Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Installer-Core to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Installer-Core-ul.342.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Installer-Core-ul.342
Author: ul
Time: 16 November 2010, 4:52:02 am
UUID: 409f3fc5-2ff1-d948-8b38-99eb0833afe8
Ancestors: Installer-Core-ul.341
- use #= for integer comparison instead of #== (
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2788 )
=============== Diff against Installer-Core-ul.341 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: InstallerUpdateStream>>loadUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber:stopIfGap: (in category 'updates') -----
loadUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: lastUpdateNumber stopIfGap: stopIfGapFlag
"To use this mechanism, be sure all updates you want to have considered
are in a folder named 'updates' which resides in the same directory as
your image. Having done that, simply evaluate:
Installer new loadUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: 100020 stopIfGap: false
and all numbered updates <= lastUpdateNumber not yet in the image will
be loaded in numerical order."
"apparently does not use the updatelist too bad!! and to rewrite - sd 7 March 2008"
| previousHighest currentUpdateNumber done fileNames aMessage updateDirectory loaded |
updateDirectory := self updateDirectoryOrNil.
updateDirectory ifNil: [^ self].
previousHighest := SystemVersion current highestUpdate.
currentUpdateNumber := previousHighest.
done := false.
loaded := 0.
whileFalse: [currentUpdateNumber := currentUpdateNumber + 1.
currentUpdateNumber > lastUpdateNumber
ifTrue: [done := true]
ifFalse: [fileNames := updateDirectory fileNamesMatching: currentUpdateNumber printString , '*'.
fileNames size > 1
ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'ambiguity -- two files both start with ' , currentUpdateNumber printString , '
(at this point it is probably best to remedy
the situation on disk, then try again.)'].
+ fileNames size = 0
- fileNames size == 0
ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'gap in updates from disk for update number '; print: currentUpdateNumber; show: ' found...'.
done := stopIfGapFlag]
ifFalse: [ChangeSet
newChangesFromStream: (updateDirectory readOnlyFileNamed: fileNames first)
named: fileNames first.
SystemVersion current registerUpdate: currentUpdateNumber.
loaded := loaded + 1]]].
aMessage := loaded = 0
ifTrue: ['No new updates found.']
ifFalse: [loaded printString , ' update(s) loaded.'].
self inform: aMessage , '
Highest numbered update is now ' , (currentUpdateNumber - 1) printString , '.'!