The Trunk: Installer-Core-fbs.390.mcz

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The Trunk: Installer-Core-fbs.390.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Installer-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Installer-Core-fbs.390
Author: fbs
Time: 11 January 2014, 4:40:46.049 pm
UUID: 69d9b7db-6bca-ba46-ad47-980502cdd6bc
Ancestors: Installer-Core-cmm.389

This stuff has rotted. It probably ought to simply be deleted, but let's hedge our bets and move it to 45Deprecated.

=============== Diff against Installer-Core-cmm.389 ===============

Item was removed:
- Installer subclass: #InstallerCruft
- instanceVariableNames: ''
- classVariableNames: ''
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'Installer-Core'!
- !InstallerCruft commentStamp: 'mtf 10/1/2008 22:24' prior: 0!
- I am a copy of Installer as of Installer-Core-kph.232. I am being split up.
- I  am called InstallerCruft because I stand-in for Sake{MC,SM,Mantis,Web,etc}Installer!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>classProjectLauncher (in category 'accessing system') -----
- classProjectLauncher
- ^Smalltalk at: #ProjectLauncher ifAbsent: [ self error: 'ProjectLauncher not present' ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>classSakePackages (in category 'accessing system') -----
- classSakePackages
- ^Smalltalk at: #SakePackages  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Sake Packages code not present' ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>classes (in category 'accessing system') -----
- classes
- ^ Smalltalk!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>history (in category 'documentation') -----
- history
- "
- 7 Jan 2007  
- !!Installer fixBug: <aBugNo>
- aBugNo can now be a number or a string, beginning with a number.
- This allows the mantis bug report summary to be used verbatim.
- It also provides more infomarion for Installer to support self documentation.
- !!Install fix if not already installed
-  Installer ensureFix: <aBugNoOrString>
-  Installer ensureFixes: #(1 2 3 4)
- Installer now keeps a list of fix <aBugNoOrString> that have been installed up to this point.
- #ensureFix: will only install the fix if it has not already been loaded.
- note that only the bugNumber not the description is significant in the check.
- 8 Jan 2007
- !!Installer view: <webPageNameOrUrl>
- Provided that web page based scripts follow some simple rules, installer can collate the scripts from
- web pages into a single workspace where you can manually 'doit' portions as you wish.
- The report generation is not very clever, it only matches on:
-  'Installer install:' ,  'Installer installUrl:', and 'Installer mantis fixBug:'
-  note these lines must be properly completed with an ending $. (period).
- also invoked by commandline option VIEW=<webPageNameOrUrl>
- 10 Jan 2007
- !!Now matches simpler html
- Check for an html page, now matches
- '<!!DOCTYPE HTML' and <html>
- the allows use of pbwiki's raw=bare option which returns iframe
- embeddable html without the usual headers.
- 8 May 2007
- Modified bug:fix:date: so that the fixesApplied history does not contain unnecessary duplicate entries.
- Fixed changeset naming for mantis bugs.
- 25 July 2007
- Added Universes  Support
- "!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>mczInstall: (in category 'documentation') -----
- mczInstall: urlOrFile
- ^ self new mczInstall: urlOrFile
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>smalltalkImage (in category 'accessing system') -----
- smalltalkImage
- ^ Smalltalk!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>sourceFiles (in category 'accessing system') -----
- sourceFiles
- ^ SourceFiles!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>unload: (in category 'unload') -----
- unload: categoryMatchesString
- ^ self error: 'deprecated, use Installer mc unload: ''pkgname''.'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>classMCMczReader (in category 'class references') -----
- classMCMczReader
- ^Smalltalk at: #MCMczReader ifAbsent: [ nil ]
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>createRBforBug: (in category 'mantis') -----
- createRBforBug: aBugNo
- | aStream  fileList selFile aFileName suffix |
- self setBug: aBugNo.
- fileList := self maFiles keys asOrderedCollection.
- fileList  addLast: 'none'.
- (Smalltalk classNamed: #ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10) clear.
- [selFile := UIManager default chooseFrom: fileList title: 'Choose what files load '.
- selFile = fileList size ifFalse:[
- aFileName := fileList at: selFile.
- self logCR: 'obtaining ', aFileName, '...'.
- aStream := self maStreamForFile: aFileName .suffix := (FileDirectory extensionFor: aFileName) asLowercase.
- suffix caseOf:
- {
- ['gz'] -> [self installGZ: aFileName from: aStream ].
- ['cs' ] -> [self installCS: aFileName from: aStream].
- ['st' ] -> [self installCS: aFileName from: aStream].
- ['mcz' ] -> [self installMCZ: aFileName from: aStream ].
- ['sar'] -> [self installSAR: aFileName from: aStream ].
- }otherwise: [Error].
- ].selFile = fileList size]whileFalse.
- (Smalltalk classNamed: #ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10) current newUpdateFor: aBugNo
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>evaluate: (in category 'mantis') -----
- evaluate: stream
- stream fileIn.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>info (in category 'accessing') -----
- info
- self sm ifTrue: [ ^ self smInfo  ].
- self wsm ifNotNil: [ ^ self wsmInfo  ].!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>mczInstall: (in category 'monticello') -----
- mczInstall: urlOrFile
- self log: ('Loading ', urlOrFile, ' ...').
- (urlOrFile beginsWith: 'http:')
- ifTrue: [  MczInstaller installStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet: urlOrFile) ]
- ifFalse: [ MczInstaller installFileNamed: urlOrFile ].
- self logCR: ' Loaded'.
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>preambleCsForRB: (in category 'mantis') -----
- preambleCsForRB: aBugNo
- "
- Installer mantis preambleCsForRB: 5936.
- "
- | page text   |
- self setBug: aBugNo.
- page := self maPage.
- text := String streamContents: [ :str |
- #('Reporter'  'Summary' 'Description' 'Additional Information' )
- do: [ :field |
- | f |
- f := self maRead: page field: field.
- str nextPutAll: f key; nextPutAll: ': '; nextPutAll: f value; cr.
- ]
- ].
- ^ text !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>skipTests (in category 'mantis') -----
- skipTests
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerCruft>>viewUrl (in category 'utils') -----
- viewUrl
- ^Workspace new contents: (self urlGet contents); openLabel: self urlToDownload.
- !