David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Graphics-tfel.306.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-tfel.306
Author: tfel
Time: 12 February 2015, 4:30:55.231 pm
UUID: d29337c1-4ded-b541-bf1e-9a8ca326eb04
Ancestors: Graphics-kfr.305
get rid of the self>>error: call in BitBlt>>copyBits. This is not really useful, as we can just proceed and it still works. In addition, the RSqueakVM needs to go through this fallback code to run the BitBltSimulation (it doesn't have a plugin)
=============== Diff against Graphics-kfr.305 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BitBlt>>copyBits (in category 'copying') -----
"Primitive. Perform the movement of bits from the source form to the
destination form. Fail if any variables are not of the right type (Integer,
Float, or Form) or if the combination rule is not implemented.
In addition to the original 16 combination rules, this BitBlt supports
16 fail (to simulate paint)
17 fail (to simulate mask)
18 sourceWord + destinationWord
19 sourceWord - destinationWord
20 rgbAdd: sourceWord with: destinationWord
21 rgbSub: sourceWord with: destinationWord
22 rgbDiff: sourceWord with: destinationWord
23 tallyIntoMap: destinationWord
24 alphaBlend: sourceWord with: destinationWord
25 pixPaint: sourceWord with: destinationWord
26 pixMask: sourceWord with: destinationWord
27 rgbMax: sourceWord with: destinationWord
28 rgbMin: sourceWord with: destinationWord
29 rgbMin: sourceWord bitInvert32 with: destinationWord
<primitive: 'primitiveCopyBits' module: 'BitBltPlugin'>
"Check for compressed source, destination or halftone forms"
(combinationRule >= 30 and: [combinationRule <= 31]) ifTrue:
["No alpha specified -- re-run with alpha = 1.0"
^ self copyBitsTranslucent: 255].
((sourceForm isForm) and: [sourceForm unhibernate])
ifTrue: [^ self copyBits].
((destForm isForm) and: [destForm unhibernate])
ifTrue: [^ self copyBits].
((halftoneForm isForm) and: [halftoneForm unhibernate])
ifTrue: [^ self copyBits].
"Check for unimplmented rules"
combinationRule = Form oldPaint ifTrue: [^ self paintBits].
combinationRule = Form oldErase1bitShape ifTrue: [^ self eraseBits].
"Check if BitBlt doesn't support full color maps"
(colorMap notNil and:[colorMap isColormap]) ifTrue:[
colorMap := colorMap colors.
^self copyBits].
"Check if clipping gots us way out of range"
self clipRange ifTrue:[self roundVariables. ^self copyBitsAgain].
- self error: 'Bad BitBlt arg (Fraction?); proceed to convert.'.
"Convert all numeric parameters to integers and try again."
self roundVariables.
^ self copyBitsAgain!