Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Installer-Core to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Installer-Core-ul.341.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Installer-Core-ul.341
Author: ul
Time: 17 October 2010, 3:44:36.323 am
UUID: 76252046-fc47-1e44-b16e-9436e2471e84
Ancestors: Installer-Core-spd.340
- use blocks instead of symbols
=============== Diff against Installer-Core-spd.340 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: InstallerMonticello>>basicBrowse (in category 'basic interface') -----
"Installer ss project: 'Installer'; browse: 'Installer-Core'."
| it |
it := self mcThing.
(it class includesSelector: #browse) ifTrue: [ ^ it browse ].
+ (it instVarNamed: 'versions') do: [ :each | each browse ].!
- (it instVarNamed: 'versions') do: #browse.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: InstallerMonticello>>basicView (in category 'basic interface') -----
"Installer ss project: 'Installer'; view: 'Installer-Core'. "
| it |
packages isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [ self mc morphicOpen: nil ].
it := self mcThing.
(it respondsTo: #open) ifTrue: [ ^ it open ].
"in case an old mc doesnt have #open"
+ (it instVarNamed: 'versions') do: [ :each | each open ].
- (it instVarNamed: 'versions') do: #open.