Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Graphics-ul.92.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-ul.92 Author: ul Time: 12 December 2009, 2:22:54 am UUID: 158ef4d5-a801-2042-b8e3-f3bb97ffeff3 Ancestors: Graphics-ar.91 - replace sends of #ifNotNilDo: to #ifNotNil:, #ifNil:ifNotNilDo: to #ifNil:ifNotNil:, #ifNotNilDo:ifNil: to #ifNotNil:ifNil: =============== Diff against Graphics-ar.91 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: TextStyle class>>replaceFontsIn:with: (in category 'mime file in/out') ----- replaceFontsIn: oldFontArray with: newStyle " TextStyle replaceFontsIn: (TextStyle looseFontsFromFamily: #Accuny) with: (TextStyle named: #Accuny) " "Try to find corresponding fonts in newStyle and substitute them for the fonts in oldFontArray" newStyle fontArray do: [ :newFont | newFont releaseCachedState ]. oldFontArray do: [ :oldFont | | newFont | oldFont reset. newFont := (newStyle fontOfPointSize: oldFont pointSize) emphasis: oldFont emphasis. oldFont becomeForward: newFont ]. StringMorph allSubInstancesDo: [ :s | s layoutChanged ]. TextMorph allSubInstancesDo: [ :s | s layoutChanged ]. SystemWindow allInstancesDo: [ :w | [ w update: #relabel ] on: Error do: [ :ex | ] ]. + World ifNotNil: [ :w | w changed ].! - World ifNotNilDo: [ :w | w changed ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextStyle class>>fontMenuForStyle:target:selector:highlight: (in category 'user interface') ----- fontMenuForStyle: styleName target: target selector: selector highlight: currentFont "Offer a font menu for the given style. If one is selected, pass that font to target with a call to selector. The fonts will be displayed in that font." | aMenu displayFont | aMenu := MenuMorph entitled: styleName. (TextStyle named: styleName) + ifNotNil: [:s | s isTTCStyle - ifNotNilDo: [:s | s isTTCStyle ifTrue: [aMenu add: 'New Size' target: self selector: #chooseTTCFontSize: argument: {styleName. target. selector}]]. (self pointSizesFor: styleName) do: [:pointSize | | font subMenu | font := (self named: styleName) fontOfPointSize: pointSize. subMenu := self emphasisMenuForFont: font target: target selector: selector highlight: (currentFont + ifNotNil: [:cf | (cf familyName = styleName - ifNotNilDo: [:cf | (cf familyName = styleName and: [cf pointSize = font pointSize]) ifTrue: [currentFont emphasis]]). subMenu ifNil: [aMenu add: pointSize asString , ' Point' target: target selector: selector argument: font] ifNotNil: [aMenu add: pointSize asString , ' Point' subMenu: subMenu]. displayFont := font. (font isSymbolFont or:[(font hasDistinctGlyphsForAll: pointSize asString , ' Point') not]) ifTrue:[ "don't use a symbol font to display its own name!!!!" displayFont := self default fontOfPointSize: pointSize]. aMenu lastItem font: displayFont. currentFont + ifNotNil: [:cf | (cf familyName = styleName - ifNotNilDo: [:cf | (cf familyName = styleName and: [cf pointSize = font pointSize]) ifTrue: [aMenu lastItem color: Color blue darker]]]. ^ aMenu! |
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