The Trunk: Installer-Core-mt.438.mcz

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The Trunk: Installer-Core-mt.438.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Installer-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Installer-Core-mt.438
Author: mt
Time: 20 February 2020, 2:51:47.301183 pm
UUID: b6d4a0c2-4fa7-cb47-bcac-f26624e061f0
Ancestors: Installer-Core-cmm.437, Installer-Core-tpr.434

Merges Installer-Core-tpr.434, which removes dead installer servers and improves Installer (help) documentation.

=============== Diff against Installer-Core-cmm.437 ===============

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #Installer
  instanceVariableNames: 'answers packages messagesToSuppress useFileIn noiseLevel'
  classVariableNames: 'InstallerBindings IsSetToTrapErrors Repositories SkipLoadingTests ValidationBlock'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Installer-Core'!
  Installer class
  instanceVariableNames: 'localRepository'!
+ !Installer commentStamp: 'tpr 8/25/2019 18:37' prior: 0!
+ Installer is a mechanism for listing, examining and installing software from a variety of sources. It is intended to help in building install scripts for package setups etc.
+ Currently it can use
+ - files; a file specified by a filename. Relative filenames will be treated as based form the current default directory. See InstallerFile.
+ - urls; a file specified by a url or a script embedded in a webpage. See InstallerWeb.
+ - squeakmap; see InstallerSqueakMap
+ - monticello;  by ftp or http access, or a local directory, or a Magma or GOODS database. There is a list of shortcuts to popular repositories in this class protocol 'repositories'. See InstallerMonticello.
+ - mantis; accessing code attached to a mantis bug report. See InstallerMantis.
+ Simple example usages -
+ Installer squeakmap install: 'DynamicBindings'.
+ Installer squeakmap search: '*scratch'.
+ Installer squeakmap search: 'author:*rowledge'.
+ Installer squeaksource project: 'ss2'; install: 'TinyWiki'.
+ Installer ss project: 'Installer'; browse: 'Installer-Core'.
- !Installer commentStamp: 'kph 3/30/2009 01:29' prior: 0!
- Documentation now available at
  useFileIn - flag to load rather than using Monticello!
  Installer class
  instanceVariableNames: 'localRepository'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Installer class>>asHelpTopic (in category 'documentation') -----
+ asHelpTopic
+ ^HelpTopic
+ title: 'Installer'
+ contents: self class comment!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>cobalt (in category 'repositories') -----
- cobalt
- ^ self monticello http: '<a href="'!">'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>goran (in category 'repositories') -----
- goran
- ^ self monticello http: ''; project: ''!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>impara (in category 'repositories') -----
- impara
- ^ self monticello http: ''!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>install: (in category 'action report') -----
- install: scriptName
- ^ (self scripts install: scriptName) ifNil:[ self web install: scriptName ]
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>keith (in category 'repositories') -----
- keith
- ^ self monticello ftp: '' directory: 'mc' user: 'squeak' password: 'viewpoints'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer class>>remoteRepositories (in category 'repository-overrides') -----
+ ^ #(#ss #ss3 #gemsource #gs #krestianstvo #lukas #squeak #squeakfoundation #squeaksource #squeaksource3 #ss #ss3 #swa #swasource #wiresong )!
- ^ #(#ss #ss3 #cobalt #gemsource #goran #gs #impara #keith #krestianstvo #lukas #saltypickle #sophie #squeak #squeakfoundation #squeaksource #squeaksource3 #ss #ss3 #swa #swasource #wiresong )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>sake (in category 'sake') -----
- sake
- ^ self sake: InstallerSake sake!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>sake: (in category 'sake') -----
- sake: aSakePackagesClass
- ^ InstallerSake new sake: aSakePackagesClass!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>saltypickle (in category 'repositories') -----
- saltypickle
- ^ self monticello http: ''!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>setSakeToUse: (in category 'sake') -----
- setSakeToUse: aClass
- InstallerSake sake: aClass!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>sophie (in category 'repositories') -----
- sophie
- ^ self monticello http: ''
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Installer class>>ssMirror (in category 'repositories') -----
- ssMirror
- "The Chilean mirror for the original SqueakSource."
- ^ self monticello http: ''!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Installer class>>web (in category 'web') -----
+ ^ InstallerWeb new!
- ^ InstallerWeb!

Item was removed:
- Installer subclass: #InstallerSake
- instanceVariableNames: 'sake'
- classVariableNames: 'Sake'
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'Installer-Core'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerSake class>>classPackages (in category 'accessing system') -----
- classPackages
- ^Smalltalk at: #Packages  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Sake Packages code not present' ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerSake class>>sake (in category 'accessing') -----
- sake
- ^ Sake ifNil: [ self classPackages current ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerSake class>>sake: (in category 'accessing') -----
- sake: aClass
- Sake := aClass!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerSake>>basicInstall (in category 'basic interface') -----
- basicInstall
- self withAnswersDo: [ (self packages collect: [ :packageName | sake named: packageName ]) asTask run ].
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerSake>>sake (in category 'websqueakmap') -----
- sake
- ^ sake  !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerSake>>sake: (in category 'websqueakmap') -----
- sake: aSakePackagesClass
- sake := aSakePackagesClass!

Item was removed:
- Installer subclass: #InstallerUniverse
- instanceVariableNames: 'universe'
- classVariableNames: 'LastUniUpdate'
- poolDictionaries: ''
- category: 'Installer-Core'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse class>>classUGlobalInstaller (in category 'accessing system') -----
- classUGlobalInstaller
- ^Smalltalk at: #UGlobalInstaller  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Universes code not present' ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse class>>classUUniverse (in category 'accessing system') -----
- classUUniverse
- ^Smalltalk at: #UUniverse  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Universes code not present' ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse class>>default (in category 'instance creation') -----
- default
- ^ self universe: (self classUGlobalInstaller universe: self classUUniverse systemUniverse)!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse class>>universe: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- universe: u
- ^ self new universe: u!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse>>basicInstall (in category 'basic interface') -----
- basicInstall
- self packages do: [ :packageName |
- | potentials pkg pkgAndVersion version |
- pkgAndVersion := self packageAndVersionFrom: packageName.
- pkg := pkgAndVersion first.
- version := pkgAndVersion last.
- potentials := universe packageVersionsForPackage: pkg.
- pkg := version isEmpty
- ifTrue: [ potentials last ]
- ifFalse: [
- version := self classUVersion readFrom: version readStream.  
- (potentials anySatisfy: [ :p | p version = version]) ifFalse: [ ^ self error: 'version not found']
- ].
- universe planToInstallPackage: pkg.
- ].
- self uniDoInstall!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse>>classUVersion (in category 'class references') -----
- classUVersion
- ^Smalltalk at: #UVersion  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Universes code not present' ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse>>uniDoInstall (in category 'universes') -----
- uniDoInstall
- self withAnswersDo: [ self universe doInstall ] !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse>>universe (in category 'universes') -----
- universe
- ^ universe!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse>>universe: (in category 'universes') -----
- universe: u
- universe := u.
- self update.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerUniverse>>update (in category 'public interface') -----
- update
- (LastUniUpdate isNil or:[ (DateAndTime now - LastUniUpdate) > 600 seconds  ])
- ifTrue: [universe requestPackageList.
- LastUniUpdate := DateAndTime now]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerWeb class>>install: (in category 'compatability') -----
- install: webPageName
- "This keeps the syntax Installer web install: working"
- ^ self new install: webPageName!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: InstallerWeb class>>searchPath (in category 'accessing') -----
- searchPath
- "a search path item, has the following format. prefix*suffix"
- ^ WebSearchPath ifNil: [ WebSearchPath := OrderedCollection new ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerWeb>>searchPath (in category 'web install') -----
+ searchPath
+ "a search path item has the following format. prefix*suffix"
+ ^ WebSearchPath ifNil: [ WebSearchPath := OrderedCollection new ].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: InstallerWeb>>urlToDownload (in category 'web install') -----
  "while we look for a url which returns what we are looking for, we get the data anyway"
  | delay |
  delay := 0.
+ self searchPath do: [ :pathSpec |
- self class webSearchPath do: [ :pathSpec |
  | potentialUrl readPathSpec retry |
  readPathSpec := pathSpec value readStream.
  potentialUrl := (readPathSpec upTo: $*), self package, (readPathSpec upToEnd ifNil: [ '' ]).
  [retry := false.
  pageDataStream := self urlGet: potentialUrl.
  self wasPbwikiSpeedWarning
  ifTrue: [
  retry := true.
  delay := delay + 5.
  self logCR: 'PBWiki speed warning. Retrying in ', delay printString, ' seconds'.
  (Delay forSeconds: delay) wait]
  ifFalse: [ self hasPage ifTrue: [ pageDataStream reset. ^ potentialUrl ] ].
  retry ] whileTrue