The Trunk: GraphicsTests-nice.26.mcz

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The Trunk: GraphicsTests-nice.26.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of GraphicsTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: GraphicsTests-nice.26
Author: nice
Time: 24 July 2010, 6:58:29.781 pm
UUID: 8fa06e93-af69-4f78-b92b-86ca77fe39bf
Ancestors: GraphicsTests-wiz.25

Remove potential sends of @-
Now that $- is allowed in binary messages at any place, this potentially is ambiguous.

=============== Diff against GraphicsTests-wiz.25 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PointTest>>testNormal (in category 'testing - testing') -----
+ "quick check of results for #normal."
+ | samples rejects results |
+ samples := 0 asPoint eightNeighbors , (Array with: 0 asPoint) .
- " quick check of results for #normal."
+ results :=
+   { 0.0 @ 1.0 .
+ -0.707106781186547 @ 0.707106781186547 .
+ -1.0 @ 0.0 .
+ -0.707106781186547 @ -0.707106781186547 .
+ 0.0 @ -1.0 .
+ 0.707106781186547 @ -0.707106781186547 .
+ 1.0 @ 0.0 .
+ 0.707106781186547 @ 0.707106781186547 .
+ -1 @ 0} .
- | samples rejects results |
+ rejects := (1 to: samples size ) reject:
+ [ :each | ((samples at: each) normal - (results at: each)) abs  < 1e-15 asPoint ] .
- samples :=
- 0 asPoint eightNeighbors
- , (Array with: 0 asPoint) .
+ self assert: rejects isEmpty!
- results :=
-  { 0.0@1.0
- . -0.707106781186547@0.707106781186547
- . -1.0@0.0
- . -0.707106781186547@-0.707106781186547
- . 0.0@-1.0
- . 0.707106781186547@-0.707106781186547
- . 1.0@0.0
- . 0.707106781186547@0.707106781186547
- . -1@0} .
- rejects :=
- (1 to: samples size ) reject: [ :each | ((samples at: each) normal - (results at: each)) abs  < 1e-15 asPoint ] .
- self assert: ( rejects isEmpty ) .
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>drawTransparentStuffOn: (in category 'helpers') -----
  drawTransparentStuffOn: aForm
  "Draw stuff on aForm. Avoid any symmetry."
  | canvas |
  canvas := FormCanvas on: aForm.
+ canvas frameAndFillRectangle: (1 @ 1 corner: aForm extent - 15) fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.25) borderWidth: 3 borderColor: (Color green alpha: 0.5).
+ canvas fillOval: (aForm boundingBox topRight - (15 @ -5) extent: 20 @ 20) color: (Color white alpha: 0.75) borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color blue.
- canvas frameAndFillRectangle: (1@1 corner: aForm extent - 15) fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.25) borderWidth: 3 borderColor: (Color green alpha: 0.5).
- canvas fillOval: (aForm boundingBox topRight - (15@-5) extent: 20@20) color: (Color white alpha: 0.75) borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color blue.
+ "(PNGReadWriterTest new drawStuffOn: (Form extent: 32 @ 32 depth: 16)) display"!
- "(PNGReadWriterTest new drawStuffOn: (Form extent: 32@32 depth: 16)) display"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PointTest>>testNormal2 (in category 'testing - testing') -----
+ "quick check of results for #normal.
+ differs from the other testNormal in the way that the difference is measured."
- " quick check of results for #normal.
- differs from the other testNormal in the way that the difference is measured."
+ | samples rejects results differences |
+ samples := 0 asPoint eightNeighbors , (Array with: 0 asPoint) .
- | samples rejects results differences |
+ results :=
+ { 0.0 @ 1.0 .
+ -0.707106781186547 @ 0.707106781186547 .
+ -1.0 @ 0.0 .
+ -0.707106781186547 @ -0.707106781186547 .
+ 0.0 @ -1.0 .
+ 0.707106781186547 @ -0.707106781186547 .
+ 1.0 @ 0.0 .
+ 0.707106781186547 @ 0.707106781186547 .
+ -1 @ 0} .
+ differences := samples with: results collect: [ :each :eachResult |
+ each normal - eachResult ] .
- samples :=
- 0 asPoint eightNeighbors
- , (Array with: 0 asPoint) .
+ rejects := differences reject: [ :each |
+ (each x closeTo: 0.0) and: [each y closeTo: 0.0] ] .
- results :=
-  { 0.0@1.0
- . -0.707106781186547@0.707106781186547
- . -1.0@0.0
- . -0.707106781186547@-0.707106781186547
- . 0.0@-1.0
- . 0.707106781186547@-0.707106781186547
- . 1.0@0.0
- . 0.707106781186547@0.707106781186547
- . -1@0} .
+ self assert: rejects isEmpty!
- differences :=
- samples with: results collect: [ :each :eachResult |
- each normal - eachResult ] .
- rejects :=
- differences reject: [ :each |
- (each x closeTo: 0.0) and: [each y closeTo: 0.0] ] .
- self assert: ( rejects isEmpty ) .
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PointTest>>testBasicFourDirections (in category 'testing - testing') -----
+ "fourDirections returns the four rotation of the receiver in counter clockwise order with the receiver appearing last. "
- " fourDirections returns the four rotation of the reciever in counter clockwise order with the reciever appearing last. "
+ | samples results rejects |
+ self assert:  (0 asPoint fourDirections) = (Array new: 4 withAll: 0 asPoint) .
+ samples := 0 asPoint eightNeighbors  .
+ results := {
+ { 0 @ -1 . -1 @  0 . 0 @  1 . 1 @  0}.
+ { 1 @ -1 . -1 @ -1 . -1 @  1 . 1 @  1}.
+ { 1 @  0 . 0 @ -1 . -1 @  0 . 0 @  1}.
+ { 1 @  1 . 1 @ -1 . -1 @ -1 . -1 @  1}.
+ { 0 @  1 . 1 @  0 . 0 @ -1 . -1 @  0}.
+ {-1 @  1 . 1 @  1 . 1 @ -1 . -1 @ -1}.
+ {-1 @  0 . 0 @  1 . 1 @  0 . 0 @ -1}.
+ {-1 @ -1 . -1 @  1 . 1 @  1 . 1 @ -1} } .
- | samples results rejects |
+ rejects := (1 to: samples size ) reject: [ :each |
- self assert:  (0 asPoint fourDirections) = (Array new: 4 withAll: 0 asPoint) .
- samples :=
- 0 asPoint eightNeighbors  .
- results :=
-  { {0@-1 . -1@0 . 0@1 . 1@0}
-  . {1@-1 . -1@-1 . -1@1 . 1@1}  
-  . {1@0 . 0@-1 . -1@0 . 0@1}  
-  . {1@1 . 1@-1 . -1@-1 . -1@1}  
-  . {0@1 . 1@0 . 0@-1 . -1@0}  
-  . {-1@1 . 1@1 . 1@-1 . -1@-1}  
-  . {-1@0 . 0@1 . 1@0 . 0@-1}  
-  . {-1@-1 . -1@1 . 1@1 . 1@-1} } .
- rejects :=
- (1 to: samples size ) reject: [ :each |
  (samples at: each) fourDirections = (results at: each) ] .
+ self assert: rejects isEmpty!
- self assert: ( rejects isEmpty) .
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PointTest>>testTheta (in category 'testing - testing') -----
        | result dir tan x y |
+ self assert: ((0 @ 1) theta - 90.0 degreesToRadians) abs < 1e-15.
+ self assert: ((0 @ -1) theta - 270.0 degreesToRadians) abs < 1e-15.
- self assert: ((0@1) theta - 90.0 degreesToRadians) abs < 1e-15.
- self assert: ((0@-1) theta - 270.0 degreesToRadians) abs < 1e-15.
  " See code of old and new theta"
  x := 1.0 . y := -1.0.
  tan := y  / x .
  dir := tan arcTan.
        result :=  360.0 degreesToRadians + dir.
+       self assert: ((x @ y) theta - result) abs < 1e-15.
+ x := -1.0. "Don't reuse old results when you want numeric precision!!"
-       self assert: ((x@y) theta - result) abs < 1e-15.
- x := -1.0. "Don't reuse old results whenyou want numeric precision!!"
  tan := y  / x .
  dir := tan arcTan.
        result :=  180.0 degreesToRadians + dir.
+       self assert: ((x @ y) theta - result) abs < 1e-15.
-       self assert: ((x@y) theta - result) abs < 1e-15.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PointTest>>testBearingToPoint (in category 'tests - testing') -----
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: 0 @ 0) = 0.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: 0 @ -1) = 0.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: 1 @ 0) = 90.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: 0 @ 1) = 180.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: -1 @ 0) = 270.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: 1 @ 1) = 135.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: 0.01 @ 0) = 90.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: -2 @ -3) = 326.
+ self assert: (0 @ 0 bearingToPoint: -0 @ 0) = 0.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: 0@0) = 0.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: 0@-1) = 0.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: 1@0) = 90.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: 0@1) = 180.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: -1@0) = 270.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: 1@1) = 135.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: 0.01@0) = 90.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: -2@-3) = 326.
- self assert: (0@0 bearingToPoint: -0@0) = 0.
+ self assert: (-2 @ -3 bearingToPoint: 0 @ 0) = 146.!
- self assert: (-2@-3 bearingToPoint: 0@0) = 146.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PNGReadWriterTest>>drawStuffOn: (in category 'helpers') -----
  drawStuffOn: aForm
  "Draw stuff on aForm. Avoid any symmetry."
  | canvas |
  canvas := FormCanvas on: aForm.
+ canvas frameAndFillRectangle: (1 @ 1 corner: aForm extent - 15) fillColor: Color red borderWidth: 3 borderColor: Color green.
+ canvas fillOval: (aForm boundingBox topRight - (15 @ -5) extent: 20 @ 20) color: Color blue borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color white.
- canvas frameAndFillRectangle: (1@1 corner: aForm extent - 15) fillColor: Color red borderWidth: 3 borderColor: Color green.
- canvas fillOval: (aForm boundingBox topRight - (15@-5) extent: 20@20) color: Color blue borderWidth: 1 borderColor: Color white.
+ "(PNGReadWriterTest new drawStuffOn: (Form extent: 32 @ 32 depth: 16)) display"!
- "(PNGReadWriterTest new drawStuffOn: (Form extent: 32@32 depth: 16)) display"!