The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-tpr.226
Author: tpr
Time: 23 September 2013, 12:42:11.34 pm
UUID: 842c37b1-aab4-41a7-b8ff-1411a96c4590
Ancestors: Graphics-tpr.225

A first step in improvingthe characterscanner tree(s);
mostly split out kerning and non-kerning scanning. Also add some guide comments for later parts of the work, so some methods are only changed in comment.

=============== Diff against Graphics-tpr.225 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: AbstractFont>>isPairKerningCapable (in category 'testing') -----
+ isPairKerningCapable
+ "a hopefully temporary test method; better factoring of scan/measure/display should remove the need for it.
+ Only FreeType fonts would currently add this to return true"
+ ^false!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: AbstractFont>>widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: (in category 'kerning') -----
- widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: leftCharacter right: rightCharacterOrNil into: aTwoElementArray
- "Set the first element of aTwoElementArray to the width of leftCharacter and
- the second element to the width of left character when kerned with
- rightCharacterOrNil. Answer aTwoElementArray"
- | w k |
- w := self widthOf: leftCharacter.
- rightCharacterOrNil isNil
- ifTrue:[
- aTwoElementArray
- at: 1 put: w;
- at: 2 put: w]
- ifFalse:[
- k := self kerningLeft: leftCharacter right: rightCharacterOrNil.
- aTwoElementArray
- at: 1 put: w;
- at: 2 put: w+k].
- ^aTwoElementArray
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>basicScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
+ "In ancient days this would have called primitive 103 to scan a string with StrikeFont, but time moves on. See historicalScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: if you're curious. This code handles the newer shape of CharacterScanner but does *no* pair kerning.
+ There is a pretty deep assumption of simple ASCII strings and characters - beware"
+ | ascii nextDestX char |
- basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
- "Primitive. This is the inner loop of text display--but see
- scanCharactersFrom: to:rightX: which would get the string,
- stopConditions and displaying from the instance. March through source
- String from startIndex to stopIndex. If any character is flagged with a
- non-nil entry in stops, then return the corresponding value. Determine
- width of each character from xTable, indexed by map.
- If dextX would exceed rightX, then return stops at: 258.
- Advance destX by the width of the character. If stopIndex has been
- reached, then return stops at: 257. Optional.
- See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."
- | ascii nextDestX char  floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextChar atEndOfRun |
- <primitive: 103>
  lastIndex := startIndex.
- floatDestX := destX.
- widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
- atEndOfRun := false.
  [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+ whileTrue: [
+ "get the character value"
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
- whileTrue:
- [char := (sourceString at: lastIndex).
  ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
+ "if there is an entry in 'stops' for this value, return it"
+ (stops at: ascii)
+ ifNotNil: [^ stops at: ascii].
+ "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+ nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: char).
+ "if the next x is past the right edge, return crossedX"
+ nextDestX > rightX
+ ifTrue: [^ stops crossedX].
+ "update destX and incorporate thr kernDelta"
+ destX := nextDestX + kernDelta.
- (stops at: ascii) == nil ifFalse: [^stops at: ascii].
- "Note: The following is querying the font about the width
- since the primitive may have failed due to a non-trivial
- mapping of characters to glyphs or a non-existing xTable."
- nextChar := (lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex)
- ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
- ifFalse:[
- atEndOfRun := true.
- "if there is a next char in sourceString, then get the kern
- and store it in pendingKernX"
- lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
- ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
- ifFalse:[ nil]].
- font
- widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
- right: nextChar
- into: widthAndKernedWidth.
- nextDestX := floatDestX + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
- nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^stops crossedX].
- floatDestX := floatDestX + kernDelta + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
- atEndOfRun
- ifTrue:[
- pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2) - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
- floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
- destX := floatDestX.
  lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
  lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^ stops endOfRun!
- ^stops endOfRun!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>basicScanKernableCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ basicScanKernableCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
+ "In ancient days this would have called primitive 103 to scan a string with StrikeFont, but time moves on. See historicalScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: if you're curious. This code handles the newer shape of CharacterScanner and provides some support for fonts that have pair-kerning; this may be removable with some better factoring.
+ There is a pretty deep assumption of simple ASCII strings and characters - beware"
+ | ascii nextDestX char floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextCharOrNil atEndOfRun |
+ lastIndex := startIndex.
+ floatDestX := destX.
+ widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
+ atEndOfRun := false.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+ whileTrue: [
+ "get the character value"
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+ ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
+ "if there is an entry in 'stops' for this value, return it"
+ (stops at: ascii)
+ ifNotNil: [^ stops at: ascii].
+ "get the next character..."
+ nextCharOrNil := lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex
+ ifTrue: [sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
+ ifFalse: ["if we're at or past the stopIndex, see if there is anything in the full string"
+ atEndOfRun := true.
+ lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
+ ifTrue: [sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]].
+ "get the font's kerning info for the pair of current character and next character"
+ "for almost all fonts in common use this is a waste of time since they don't support pair kerning and both values are #widthOf: char"
+ font
+ widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
+ right: nextCharOrNil
+ into: widthAndKernedWidth.
+ "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+ nextDestX := floatDestX
+ + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ "if the next x is past the right edge, return crossedX"
+ nextDestX > rightX
+ ifTrue: [^ stops crossedX].
+ "bump floatDestX by the *kerned* width of the current
+ character, which is where the *next* char will go"
+ floatDestX := floatDestX + kernDelta
+ + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
+ "if we are at the end of this run we keep track of the
+ character-kern-delta for possible later use and then rather
+ insanely remove that character-kern-delta from floatDestX,
+ making it equivalent to (old floatDestX) + kernDelta +
+ width-of-character - no idea why"
+ atEndOfRun
+ ifTrue: [pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2)
+ - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
+ "save the next x for next time around the loop"
+ destX := floatDestX.
+ lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
+ lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^ stops endOfRun!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>historicalScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ historicalScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
+ "Primitive. This is the inner loop of text display--but see
+ scanCharactersFrom: to:rightX: which would get the string,
+ stopConditions and displaying from the instance. March through source
+ String from startIndex to stopIndex. If any character is flagged with a
+ non-nil entry in stops, then return the corresponding value. Determine
+ width of each character from xTable, indexed by map.
+ If dextX would exceed rightX, then return stops at: 258.
+ Advance destX by the width of the character. If stopIndex has been
+ reached, then return stops at: 257. Optional.
+ See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive.
+ Historical note: this primitive has been unusable since about Squeak 2.8 when the shape of the CharracterScanner class changed. It is left here as a reminder that the actual primitive still needs supporting in the VM to keep old images such as Scratch1.4 alive - tpr"
+ | ascii nextDestX char |
+ <primitive: 103>
+ lastIndex _ startIndex.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+ whileTrue:
+ [char _ (sourceString at: lastIndex).
+ ascii _ char asciiValue + 1.
+ (stops at: ascii) == nil ifFalse: [^stops at: ascii].
+ "Note: The following is querying the font about the width
+ since the primitive may have failed due to a non-trivial
+ mapping of characters to glyphs or a non-existing xTable."
+ nextDestX _ destX + (font widthOf: char).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^stops at: CrossedX].
+ destX _ nextDestX + kernDelta.
+ lastIndex _ lastIndex + 1].
+ lastIndex _ stopIndex.
+ ^stops at: EndOfRun
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>isBreakableAtIndex: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
  isBreakableAtIndex: index
+ "appears t obe unused - cf MultiCharacterScanner>isBreakableAt:in:in"
  ^ (EncodedCharSet at: ((text at: index) leadingChar + 1)) isBreakableAt: index in: text.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ scanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
- scanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
  | startEncoding selector |
+ sourceString isByteString
+ ifTrue: [font isPairKerningCapable
+ ifTrue: [^ self
+ basicScanKernableCharactersFrom: startIndex
+ to: (stopIndex min: sourceString size)
+ in: sourceString
+ rightX: rightX
+ stopConditions: stops
+ kern: kernDelta]
+ ifFalse: [^ self
+ basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex
+ to: (stopIndex min: sourceString size)
+ in: sourceString
+ rightX: rightX
+ stopConditions: stops
+ kern: kernDelta]].
+ sourceString isWideString
+ ifTrue: [startIndex > stopIndex
+ ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^ stops endOfRun].
+ startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
+ selector := EncodedCharSet scanSelectorAt: startEncoding.
+ ^ self
+ perform: selector
+ withArguments: (Array
+ with: startIndex
+ with: stopIndex
+ with: sourceString
+ with: rightX
+ with: stops
+ with: kernDelta)].
+ ^ stops endOfRun!
- (sourceString isByteString) ifTrue: [^ self basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: (stopIndex min: sourceString size) in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta.].
- (sourceString isWideString) ifTrue: [
- startIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops endOfRun].
- startEncoding :=  (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
- selector := EncodedCharSet scanSelectorAt: startEncoding.
- ^ self perform: selector withArguments: (Array with: startIndex with: stopIndex with: sourceString with: rightX with: stops with: kernDelta).
- ].
- ^ stops endOfRun
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanMultiCharactersCombiningFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
- scanMultiCharactersCombiningFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
- "Implement a workaround for unicode composing.
- a MultiCharacterScanner should better be used to handle combination."
- ^self scanMultiCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta!

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Please tim, := assignments would be much appreciated :)

2013/9/23 <[hidden email]>
tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-tpr.226
Author: tpr
Time: 23 September 2013, 12:42:11.34 pm
UUID: 842c37b1-aab4-41a7-b8ff-1411a96c4590
Ancestors: Graphics-tpr.225

A first step in improvingthe characterscanner tree(s);
mostly split out kerning and non-kerning scanning. Also add some guide comments for later parts of the work, so some methods are only changed in comment.

=============== Diff against Graphics-tpr.225 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: AbstractFont>>isPairKerningCapable (in category 'testing') -----
+ isPairKerningCapable
+ "a hopefully temporary test method; better factoring of scan/measure/display should remove the need for it.
+ Only FreeType fonts would currently add this to return true"
+       ^false!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: AbstractFont>>widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: (in category 'kerning') -----
- widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: leftCharacter right: rightCharacterOrNil into: aTwoElementArray
-       "Set the first element of aTwoElementArray to the width of leftCharacter and
-       the second element to the width of left character when kerned with
-       rightCharacterOrNil. Answer aTwoElementArray"
-       | w k |
-       w := self widthOf: leftCharacter.
-       rightCharacterOrNil isNil
-               ifTrue:[
-                       aTwoElementArray
-                               at: 1 put: w;
-                               at: 2 put: w]
-               ifFalse:[
-                       k := self kerningLeft: leftCharacter right: rightCharacterOrNil.
-                       aTwoElementArray
-                               at: 1 put: w;
-                               at: 2 put: w+k].
-       ^aTwoElementArray
-       !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>basicScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
+       "In ancient days this would have called primitive 103 to scan a string with StrikeFont, but time moves on. See historicalScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: if you're curious. This code handles the newer shape of CharacterScanner but does *no* pair kerning.
+       There is a pretty deep assumption of simple ASCII strings and characters - beware"
+       | ascii nextDestX char |
- basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
-       "Primitive. This is the inner loop of text display--but see
-       scanCharactersFrom: to:rightX: which would get the string,
-       stopConditions and displaying from the instance. March through source
-       String from startIndex to stopIndex. If any character is flagged with a
-       non-nil entry in stops, then return the corresponding value. Determine
-       width of each character from xTable, indexed by map.
-       If dextX would exceed rightX, then return stops at: 258.
-       Advance destX by the width of the character. If stopIndex has been
-       reached, then return stops at: 257. Optional.
-       See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive."
-       | ascii nextDestX char  floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextChar atEndOfRun |
-       <primitive: 103>
        lastIndex := startIndex.
-       floatDestX := destX.
-       widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
-       atEndOfRun := false.
        [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+               whileTrue: [
+                       "get the character value"
+                       char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
-               whileTrue:
-                       [char := (sourceString at: lastIndex).
                        ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
+                       "if there is an entry in 'stops' for this value, return it"
+                       (stops at: ascii)
+                               ifNotNil: [^ stops at: ascii].
+                       "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+                       nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: char).
+                       "if the next x is past the right edge, return crossedX"
+                       nextDestX > rightX
+                               ifTrue: [^ stops crossedX].
+                       "update destX and incorporate thr kernDelta"
+                       destX := nextDestX + kernDelta.
-                       (stops at: ascii) == nil ifFalse: [^stops at: ascii].
-                       "Note: The following is querying the font about the width
-                       since the primitive may have failed due to a non-trivial
-                       mapping of characters to glyphs or a non-existing xTable."
-                       nextChar := (lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex)
-                               ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
-                               ifFalse:[
-                                       atEndOfRun := true.
-                                       "if there is a next char in sourceString, then get the kern
-                                       and store it in pendingKernX"
-                                       lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
-                                               ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
-                                               ifFalse:[       nil]].
-                       font
-                               widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
-                               right: nextChar
-                               into: widthAndKernedWidth.
-                       nextDestX := floatDestX + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
-                       nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^stops crossedX].
-                       floatDestX := floatDestX + kernDelta + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
-                       atEndOfRun
-                               ifTrue:[
-                                       pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2) - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
-                                       floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
-                       destX := floatDestX.
                        lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
        lastIndex := stopIndex.
+       ^ stops endOfRun!
-       ^stops endOfRun!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>basicScanKernableCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ basicScanKernableCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
+       "In ancient days this would have called primitive 103 to scan a string with StrikeFont, but time moves on. See historicalScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: if you're curious. This code handles the newer shape of CharacterScanner and provides some support for fonts that have pair-kerning; this may be removable with some better factoring.
+       There is a pretty deep assumption of simple ASCII strings and characters - beware"
+       | ascii nextDestX char floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextCharOrNil atEndOfRun |
+       lastIndex := startIndex.
+       floatDestX := destX.
+       widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
+       atEndOfRun := false.
+       [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+               whileTrue: [
+                       "get the character value"
+                       char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+                       ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
+                       "if there is an entry in 'stops' for this value, return it"
+                       (stops at: ascii)
+                               ifNotNil: [^ stops at: ascii].
+                       "get the next character..."
+                       nextCharOrNil := lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex
+                                               ifTrue: [sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
+                                               ifFalse: ["if we're at or past the stopIndex, see if there is anything in the full string"
+                                                       atEndOfRun := true.
+                                                       lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
+                                                               ifTrue: [sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]].
+                       "get the font's kerning info for the pair of current character and next character"
+                       "for almost all fonts in common use this is a waste of time since they don't support pair kerning and both values are #widthOf: char"
+                       font
+                               widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
+                               right: nextCharOrNil
+                               into: widthAndKernedWidth.
+                       "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+                       nextDestX := floatDestX
+                                               + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+                       "if the next x is past the right edge, return crossedX"
+                       nextDestX > rightX
+                               ifTrue: [^ stops crossedX].
+                       "bump floatDestX by the *kerned* width of the current
+                       character, which is where the *next* char will go"
+                       floatDestX := floatDestX + kernDelta
+                                               + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
+                       "if we are at the end of this run we keep track of the
+                       character-kern-delta for possible later use and then rather
+                       insanely remove that character-kern-delta from floatDestX,
+                       making it equivalent to (old floatDestX) + kernDelta +
+                       width-of-character - no idea why"
+                       atEndOfRun
+                               ifTrue: [pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2)
+                                                               - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+                                       floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
+                       "save the next x for next time around the loop"
+                       destX := floatDestX.
+                       lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
+       lastIndex := stopIndex.
+       ^ stops endOfRun!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>historicalScanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ historicalScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
+       "Primitive. This is the inner loop of text display--but see
+       scanCharactersFrom: to:rightX: which would get the string,
+       stopConditions and displaying from the instance. March through source
+       String from startIndex to stopIndex. If any character is flagged with a
+       non-nil entry in stops, then return the corresponding value. Determine
+       width of each character from xTable, indexed by map.
+       If dextX would exceed rightX, then return stops at: 258.
+       Advance destX by the width of the character. If stopIndex has been
+       reached, then return stops at: 257. Optional.
+       See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive.
+       Historical note: this primitive has been unusable since about Squeak 2.8 when the shape of the CharracterScanner class changed. It is left here as a reminder that the actual primitive still needs supporting in the VM to keep old images such as Scratch1.4 alive - tpr"
+       | ascii nextDestX char |
+       <primitive: 103>
+       lastIndex _ startIndex.
+       [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+               whileTrue:
+                       [char _ (sourceString at: lastIndex).
+                       ascii _ char asciiValue + 1.
+                       (stops at: ascii) == nil ifFalse: [^stops at: ascii].
+                       "Note: The following is querying the font about the width
+                       since the primitive may have failed due to a non-trivial
+                       mapping of characters to glyphs or a non-existing xTable."
+                       nextDestX _ destX + (font widthOf: char).
+                       nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [^stops at: CrossedX].
+                       destX _ nextDestX + kernDelta.
+                       lastIndex _ lastIndex + 1].
+       lastIndex _ stopIndex.
+       ^stops at: EndOfRun
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>isBreakableAtIndex: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
  isBreakableAtIndex: index
+ "appears t obe unused - cf MultiCharacterScanner>isBreakableAt:in:in"
        ^ (EncodedCharSet at: ((text at: index) leadingChar + 1)) isBreakableAt: index in: text.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanning') -----
+ scanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
- scanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
        | startEncoding selector |
+       sourceString isByteString
+               ifTrue: [font isPairKerningCapable
+                               ifTrue: [^ self
+                                               basicScanKernableCharactersFrom: startIndex
+                                               to: (stopIndex min: sourceString size)
+                                               in: sourceString
+                                               rightX: rightX
+                                               stopConditions: stops
+                                               kern: kernDelta]
+                               ifFalse: [^ self
+                                               basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex
+                                               to: (stopIndex min: sourceString size)
+                                               in: sourceString
+                                               rightX: rightX
+                                               stopConditions: stops
+                                               kern: kernDelta]].
+       sourceString isWideString
+               ifTrue: [startIndex > stopIndex
+                               ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex.
+                                       ^ stops endOfRun].
+                       startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
+                       selector := EncodedCharSet scanSelectorAt: startEncoding.
+                       ^ self
+                               perform: selector
+                               withArguments: (Array
+                                               with: startIndex
+                                               with: stopIndex
+                                               with: sourceString
+                                               with: rightX
+                                               with: stops
+                                               with: kernDelta)].
+       ^ stops endOfRun!
-       (sourceString isByteString) ifTrue: [^ self basicScanCharactersFrom: startIndex to: (stopIndex min: sourceString size) in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta.].
-       (sourceString isWideString) ifTrue: [
-               startIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [lastIndex := stopIndex. ^ stops endOfRun].
-               startEncoding :=  (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
-               selector := EncodedCharSet scanSelectorAt: startEncoding.
-               ^ self perform: selector withArguments: (Array with: startIndex with: stopIndex with: sourceString with: rightX with: stops with: kernDelta).
-       ].
-       ^ stops endOfRun
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanMultiCharactersCombiningFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:kern: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
- scanMultiCharactersCombiningFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta
-       "Implement a workaround for unicode composing.
-       a MultiCharacterScanner should better be used to handle combination."
-       ^self scanMultiCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX stopConditions: stops kern: kernDelta!

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz


On 23-09-2013, at 1:34 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Please tim, := assignments would be much appreciated :)

I wasn't aware of not using them, but fortunately it's only in a virtually-dead method. Oh, I see - it was like that before I renamed it to preserve it temporarily.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Useful random insult:- Has a pulse, but that's about all.

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
The update did not work for me because widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: was removed before its senders were changed.
Unfortunately some TextMorph decided to update in between...
I did retry with all windows close, it went up to a merge window because I had a conflict, and this was again fatal.
I'll retry in a clean image to be sure, but it might be better to first add the new/changed methods, and then to remove in a second .mcz (with a new mcm update in-between for forcing correct load order).

2013/9/23 tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>

On 23-09-2013, at 1:34 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Please tim, := assignments would be much appreciated :)

I wasn't aware of not using them, but fortunately it's only in a virtually-dead method. Oh, I see - it was like that before I renamed it to preserve it temporarily.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Useful random insult:- Has a pulse, but that's about all.

SqueakDebug.log (22K) Download Attachment
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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz


On 23-09-2013, at 2:14 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

> The update did not work for me because widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: was removed before its senders were changed.
> Unfortunately some TextMorph decided to update in between…

Damn. And all that work that was intended to prevent order dependency goes up in smoke…

So how do we rescind a change? What else do I need to know to solve this?

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
The simplest thing that could work:
restart after Graphics-tpr.226, restore the removed method publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
browse latest update mcm, update at least Graphics to Graphics-tpr.227, publish (store) the update mcm in trunk
Then remove the method again and publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk

Or a variant:
restart before Graphics-tpr.226, replay all changes but the remove, publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
browse mcm update, update graphics package, publish mcm update
Merge Graphics-tpr.226, publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk

2013/9/24 tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>

On 23-09-2013, at 2:14 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

> The update did not work for me because widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: was removed before its senders were changed.
> Unfortunately some TextMorph decided to update in between…

Damn. And all that work that was intended to prevent order dependency goes up in smoke…

So how do we rescind a change? What else do I need to know to solve this?
The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
The first variant is easier, and it will also work for those who have
managed to update to tpr.226.


On Tue, 24 Sep 2013, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

> The simplest thing that could work:
> restart after Graphics-tpr.226, restore the removed method publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
> browse latest update mcm, update at least Graphics to Graphics-tpr.227, publish (store) the update mcm in trunk
> Then remove the method again and publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk
> Or a variant:
> restart before Graphics-tpr.226, replay all changes but the remove, publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
> browse mcm update, update graphics package, publish mcm update
> Merge Graphics-tpr.226, publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk
> 2013/9/24 tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>
>       On 23-09-2013, at 2:14 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:
>       > The update did not work for me because widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: was removed before its senders were changed.
> > Unfortunately some TextMorph decided to update in between…
> Damn. And all that work that was intended to prevent order dependency goes up in smoke…
> So how do we rescind a change? What else do I need to know to solve this?
> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
> The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
But wait a minute before touching the update map, I have to first fix update-nice.246 which broke

2013/9/24 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>
The first variant is easier, and it will also work for those who have managed to update to tpr.226.


On Tue, 24 Sep 2013, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

The simplest thing that could work:
restart after Graphics-tpr.226, restore the removed method publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
browse latest update mcm, update at least Graphics to Graphics-tpr.227, publish (store) the update mcm in trunk
Then remove the method again and publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk

Or a variant:
restart before Graphics-tpr.226, replay all changes but the remove, publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
browse mcm update, update graphics package, publish mcm update
Merge Graphics-tpr.226, publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk

2013/9/24 tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>

      On 23-09-2013, at 2:14 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

      > The update did not work for me because widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: was removed before its senders were changed.
> Unfortunately some TextMorph decided to update in between…

Damn. And all that work that was intended to prevent order dependency goes up in smoke…

So how do we rescind a change? What else do I need to know to solve this?

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Nicolas Cellier

2013/9/24 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
But wait a minute before touching the update map, I have to first fix update-nice.246 which broke

2013/9/24 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>
The first variant is easier, and it will also work for those who have managed to update to tpr.226.


On Tue, 24 Sep 2013, Nicolas Cellier wrote:

The simplest thing that could work:
restart after Graphics-tpr.226, restore the removed method publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
browse latest update mcm, update at least Graphics to Graphics-tpr.227, publish (store) the update mcm in trunk
Then remove the method again and publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk

Or a variant:
restart before Graphics-tpr.226, replay all changes but the remove, publish Graphics-tpr.227.mcz.
browse mcm update, update graphics package, publish mcm update
Merge Graphics-tpr.226, publish Graphics-tpr.228 in trunk

2013/9/24 tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>

      On 23-09-2013, at 2:14 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

      > The update did not work for me because widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: was removed before its senders were changed.
> Unfortunately some TextMorph decided to update in between…

Damn. And all that work that was intended to prevent order dependency goes up in smoke…

So how do we rescind a change? What else do I need to know to solve this?

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2
Now I'm puzzled. My image still has the widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: method. So far as I can tell it wasn't removed at any point. I see in your debug log that a StrikeFont dNU'd when sent it but I cannot see how that would happen - all my code did was modify it.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Oxymorons: Silent scream

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
OK, I managed to update a trunk image (from build server) and I have fixed Graphics.
The method is still in use, so we must not remove it indeed.

Is it possible that you moved the method into another category?
Ah, I get it, you certainly loaded FreeType which is full of nasty overrides and which took the ownership of the method...

2013/9/24 tim Rowledge <[hidden email]>
Now I'm puzzled. My image still has the widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into: method. So far as I can tell it wasn't removed at any point. I see in your debug log that a StrikeFont dNU'd when sent it but I cannot see how that would happen - all my code did was modify it.
Oxymorons: Silent scream

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Re: The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.226.mcz


On 23-09-2013, at 4:19 PM, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

> OK, I managed to update a trunk image (from build server) and I have fixed Graphics.
> The method is still in use, so we must not remove it indeed.
> Is it possible that you moved the method into another category?
> Ah, I get it, you certainly loaded FreeType which is full of nasty overrides and which took the ownership of the method…

D'Oh. Not entirely sure how that happened since I don't recall deliberately adding it, but that makes sense.
I see you corrected the package setting, I've just brought it back up to date. Thongs *should* be better now

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
The best packed information most resembles random noise.