Tony Garnock-Jones uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-tonyg.438
Author: tonyg
Time: 27 August 2020, 7:33:11.682629 pm
UUID: c77170e1-f29b-44f5-bb2d-b1dc78f9e60c
Ancestors: Graphics-pre.437
As the display may need a repaint after pixelsPerInch changes, call Display restore.
=============== Diff against Graphics-pre.437 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextStyle class>>pixelsPerInch: (in category 'utilities') -----
pixelsPerInch: aNumber
"Set the nominal number of pixels per inch to aNumber."
TextConstants at: #pixelsPerInch put: aNumber asFloat.
+ AbstractFont allSubInstancesDo: [ :font | font pixelsPerInchChanged ].
+ Display restore.!
- AbstractFont allSubInstancesDo: [ :font | font pixelsPerInchChanged ].!