The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.241.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.241.mcz

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-tpr.241
Author: tpr
Time: 30 September 2013, 4:09:51.588 pm
UUID: 61719896-2cc1-4c63-b5b7-fa0f97c9a01d
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.240

Change from TextComposer characterForColumnBreak to Character characterForColumnBreak

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.240 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
  CharacterScanner initialize
  | a |
  a := TextStopConditions new.
  a at: 1 + 1 put: #embeddedObject.
  a at: Space asciiValue + 1 put: #space.
  a at: Tab asciiValue + 1 put: #tab.
  a at: CR asciiValue + 1 put: #cr.
  a at: Character lf asciiValue + 1 put: #cr.
  DefaultStopConditions := a copy.
  ColumnBreakStopConditions := a copy.
+ ColumnBreakStopConditions at: Character characterForColumnBreak asciiValue + 1 put: #columnBreak.
- ColumnBreakStopConditions at: TextComposer characterForColumnBreak asciiValue + 1 put: #columnBreak.
  PaddedSpaceCondition := a copy.
  PaddedSpaceCondition at: Space asciiValue + 1 put: #paddedSpace.
  MeasuringStopConditions := TextStopConditions new!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextComposer class>>characterForColumnBreak (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
+ ^Character characterForColumnBreak!
- ^Character value: 12!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextComposer>>composeEachRectangleIn: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  composeEachRectangleIn: rectangles
  | myLine lastChar |
  1 to: rectangles size do: [:i |
  currCharIndex <= theText size ifFalse: [^false].
  myLine := scanner
  composeFrom: currCharIndex
  inRectangle: (rectangles at: i)
  firstLine: isFirstLine
  leftSide: i=1
  rightSide: i=rectangles size.
  lines addLast: myLine.
  actualHeight := actualHeight max: myLine lineHeight.  "includes font changes"
  currCharIndex := myLine last + 1.
  lastChar := theText at: myLine last.
  (CharacterSet crlf includes: lastChar) ifTrue: [^#cr].
  wantsColumnBreaks ifTrue: [
+ lastChar = Character characterForColumnBreak ifTrue: [^#columnBreak].
- lastChar = TextComposer characterForColumnBreak ifTrue: [^#columnBreak].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextComposer>>slideOneLineDown (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  | priorLine |
  "Having detected the end of rippling recoposition, we are only sliding old lines"
  prevIndex < prevLines size ifFalse: [
  "There are no more prevLines to slide."
  ^nowSliding := possibleSlide := false
  "Adjust and re-use previously composed line"
  prevIndex := prevIndex + 1.
  priorLine := (prevLines at: prevIndex)
  slideIndexBy: deltaCharIndex andMoveTopTo: currentY.
  lines addLast: priorLine.
  currentY := priorLine bottom.
  currCharIndex := priorLine last + 1.
  wantsColumnBreaks ifTrue: [
  priorLine first to: priorLine last do: [ :i |
+ (theText at: i) = Character characterForColumnBreak ifTrue: [
- (theText at: i) = TextComposer characterForColumnBreak ifTrue: [
  nowSliding := possibleSlide := false.