Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of GraphicsTests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: GraphicsTests-nice.18 Author: nice Time: 27 December 2009, 8:44:40 am UUID: ec06cad5-0f16-4a8e-b2b0-c816749bf710 Ancestors: GraphicsTests-nice.17 Cosmetic: move or remove a few temps inside closures =============== Diff against GraphicsTests-nice.17 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: FormTest>>testIsAllWhite (in category 'tests') ----- testIsAllWhite "self run: #testIsAllWhite" "Make sure #isAllWhite works for all bit depths" + + #(-32 -16 -8 -4 -2 -1 1 2 4 8 16 32) do:[:d| | form | - | form | - #(-32 -16 -8 -4 -2 -1 1 2 4 8 16 32) do:[:d| form := Form extent: 16@16 depth: d. form fillBlack. self deny: form isAllWhite. form fillWhite. self assert: form isAllWhite. ]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: BitBltTest>>testAlphaCompositingSimulated (in category 'bugs') ----- testAlphaCompositingSimulated "self run: #testAlphaCompositingSimulated" - | bb f1 f2 mixColor result eps | Smalltalk at: #BitBltSimulation ifPresent:[:bitblt| + | bb f1 f2 mixColor result eps | - f1 := Form extent: 1@1 depth: 32. f2 := Form extent: 1@1 depth: 32. eps := 0.5 / 255. 0 to: 255 do:[:i| f1 colorAt: 0@0 put: Color blue. mixColor := Color red alpha: i / 255.0. f2 colorAt: 0@0 put: mixColor. mixColor := f2 colorAt: 0@0. bb := BitBlt toForm: f1. bb sourceForm: f2. bb combinationRule: Form blend. bb copyBitsSimulated. result := f1 colorAt: 0@0. self assert: (result red - mixColor alpha) abs < eps. self assert: (result blue - (1.0 - mixColor alpha)) abs < eps. self assert: result alpha = 1.0. ]].! Item was changed: ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>encodeColors:depth: (in category 'tests - decoding') ----- encodeColors: colorsAndFiles depth: requiredDepth + + colorsAndFiles do:[:assoc| | ff color original encoded | - | color original ff encoded | - colorsAndFiles do:[:assoc| color := assoc key. original := Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: assoc value readStream. ff := Form extent: 32@32 depth: requiredDepth. ff fillColor: color. encoded := WriteStream on: ByteArray new. PNGReadWriter putForm: ff onStream: encoded. self assert: (encoded contents = original contents). ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>encodeAndDecode: (in category 'helpers') ----- encodeAndDecode: original "Make sure that the given form is encoded and decoded correctly" + | stream bytes decoded | - | stream bytes decoded maxErr | "encode" stream := ByteArray new writeStream. (PNGReadWriter on: stream) nextPutImage: original; close. bytes := stream contents. self writeEncoded: bytes. "decode" stream := self readEncoded: bytes. decoded := (PNGReadWriter new on: stream) nextImage. decoded display. "compare" self assert: original width = decoded width. self assert: original height = decoded height. self assert: original depth = decoded depth. self assert: original bits = decoded bits. self assert: original class == decoded class. (original isColorForm) ifTrue:[ + original colors with: decoded colors do:[:c1 :c2| | maxErr | - original colors with: decoded colors do:[:c1 :c2| "we must round here due to encoding errors" maxErr := 1. "max. error for 8bit rgb component" self assert: ((c1 red * 255) truncated - (c2 red * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. self assert: ((c1 green * 255) truncated - (c2 green * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. self assert: ((c1 blue * 255) truncated - (c2 blue * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. self assert: ((c1 alpha * 255) truncated - (c2 alpha * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. ]. ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>decodeColors:depth: (in category 'tests - decoding') ----- decodeColors: colorsAndFiles depth: requiredDepth + + colorsAndFiles do:[:assoc| | form color bytes | - | color bytes form | - colorsAndFiles do:[:assoc| color := assoc key. bytes := Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: assoc value readStream. form := PNGReadWriter formFromStream: bytes. self assert: form depth = requiredDepth. self assert: (form pixelValueAt: 1@1) = (color pixelValueForDepth: requiredDepth). ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>testPngSuite (in category 'tests - bits') ----- testPngSuite "Requires the suite from to be present as" + | file | - | file zip entries | [file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: ''] on: Error do:[:ex| ex return]. file ifNil:[^self]. + [ | zip entries | + zip := ZipArchive new readFrom: file. - [zip := ZipArchive new readFrom: file. entries := zip members select:[:mbr| mbr fileName asLowercase endsWith: '.png']. entries do:[:mbr| (mbr fileName asLowercase first = $x) ifTrue: [self encodeAndDecodeWithError: mbr contentStream ] ifFalse: [self encodeAndDecodeStream: mbr contentStream ] ]. ] ensure:[file close].! Item was changed: ----- Method: BitBltTest>>testAlphaCompositing2Simulated (in category 'bugs') ----- testAlphaCompositing2Simulated "self run: #testAlphaCompositing2Simulated" - | bb f1 f2 mixColor result eps | Smalltalk at: #BitBltSimulation ifPresent: [:bitblt| + | bb f1 f2 mixColor result eps | f1 := Form extent: 1@1 depth: 32. f2 := Form extent: 1@1 depth: 32. eps := 0.5 / 255. 0 to: 255 do:[:i| f1 colorAt: 0@0 put: Color transparent. mixColor := Color red alpha: i / 255.0. f2 colorAt: 0@0 put: mixColor. mixColor := f2 colorAt: 0@0. bb := BitBlt toForm: f1. bb sourceForm: f2. bb combinationRule: Form blend. bb copyBitsSimulated. result := f1 colorAt: 0@0. self assert: (result red - mixColor alpha) abs < eps. self assert: result alpha = mixColor alpha. ].]! Item was changed: ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>encodeAndDecodeReverse: (in category 'helpers') ----- encodeAndDecodeReverse: original "Make sure that the given form is encoded and decoded correctly" + | stream bytes decoded reversed | - | stream bytes decoded maxErr reversed | fileName := 'testReverse', original depth printString,'.png'. self assert: original class == Form. "won't work with ColorForm" "Switch pixel order" reversed := Form extent: original extent depth: original depth negated. original displayOn: reversed. self assert: original width = reversed width. self assert: original height = reversed height. self assert: original depth = reversed depth. self deny: original nativeDepth = reversed nativeDepth. original depth = 32 ifTrue:[self assert: original bits = reversed bits] ifFalse:[self deny: original bits = reversed bits]. "encode" stream := ByteArray new writeStream. (PNGReadWriter on: stream) nextPutImage: reversed; close. bytes := stream contents. self writeEncoded: bytes. "decode" stream := bytes readStream. decoded := (PNGReadWriter new on: stream) nextImage. decoded display. "compare" self assert: original width = decoded width. self assert: original height = decoded height. self assert: original depth = decoded depth. self assert: original bits = decoded bits. self assert: original class == decoded class. (original isColorForm) ifTrue:[ + original colors with: decoded colors do:[:c1 :c2| | maxErr | - original colors with: decoded colors do:[:c1 :c2| "we must round here due to encoding errors" maxErr := 1. "max. error for 8bit rgb component" self assert: ((c1 red * 255) truncated - (c2 red * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. self assert: ((c1 green * 255) truncated - (c2 green * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. self assert: ((c1 blue * 255) truncated - (c2 blue * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. self assert: ((c1 alpha * 255) truncated - (c2 alpha * 255) truncated) abs <= maxErr. ]. ].! |
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