The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.255.mcz

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The Trunk: Graphics-tpr.255.mcz

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Graphics-tpr.255
Author: tpr
Time: 8 October 2013, 2:52:03.76 pm
UUID: 209b7ded-7888-4914-b4fe-33d966ffac56
Ancestors: Graphics-nice.254

Add some new character scanning pathways to the CharacterScanner class and AbstractFont.

=============== Diff against Graphics-nice.254 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: AbstractFont>>scanByteCharactersFrom:to:in:with:rightX: (in category 'character scanning') -----
+ scanByteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: aByteString with: aCharacterScanner rightX: rightX
+ "scan a single byte character string"
+ ^aCharacterScanner scanByteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: aByteString rightX: rightX!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: AbstractFont>>scanMultibyteCharactersFrom:to:in:with:rightX: (in category 'character scanning') -----
+ scanMultibyteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: aWideString with: aCharacterScanner rightX: rightX
+ "scan a multibyte character string"
+ ^aCharacterScanner scanMultibyteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: aWideString rightX: rightX !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: AbstractFont>>scanMultibyteJapaneseCharactersFrom:to:in:with:rightX: (in category 'character scanning') -----
+ scanMultibyteJapaneseCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: aWideString with: aCharacterScanner rightX: rightX
+ "scan a multibyte Japanese character string"
+ ^aCharacterScanner scanJapaneseCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: aWideString rightX: rightX
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>handleEndOfRunAt: (in category 'scanner methods') -----
+ handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex
+ " make sure the lastIndex is set to stopIndex and then return the stopCondition for endOfRun; important for  a couple of outside users"
+ lastIndex := stopIndex.
+ ^ stopConditions endOfRun!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>isBreakableAt:in:in: (in category 'multilingual scanning') -----
  isBreakableAt: index in: sourceString in: encodingClass
+ "check with the encoding whether the character at index is a breakable character.
+ Only the JISX0208 & JapaneseEnvironments  ever return true, so only the scanJapaneseCharacters... method calls this"
- "check with the encoding whether the character at index is a breakable character- only the JISX0208 & JapaneseEnvironment will ever return true, so only the scanJapaneseCharacters... method calls this"
  ^ encodingClass isBreakableAt: index in: sourceString.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanByteCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX: (in category 'multilingual scanning') -----
+ scanByteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX
+ "this is a scanning method for
+ single byte characters in a ByteString
+ a font that does not do character-pair kerning"
+ | ascii nextDestX char |
+ lastIndex := startIndex.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+ whileTrue: [
+ "get the character value"
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+ ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
+ "if there is an entry in 'stops' for this value, return it"
+ (stopConditions at: ascii)
+ ifNotNil: [^ stopConditions at: ascii].
+ "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+ nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: char).
+ "if the next x is past the right edge, return crossedX"
+ nextDestX > rightX
+ ifTrue: [^ stopConditions crossedX].
+ "update destX and incorporate thr kernDelta"
+ destX := nextDestX + kern.
+ lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
+ ^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanJapaneseCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX: (in category 'multilingual scanning') -----
+ scanJapaneseCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX
+ "this is a scanning method for
+ multibyte Japanese characters in a WideString - hence the isBreakable:in:in:
+ a font that does not do character-pair kerning "
+ | ascii encoding nextDestX startEncoding char |
+ lastIndex := startIndex.
+ lastIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex].
+ startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex] whileTrue: [
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+ encoding := char leadingChar.
+ encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stopConditions endOfRun].
+ ascii := char charCode.
+ (encoding = 0 and: [ascii < 256 and:[(stopConditions at: ascii + 1) notNil]])
+ ifTrue: [^ stopConditions at: ascii + 1].
+ (self isBreakableAt: lastIndex in: sourceString in: (EncodedCharSet charsetAt: encoding)) ifTrue: [
+ self registerBreakableIndex.
+ ].
+ nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: char).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [self theFirstCharCrossedX ifFalse: [^ stopConditions crossedX]].
+ destX := nextDestX + kern.
+ lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.
+ ].
+ ^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanKernableByteCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX: (in category 'multilingual scanning') -----
+ scanKernableByteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX
+ "this is a scanning method for
+ single byte characters in a ByteString
+ a font that does do character-pair kerning via widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into:"
+ | ascii nextDestX char floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextCharOrNil atEndOfRun |
+ lastIndex := startIndex.
+ floatDestX := destX.
+ widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
+ atEndOfRun := false.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex]
+ whileTrue: [
+ "get the character value"
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+ ascii := char asciiValue + 1.
+ "if there is an entry in 'stops' for this value, return it"
+ (stopConditions at: ascii)
+ ifNotNil: [^ stopConditions at: ascii].
+ "get the next character..."
+ nextCharOrNil := lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex
+ ifTrue: [sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
+ ifFalse: ["if we're at or past the stopIndex, see if there is anything in the full string"
+ atEndOfRun := true.
+ lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
+ ifTrue: [sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]].
+ "get the font's kerning info for the pair of current character and next character"
+ "for almost all fonts in common use this is a waste of time since they don't support pair kerning and both values are #widthOf: char"
+ font
+ widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
+ right: nextCharOrNil
+ into: widthAndKernedWidth.
+ "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+ nextDestX := floatDestX
+ + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ "if the next x is past the right edge, return crossedX"
+ nextDestX > rightX
+ ifTrue: [^ stopConditions crossedX].
+ "bump floatDestX by the *kerned* width of the current
+ character, which is where the *next* char will go"
+ floatDestX := floatDestX + kern
+ + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
+ "if we are at the end of this run we keep track of the
+ character-kern-delta for possible later use and then rather
+ insanely remove that character-kern-delta from floatDestX,
+ making it equivalent to (old floatDestX) + kernDelta +
+ width-of-character - no idea why"
+ atEndOfRun
+ ifTrue: [pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2)
+ - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
+ "save the next x for next time around the loop"
+ destX := floatDestX.
+ lastIndex := lastIndex + 1].
+ ^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanKernableMultibyteCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX: (in category 'multilingual scanning') -----
+ scanKernableMultibyteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX
+ "this is a scanning method for
+ multibyte characters in a WideString
+ a font that does do character-pair kerning via widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft:right:into:"
+ | ascii encoding nextDestX startEncoding floatDestX widthAndKernedWidth nextChar atEndOfRun char |
+ lastIndex := startIndex.
+ lastIndex > stopIndex ifTrue: [^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex].
+ startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
+ floatDestX := destX.
+ widthAndKernedWidth := Array new: 2.
+ atEndOfRun := false.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex] whileTrue: [
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+ encoding := char leadingChar.
+ encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stopConditions endOfRun].
+ ascii := char charCode.
+ (ascii < 256 and: [(stopConditions at: ascii + 1) ~~ nil]) ifTrue: [^ stopConditions at: ascii + 1].
+ nextChar := (lastIndex + 1 <= stopIndex)
+ ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
+ ifFalse:[
+ atEndOfRun := true.
+ "if there is a next char in sourceString, then get the kern
+ and store it in pendingKernX"
+ lastIndex + 1 <= sourceString size
+ ifTrue:[sourceString at: lastIndex + 1]
+ ifFalse:[ nil]].
+ font
+ widthAndKernedWidthOfLeft: char
+ right: nextChar
+ into: widthAndKernedWidth.
+ nextDestX := floatDestX + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [self theFirstCharCrossedX ifFalse: [^stopConditions crossedX]].
+ floatDestX := floatDestX + kern + (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2).
+ atEndOfRun
+ ifTrue:[
+ pendingKernX := (widthAndKernedWidth at: 2) - (widthAndKernedWidth at: 1).
+ floatDestX := floatDestX - pendingKernX].
+ destX := floatDestX .
+ lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.
+ ].
+ ^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CharacterScanner>>scanMultibyteCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX: (in category 'multilingual scanning') -----
+ scanMultibyteCharactersFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex in: sourceString rightX: rightX
+ "this is a scanning method for
+ multibyte characters in a WideString
+ a font that does not do character-pair kerning"
+ | char ascii encoding nextDestX startEncoding |
+ lastIndex := startIndex.
+ startEncoding := (sourceString at: startIndex) leadingChar.
+ [lastIndex <= stopIndex] whileTrue: [
+ char := sourceString at: lastIndex.
+ encoding := char leadingChar.
+ encoding ~= startEncoding ifTrue: [lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^ stopConditions endOfRun].
+ ascii := char charCode.
+ (ascii < 256 and: [(stopConditions at: ascii + 1) ~~ nil]) ifTrue: [^ stopConditions at: ascii + 1].
+ "bump nextDestX by the width of the current character"
+ nextDestX := destX + (font widthOf: char).
+ nextDestX > rightX ifTrue: [self theFirstCharCrossedX ifFalse: [^stopConditions crossedX]].
+ destX := nextDestX + kern .
+ lastIndex := lastIndex + 1.
+ ].
+ ^self handleEndOfRunAt: stopIndex!