Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Help-Squeak-Project to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Help-Squeak-Project-pre.66
Author: pre
Time: 7 February 2019, 8:50:02.069431 pm
UUID: 230ce268-a872-4b95-98d8-2a4d6cdadf28
Ancestors: Help-Squeak-Project-pre.65
Removes an example method which did not work in a stable way and improved the presentation of the example list.
=============== Diff against Help-Squeak-Project-pre.65 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SqueakMessageCategoriesHelp class>>addCategoryTopicsTo: (in category 'private') -----
addCategoryTopicsTo: aTopic
self selectors sorted do: [:selector | | helpContents examples |
examples := (self new perform: selector).
examples := examples isCollection ifTrue: [examples] ifFalse: [#()].
helpContents := (self commentsAt: selector) first asText,
String crlf asText , String crlf asText ,
('Examples:' asText allBold; yourself) ,
String crlf asText ,
+ ((examples collect: [:m | m reference]) joinSeparatedBy: ', ' , String crlf) asText.
- ((examples collect: [:m | m reference]) joinSeparatedBy: ', ') asText.
aTopic addSubtopic: ((HelpTopic
title: (self organization categoryOfElement: selector)
icon: (HelpIcons iconNamed: #pageIcon)
contents: helpContents)
priority: 999;
Item was changed:
----- Method: SqueakMessageCategoriesHelp>>failures (in category 'failures') -----
"This category is most often used with TestCase classes. It contains any methods denoting failures for this TestCase"
+ ^ {"There is no stable example method for this"}!
- ^ {RectangleTest>>#expectedFailures}!