The Trunk: Help-Squeak-Project-cmm.28.mcz

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The Trunk: Help-Squeak-Project-cmm.28.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Help-Squeak-Project to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Help-Squeak-Project-cmm.28
Author: cmm
Time: 6 July 2015, 9:57:04.419 am
UUID: a57cf8f4-1ccc-4dba-9eb1-7e59e32a0517
Ancestors: Help-Squeak-Project-dtl.27

Don't deliver the release image with duplicate instance of big String literals.

=============== Diff against Help-Squeak-Project-dtl.27 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakProjectHelp class>>extendingTheSystem (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Extending The System'
  icon: (HelpIcons iconNamed: #squeakIcon)
+ TheWorldMainDockingBar new extendingTheSystem !
- 'SqueakMap is an integrated catalog of external applications for Squeak.  It is accessible from the "Apps" menu.  This catalog does not host the projects, it merely documents the load scripts required to correctly bring them into the image.
- Many SqueakMap packages use Installer, which defines several packages in its package-definitions protocol.  Any of these can be loaded with an expression like the following:
- Installer new merge: #openGL
- Change #openGL to the selector name of the package you want to load.  The latest version of that package and all of its prerequisites will be merged into the image.  Merging a package is no different from loading it unless the package is already loaded, in which case it is upgraded to the latest version in a way that preserves any local changes you may already have made.
- ---------------
- This remainder of this workspace documents load-scripts for packages that are not documented in either SqueakMap or Installer.
- OCompletion
- "Provides source code completion as you type"
- (Installer ss project: ''OCompletion'') install: ''Ocompletion''.
- (Smalltalk at: #ECToolSet) register.
- (Smalltalk at: #ToolSet) default: (Smalltalk at: #ECToolSet).
- Omnibrowser
- "Including Refactoring engine"
- (Installer ss project: ''MetacelloRepository'') install: ''ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser''.
- ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser) project perform: #lastVersion) load: #( Dev ).
- Pier CMS
- "Pier CMS:"
- (Installer ss project: ''MetacelloRepository'') install: ''ConfigurationOfPier2''.
- (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier2) load.
- (Installer lukas project: ''pier2'') install: ''Pier-Blog''.
- (Installer lukas project: ''pier2'') install: ''Pier-Book''.
- (Installer lukas project: ''pier2addons'') install: ''Pier-Setup''.
- (Smalltalk at: #PRDistribution)  new register.
- Open Cobalt
- " (Best to run this from an image in an open cobalt directory)"
- Installer ss project: ''TweakCore''; install: ''update''.
- [Installer ss project: ''TweakExtras''; install: ''update'']
- on: (Smalltalk at: #CUnsynchronizedModification) do: [:ex | ex resume].
- Installer cobalt project: ''Tweak'';
- answer: ''Would you like to conserve memory at all costs?'' with: true;
- answer: ''Password for interactive VNC connections?'' with: ''cobalt'';
- answer: ''Would you like to add the RFBServer to the World open menu?'' with: true;
- install: ''update''
- !!
- ]style[(9 309 19 252 6 126 8 237 11 209 11 210 8 386 11 547)dSMLoaderPlus open;;,,d| newBrowser |
- newBrowser := Browser new selectSystemCategory: ''Installer-Core''; selectClass: Installer; metaClassIndicated: false; selectMessageCategoryNamed: ''package-definitions''; selectMessageNamed: #openGL.
- Browser openBrowserView: (newBrowser openMessageCatEditString: nil) label: ''External Package Definitions'';;,,i,,u,,bu,,bu,,bu,,bu,!!' readStream nextChunkText!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakProjectHelp class>>releaseNotes (in category 'pages') -----
  "This method was automatically generated. Edit it using:"
  "a HelpBrowser edit: #releaseNotes"
  title: 'Release Notes'
  contents: TheWorldMainDockingBar new releaseNotes  "<--- ugh, we will fix this later, for now may we not have TWO copies of the 8K release notes string in memory?"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakProjectHelp class>>squeakResourcesOnline (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Squeak Resources Online'
  icon: (HelpIcons iconNamed: #squeakIcon)
- 'Squeak web sites
- Main Squeak site
- Weekly Squeak
- Oversight Board
- Downloads for many versions
- Development of the virtual machine
- Google+ Page
- Squeak-dev - The main Squeak mailing list
+ TheWorldMainDockingBar new squeakOnlineResources!
- Squeak-Beginners - The place to ask even the most basic questions
- Squeak By Example
- Squeak, Open Personal Computing and Multimedia
- Squeak, Open Personal Computing for Multimedia
- More Books about Squeak and Smalltalk
- !!
- ]style[(16 316 41 173 65 181 17 35 46 106 46 112 37 49)bu,,bu,,bu,,bu,,bu,,bu,,bu,!!' readStream nextChunkText
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakProjectHelp class>>squeakUserInterface (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Squeak User Interface'
  icon: (HelpIcons iconNamed: #squeakIcon)
- 'The Squeak UI has some unusual elements that you may not have seen before. Here is a brief introduction to those elements:
+ TheWorldMainDockingBar new squeakUserInterface!
- Projects
- A project is an entire Squeak desktop full of windows.  Projects are can be used to change quickly from one task to another.  An inactive project is represented by a project window that shows a thumbnail of that project''s windows.  Project windows are actually more like doors than windows, since you can enter the project just by clicking on its project window.  You can create a new project by choosing ''open...project'' from the screen menu.  To exit a project (and return to its parent project), choose ''previous project'' from the screen menu.  Each project maintains its set of windows, plus its own set of Smalltalk changes and its own screen color depth.
- Morphic Halos
- In a morphic project, cmd-click (alt-click) on a window or other graphical object will bring up a constellation of colored circles called "halo handles" around that object.  Additional clicks will cycle through the halos for other graphical objects in the nesting structure.  If you hold down the Shift key while cmd-clicking, the nested morphs will be traversed from innermost outward.  Clicking without the cmd (alt) key will dismiss the halo.  While the halo is up, letting the cursor linger over one of the halo handles for a few seconds will cause a balloon to pop up with the name of that handle.  Three useful handles are the top-left "X" handle (delete), the bottom-right yellow handle (resize), and the brown handle (slide the object within its containing object).  Halos allow complex graphical objects to be explored--or even disassembled (using the black halo handle).  Usually no harm results from taking apart an object; you can just discard the pieces and create a new one.
- Flaps
- To enable Flaps, click on the desktop to show the world menu, choose the "Flaps..." menu and "show shared tags". Tabs labeled "Squeak", "Tools", "Supplies", etc., will appear along the edges of the Squeak desktop.  Click on any tab to open the corresponding flap.  Drag a tab to resize the flap and to relocate the tab.  Bring up the halo on any tab and click on its menu handle to be presented with many options relating to the flap.  Use the "Flaps..." menu, reached via the desktop menu, to control which flaps are visible and for other flap-related options and assistance.
- Parts Bins
- You can obtain new objects in many ways.  The "Objects Catalog" (choose "objects'' from the world menu or open the objects flap) and several of the standard flaps (e.g. "Tools" and "Supplies") serve as "Parts Bins" the for new objects.  Drag any icon you see in a Parts Bin and a fresh copy of the kind of object it represents will appear "in your hand"; click to deposit the new object anywhere you wish.  You can also add your own objects to any of the flaps -- just drag your object over the tab, wait for the flap to pop open, then drop the object at the desired position in the flap.
- !!
- ]style[(123 9 663 13 991 5 579 10 589),bu,,bu,,bu,,bu,!!' readStream nextChunkText!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakProjectHelp class>>workingWithSqueak (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Working with Squeak'
  icon: (HelpIcons iconNamed: #squeakIcon)
+ TheWorldMainDockingBar new workingWithSqueak  "avoid duplicate of big string until we fix this"!
- 'Starting and Quitting
- Like most Smalltalks, the machine-executable portion is a relatively small program known as the "virtual machine" (VM).  The VM''s job is to provide services from the physical machine to real Smalltalk objects.  Services like input and output.  The Smalltalk system, including all data and code, is a system of objects, built from the ground up, and interpreted by this virtual computer.  This affords Smalltalk system platform portability.
- Smalltalk cannot run without the VM.  The VM can''t do anything useful except process Smalltalk systems.
- To start the system, drag the ".image" data file to the VM executable "squeak".  There are myriad command-line options for starting the system via the command-line (see squeak --help).  By default, the system will open on the screen in a single OS window.
- To quit a Squeak session, choose ''quit'' from the menu bar.  If you save, the image file will be overwritten and resume from that place the next time it''s launched.
- The Image File
- Squeak is an environment built in its own objects from the ground up, including one or more end-user applications.  All of the objects in the system -- Classes, Dictionaries, Windows, Customers and other objects that make up the Squeak environment are stored in a binary ".image" file.  This is the "object-data file" loaded by the VM when Squeak is launched.
- When an image is started, every object resumes exactly from where it was last saved.
- The Sources File
- Smalltalk is traditionally includes the source code in the running system.  However, keeping multiple copies of the same source code in all images files is wasteful.  Therefore, the source code itself is kept in a read-only .sources file and accessed by all images.  The image files merely have pointers into this file, which is read on-the-fly to present original source code.
- The code of the base system is stored in the file "SqueakV41.sources".  This file does not change except between releases of Squeak.  Normally this file should be placed in the folder containing the VM executable.
- The Changes File
- The purpose of Squeak is to develop new programs and systems.  Code changes to the running system are effective immediately.  But since multiple images can be running, they cannot all update the .sources file safely.  Therefore, each image file is accompanied by a ".changes" file which contains source code changes for that and only that Smalltalk system..
- The changes file is important for project work.  It keeps a sequential log of development activity for the purpose of recovering work performed since the last image-save.  Any of several events could lead to the need to recover work, including a power-outage or making an erroneous change to code required to keep the system running.
- The changes file does not consume memory space, so Squeak is able to keep a complete history of all program changes.  This makes it easy to examine or even reinstate older versions of methods (see ''versions'' option in browser selector pane).  This encourages experimentation, since you can easily revert to the original versions of any set of methods.
- In extreme cases where sources and/or changes files are not available, the system can still run, and will automatically decompile the bytecode methods in image memory, if necessary, into readable and editable versions of the original source code (only comments and temporary variable names are lost).
- Transferring Code-Snippets Between Images
- In addition to the ''save'' command that saves the entire state of the system, the code of individual methods, categories or classes may be ''filed out'' and then filed-in to another image.
- Packages
- The code of an entire project is encapsulated by a Package.  This allows users to share their code with other users.  Code of packages are delineated by the categories of their classes, and methods.  The Monticello browser is then used to wrap that code into a Package object which can be saved to a Monticello repository at
- Some projects end up using the resources provided by several packages, resulting in a hierarchy of packages that make up a system.  Installer can be used to install such systems.!!
- ]style[(21 970 14 448 16 396 11 188 16 321 4 1025 41 188 8 52 10 55 2 420)bu,,bu,,bu,,u,,bu,,u,,bu,,bu,,i,,i,!!' readStream nextChunkText!