The Trunk: Help-Squeak-TerseGuide-dhn.4.mcz

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The Trunk: Help-Squeak-TerseGuide-dhn.4.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Help-Squeak-TerseGuide to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Help-Squeak-TerseGuide-dhn.4
Author: dhn
Time: 4 October 2014, 9:25:48.387 pm
UUID: 5622b076-0185-a54e-aae1-7a8f158d1e1f
Ancestors: Help-Squeak-TerseGuide-dhn.3

Correct comment for detect: (several places).
Add findFirst: where applicable.

=============== Diff against Help-Squeak-TerseGuide-dtl.2 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>array (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Array'
   * Array:         Fixed length collection *
   * ByteArray:     Array limited to byte elements (0-255) *
   * WordArray:     Array limited to word elements (0-2^32) *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := #(4 3 2 1). "constant array"
  x := Array with: 5 with: 4 with: 3 with: 2. "create array with up to 4 elements"
  x := Array new: 4. "allocate an array with specified size"
  x "set array elements"
     at: 1 put: 5;
     at: 2 put: 4;
     at: 3 put: 3;
     at: 4 put: 2.
  b := x isEmpty. "test if array is empty"
  y := x size. "array size"
  y := x at: 4. "get array element at index"
  b := x includes: 3. "test if element is in array"
  y := x copyFrom: 2 to: 4. "subarray"
  y := x indexOf: 3 ifAbsent: [0]. "first position of element within array"
  y := x occurrencesOf: 3. "number of times object in collection"
  x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the array"
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 2]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
+ y := x findFirst: [:a | a < 3]. "find position of first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum array elements"
  sum := 0. 1 to: (x size) do: [:a | sum := sum + (x at: a)]. "sum array elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum array elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in array"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x shuffled. "randomly shuffle collection"
  y := x asArray. "convert to array"
  y := x asByteArray. "convert to byte array"
  y := x asWordArray. "convert to word array"
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>bag (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Bag'
   * Bag:        like OrderedCollection except elements are in no *
   *                particular order *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := Bag with: 4 with: 3 with: 2 with: 1. "create collection with up to 4 elements"
  x := Bag new. "allocate collection"
  x add: 4; add: 3; add: 1; add: 2; yourself. "add element to collection"
  x add: 3 withOccurrences: 2. "add multiple copies to collection"
  y := x addAll: #(7 8 9). "add multiple elements to collection"
  y := x removeAll: #(7 8 9). "remove multiple elements from collection"
  y := x remove: 4 ifAbsent: []. "remove element from collection"
  b := x isEmpty. "test if empty"
  y := x size. "number of elements"
  b := x includes: 3. "test if element is in collection"
  y := x occurrencesOf: 3. "number of times object in collection"
  x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the collection"
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 2]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in collection"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>dictionary (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Dictionary'
   * Dictionary: *
   * IdentityDictionary:   uses identity test (== rather than =) *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := Dictionary new. "allocate collection"
  x add: #a->4; add: #b->3; add: #c->1; add: #d->2; yourself. "add element to collection"
  x at: #e put: 3. "set element at index"
  b := x isEmpty. "test if empty"
  y := x size. "number of elements"
  y := x at: #a ifAbsent: []. "retrieve element at index"
  y := x keyAtValue: 3 ifAbsent: []. "retrieve key for given value with error block"
  y := x removeKey: #e ifAbsent: []. "remove element from collection"
  b := x includes: 3. "test if element is in values collection"
  b := x includesKey: #a. "test if element is in keys collection"
  y := x occurrencesOf: 3. "number of times object in collection"
  y := x keys. "set of keys"
  y := x values. "bag of values"
  x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the values collection"
  x keysDo: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the keys collection"
  x associationsDo: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the associations"
  x keysAndValuesDo: [:aKey :aValue | Transcript "iterate over keys and values"
     show: aKey printString; space;
     show: aValue printString; cr].
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 2]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in collection"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x asArray. "convert to array"
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"
  Smalltalk at: #CMRGlobal put: ''CMR entry''. "put global in Smalltalk Dictionary"
  x := Smalltalk at: #CMRGlobal. "read global from Smalltalk Dictionary"
  Transcript show: (CMRGlobal printString). "entries are directly accessible by name"
  Smalltalk keys do: [ :k | "print out all classes"
     ((Smalltalk at: k) isKindOf: Class)
        ifFalse: [Transcript show: k printString; cr]].
  Smalltalk at: #CMRDictionary put: (Dictionary new). "set up user defined dictionary"
  CMRDictionary at: #MyVar1 put: ''hello1''. "put entry in dictionary"
  CMRDictionary add: #MyVar2->''hello2''. "add entry to dictionary use key->value combo"
  CMRDictionary size. "dictionary size"
  CMRDictionary keys do: [ :k | "print out keys in dictionary"
     Transcript show: k printString; cr].
  CMRDictionary values do: [ :k | "print out values in dictionary"
     Transcript show: k printString; cr].
  CMRDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [:aKey :aValue | "print out keys and values"
        show: aKey printString;
        show: aValue printString;
  CMRDictionary associationsDo: [:aKeyValue | "another iterator for printing key values"
     Transcript show: aKeyValue printString; cr].
  Smalltalk removeKey: #CMRGlobal ifAbsent: []. "remove entry from Smalltalk dictionary"
  Smalltalk removeKey: #CMRDictionary ifAbsent: []. "remove user dictionary from Smalltalk dictionary"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>interval (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Interval'
   * Interval: *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := Interval from: 5 to: 10. "create interval object"
  x := 5 to: 10.
  x := Interval from: 5 to: 10 by: 2. "create interval object with specified increment"
  x := 5 to: 10 by: 2.
  b := x isEmpty. "test if empty"
  y := x size. "number of elements"
  x includes: 9. "test if element is in collection"
  x do: [:k | Transcript show: k printString; cr]. "iterate over interval"
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 7]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
+ y := x findFirst: [:a | a > 6]. "find position of first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum elements"
  sum := 0. 1 to: (x size) do: [:a | sum := sum + (x at: a)]. "sum elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in collection"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x asArray. "convert to array"
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>orderedCollection (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Ordered Collection'
   * OrderedCollection: acts like an expandable array *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := OrderedCollection with: 4 with: 3 with: 2 with: 1. "create collection with up to 4 elements"
  x := OrderedCollection new. "allocate collection"
  x add: 3; add: 2; add: 1; add: 4; yourself. "add element to collection"
  y := x addFirst: 5. "add element at beginning of collection"
  y := x removeFirst. "remove first element in collection"
  y := x addLast: 6. "add element at end of collection"
  y := x removeLast. "remove last element in collection"
  y := x addAll: #(7 8 9). "add multiple elements to collection"
  y := x removeAll: #(7 8 9). "remove multiple elements from collection"
  x at: 2 put: 3. "set element at index"
  y := x remove: 5 ifAbsent: []. "remove element from collection"
  b := x isEmpty. "test if empty"
  y := x size. "number of elements"
  y := x at: 2. "retrieve element at index"
  y := x first. "retrieve first element in collection"
  y := x last. "retrieve last element in collection"
  b := x includes: 5. "test if element is in collection"
  y := x copyFrom: 2 to: 3. "subcollection"
  y := x indexOf: 3 ifAbsent: [0]. "first position of element within collection"
  y := x occurrencesOf: 3. "number of times object in collection"
  x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the collection"
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 2]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
+ y := x findFirst: [:a | a < 2]. "find position of first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum elements"
  sum := 0. 1 to: (x size) do: [:a | sum := sum + (x at: a)]. "sum elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in collection"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x shuffled. "randomly shuffle collection"
  y := x asArray. "convert to array"
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>set (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Set'
   * Set:           like Bag except duplicates not allowed *
   * IdentitySet:   uses identity test (== rather than =) *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := Set with: 4 with: 3 with: 2 with: 1. "create collection with up to 4 elements"
  x := Set new. "allocate collection"
  x add: 4; add: 3; add: 1; add: 2; yourself. "add element to collection"
  y := x addAll: #(7 8 9). "add multiple elements to collection"
  y := x removeAll: #(7 8 9). "remove multiple elements from collection"
  y := x remove: 4 ifAbsent: []. "remove element from collection"
  b := x isEmpty. "test if empty"
  y := x size. "number of elements"
  x includes: 4. "test if element is in collection"
  x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the collection"
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 2]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in collection"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x asArray. "convert to array"
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TerseGuideHelp class>>sortedCollection (in category 'pages') -----
  title: 'Sorted Collection'
   * SortedCollection:    like OrderedCollection except order of elements *
   *                         determined by sorting criteria *
  | b x y sum max |
  x := SortedCollection with: 4 with: 3 with: 2 with: 1. "create collection with up to 4 elements"
  x := SortedCollection new. "allocate collection"
  x := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:a :c | a > c]. "set sort criteria"
  x add: 3; add: 2; add: 1; add: 4; yourself. "add element to collection"
  "y := x addFirst: 5." "add element at beginning of collection"
  y := x removeFirst. "remove first element in collection"
  y := x addLast: 6. "add element at end of collection"
  y := x removeLast. "remove last element in collection"
  y := x addAll: #(7 8 9). "add multiple elements to collection"
  y := x removeAll: #(7 8 9). "remove multiple elements from collection"
  y := x remove: 5 ifAbsent: []. "remove element from collection"
  b := x isEmpty. "test if empty"
  y := x size. "number of elements"
  y := x at: 2. "retrieve element at index"
  y := x first. "retrieve first element in collection"
  y := x last. "retrieve last element in collection"
  b := x includes: 4. "test if element is in collection"
  y := x copyFrom: 2 to: 3. "subcollection"
  y := x indexOf: 3 ifAbsent: [0]. "first position of element within collection"
  y := x occurrencesOf: 3. "number of times object in collection"
  x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr]. "iterate over the collection"
  b := x allSatisfy: [:a | (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)]. "test if all elements meet condition"
  y := x select: [:a | a > 2]. "return collection of elements that pass test"
  y := x reject: [:a | a < 2]. "return collection of elements that fail test"
  y := x collect: [:a | a + a]. "transform each element for new collection"
+ y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "return first element that passes test"
+ y := x findFirst: [:a | a < 3]. "find position of first element that passes test"
- y := x detect: [:a | a > 3] ifNone: []. "find position of first element that passes test"
  sum := 0. x do: [:a | sum := sum + a]. sum. "sum elements"
  sum := 0. 1 to: (x size) do: [:a | sum := sum + (x at: a)]. "sum elements"
  sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | a + c]. "sum elements"
  max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c | (a > c) "find max element in collection"
     ifTrue: [a]
     ifFalse: [c]].
  y := x asArray. "convert to array"
  y := x asOrderedCollection. "convert to ordered collection"
  y := x asSortedCollection. "convert to sorted collection"
  y := x asBag. "convert to bag collection"
  y := x asSet. "convert to set collection"