / 2)]. + linePosition = #baseline ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font ascent]. + linePosition = #bottom ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font height].]. + + ^ lineHeight max: adjustedLineHeight ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>placeEmbeddedObject: (in category 'private') ----- - placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorph - | w descent | - "Workaround: The following should really use #textAnchorType" - anchoredMorph relativeTextAnchorPosition ifNotNil:[^true]. - w := anchoredMorph width. - (destX + w > rightMargin and: [(leftMargin + w) <= rightMargin or: [lastIndex > line first]]) - ifTrue: ["Won't fit, but would on next line" - ^ false]. - destX := destX + w + kern. - descent := lineHeight - baseline. - baseline := baseline max: anchoredMorph height. - lineHeight := baseline + descent. - ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: (in category 'private') ----- + placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: aTextAttribute + + | width anchoredMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties | + anchoredMorphOrForm := aTextAttribute anchoredMorph. + textAnchorProperties := self textAnchorPropertiesFor: anchoredMorphOrForm. + + textAnchorProperties anchorLayout == #document ifTrue: [^ true]. + "If it is not anchored at the document, we assume that it is inline." + width := anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding. + (textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace and: [destX + width > rightMargin and: [(leftMargin + width) <= rightMargin or: [lastIndex > line first]]]) + ifTrue: ["Won't fit, but would on next line" + ^ false]. + + "The width had to be set beforehand to determine line wrapping. + We can now re-use and reset it as it might not be necessary anymore. --pre" + width := textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace + ifTrue: [anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding] + ifFalse: [0]. + destX := destX + width + kern. + + baseline := baseline max: + (self alignmentMorphOffsetFor: textAnchorProperties of: anchoredMorphOrForm) + + (self baselineAdjustmentFor: textAnchorProperties). + lineHeight := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: anchoredMorphOrForm height + aligned: textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentMorph + to: textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentLine + paddedWith: textAnchorProperties verticalPadding + andOptionalMorphBaseline: (textAnchorProperties morphBaselineGetter + ifNotNil: [:getter | anchoredMorphOrForm perform: getter] ifNil: [0]). + ^ true! Item was removed: - ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>displayEmbeddedForm: (in category 'displaying') ----- - displayEmbeddedForm: aForm - self subclassResponsibility! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>displayEmbeddedForm:at: (in category 'displaying') ----- + displayEmbeddedForm: aForm at: aPoint + self subclassResponsibility! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>embeddedObject (in category 'stop conditions') ----- + embeddedObject + + "TODO: document the reason for this decrement --pre" + lastDisplayableIndex := lastIndex - 1. + ^ super embeddedObject! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>embeddedObject:shouldBePlacedInDocumentGiven: (in category 'private') ----- + embeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm shouldBePlacedInDocumentGiven: textAnchorProperties + + ^ textAnchorProperties hasPositionInDocument + and: [textAnchorProperties anchorLayout == #document] + and: [anchoredMorphOrForm isMorph]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>placeEmbeddedObject: (in category 'private') ----- - placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm - anchoredMorphOrForm relativeTextAnchorPosition ifNotNil:[:relativeTextAnchorPosition | - anchoredMorphOrForm position: - relativeTextAnchorPosition + - (anchoredMorphOrForm owner textBounds origin x @ (lineY - morphicOffset y)). - ^true - ]. - (anchoredMorphOrForm isMorph or: [anchoredMorphOrForm isPrimitiveCostume]) ifTrue: [ - anchoredMorphOrForm position: (destX@(lineY + line baseline - anchoredMorphOrForm height)) - morphicOffset - ] ifFalse: [ - self displayEmbeddedForm: anchoredMorphOrForm - ]. - destX := destX + anchoredMorphOrForm width + kern. - ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>placeEmbeddedObject:inlineGiven: (in category 'private') ----- + placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm inlineGiven: textAnchorProperties + + | alignedPositionY position | + alignedPositionY := self verticallyAlignEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm given: textAnchorProperties. + position := ((destX + textAnchorProperties padding left) @ alignedPositionY) - morphicOffset. + anchoredMorphOrForm isMorph + ifTrue: [ anchoredMorphOrForm position: position] + ifFalse: ["we assume this to be a form" + self displayEmbeddedForm: anchoredMorphOrForm at: position]. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: (in category 'private') ----- + placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: aTextAttribute + + | width anchoredMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties | + anchoredMorphOrForm := aTextAttribute anchoredMorph. + textAnchorProperties := self textAnchorPropertiesFor: anchoredMorphOrForm. + + (self embeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm shouldBePlacedInDocumentGiven: textAnchorProperties) + ifTrue: [^ self placeEmbeddedObjectInDocument: anchoredMorphOrForm]. + .self placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm inlineGiven: textAnchorProperties. + + width := textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace + ifTrue: [anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding] + ifFalse: [0]. + destX := destX + width + kern. + + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectInDocument: (in category 'private') ----- + placeEmbeddedObjectInDocument: anchoredMorphOrForm + + anchoredMorphOrForm position: + anchoredMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties positionInDocument + + (anchoredMorphOrForm owner textBounds origin x @ (lineY - morphicOffset y)). + ^ true! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>verticallyAlignEmbeddedObject:given: (in category 'private') ----- + verticallyAlignEmbeddedObject: aMorphOrForm given: textAnchorProperties + + | alignedPositionY positionInLine morphPosition padding morphBaselineGetter | + alignedPositionY := lineY + line baseline. + positionInLine := textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentLine. + positionInLine = #top ifTrue: [alignedPositionY := alignedPositionY - font ascent]. + positionInLine = #center ifTrue: [alignedPositionY := (alignedPositionY - (font ascent / 2)) floor]. + positionInLine = #bottom ifTrue: [alignedPositionY := alignedPositionY + font descent]. + "#baseline does not require adjustments" + + padding := textAnchorProperties padding. + morphBaselineGetter := textAnchorProperties morphBaselineGetter. + morphPosition := textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentMorph. + morphPosition = #top ifTrue: [alignedPositionY := alignedPositionY + padding top]. + morphPosition = #center ifTrue: [alignedPositionY := (alignedPositionY - (aMorphOrForm height / 2)) floor]. + morphPosition = #baseline ifTrue: [ + alignedPositionY := alignedPositionY - (morphBaselineGetter ifNotNil: [:getter | + aMorphOrForm perform: getter] ifNil: [0])]. + morphPosition = #bottom ifTrue: [alignedPositionY := (alignedPositionY - aMorphOrForm height) - padding bottom]. + "We only apply padding to the position the morph is aligned to." + + ^ alignedPositionY! |
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