Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-pre.423 Author: pre Time: 14 November 2019, 4:20:44.164053 pm UUID: a9abea50-6c2d-1645-83da-5204166dda73 Ancestors: Graphics-mt.422 Fixes a bug causing lines with several morphs to become to high. =============== Diff against Graphics-mt.422 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>lineHeightForMorphOfHeight:aligned:to:paddedWith:andOptionalMorphBaseline: (in category 'private') ----- lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight aligned: morphPosition to: linePosition paddedWith: verticalPadding andOptionalMorphBaseline: morphBaseline "The idea here is to first compute the total height and then subtract the overlapping area." | adjustedLineHeight morphHeight total | morphHeight := aMorphHeight + verticalPadding. total := font height + morphHeight. adjustedLineHeight := 0. morphPosition = #top ifTrue: [ linePosition = #top ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font height]. linePosition = #center ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - (font descent + (font ascent / 2))]. linePosition = #baseline ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font descent]. linePosition = #bottom ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total].]. morphPosition = #center ifTrue: [ | upperMorphHalf lowerMorphHalf | "The overlapping area of a morph aligned at the center position can be determined by splitting the morph into a top half which is aligned at the bottom and a lower half aligned at the top." upperMorphHalf := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight // 2 - lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight / 2 aligned: #bottom to: linePosition. lowerMorphHalf := self + lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight // 2 - lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight / 2 aligned: #top to: linePosition. adjustedLineHeight := upperMorphHalf + lowerMorphHalf - font height]. morphPosition = #baseline ifTrue: [ | upperMorphHalf lowerMorphHalf | "We use the same trick as we used with the center position but with different proportions of the morph." upperMorphHalf := self lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: morphBaseline aligned: #bottom to: linePosition. lowerMorphHalf := self lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: aMorphHeight - morphBaseline aligned: #top to: linePosition. adjustedLineHeight := upperMorphHalf + lowerMorphHalf - font height]. morphPosition = #bottom ifTrue: [ linePosition = #top ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total]. linePosition = #center ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - (font ascent / 2)]. linePosition = #baseline ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font ascent]. linePosition = #bottom ifTrue: [adjustedLineHeight := total - font height].]. + ^ adjustedLineHeight! - ^ lineHeight max: adjustedLineHeight ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompositionScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: (in category 'private') ----- placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: aTextAttribute | width anchoredMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties | anchoredMorphOrForm := aTextAttribute anchoredMorph. textAnchorProperties := self textAnchorPropertiesFor: anchoredMorphOrForm. textAnchorProperties anchorLayout == #document ifTrue: [^ true]. "If it is not anchored at the document, we assume that it is inline." width := anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding. (textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace and: [destX + width > rightMargin and: [(leftMargin + width) <= rightMargin or: [lastIndex > line first]]]) ifTrue: ["Won't fit, but would on next line" ^ false]. "The width had to be set beforehand to determine line wrapping. We can now re-use and reset it as it might not be necessary anymore. --pre" width := textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace ifTrue: [anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding] ifFalse: [0]. destX := destX + width + kern. baseline := baseline max: (self alignmentMorphOffsetFor: textAnchorProperties of: anchoredMorphOrForm) + (self baselineAdjustmentFor: textAnchorProperties). + lineHeight := lineHeight max: (self - lineHeight := self lineHeightForMorphOfHeight: anchoredMorphOrForm height aligned: textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentMorph to: textAnchorProperties verticalAlignmentLine paddedWith: textAnchorProperties verticalPadding andOptionalMorphBaseline: (textAnchorProperties morphBaselineGetter + ifNotNil: [:getter | anchoredMorphOrForm perform: getter] ifNil: [0])). - ifNotNil: [:getter | anchoredMorphOrForm perform: getter] ifNil: [0]). ^ true! Item was changed: ----- Method: DisplayScanner>>placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: (in category 'private') ----- placeEmbeddedObjectFrom: aTextAttribute | width anchoredMorphOrForm textAnchorProperties | anchoredMorphOrForm := aTextAttribute anchoredMorph. textAnchorProperties := self textAnchorPropertiesFor: anchoredMorphOrForm. (self embeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm shouldBePlacedInDocumentGiven: textAnchorProperties) ifTrue: [^ self placeEmbeddedObjectInDocument: anchoredMorphOrForm]. + self placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm inlineGiven: textAnchorProperties. - .self placeEmbeddedObject: anchoredMorphOrForm inlineGiven: textAnchorProperties. width := textAnchorProperties consumesHorizontalSpace ifTrue: [anchoredMorphOrForm width + textAnchorProperties horizontalPadding] ifFalse: [0]. destX := destX + width + kern. ^ true! |
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