David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Kernel-dtl.982.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Kernel-dtl.982 Author: dtl Time: 30 January 2016, 12:58:37.124434 pm UUID: b62b0fc9-af0f-4db5-a4f0-3af92256cc11 Ancestors: Kernel-dtl.981 Update preferences to use EventSensor rather than InputSensor. =============== Diff against Kernel-dtl.981 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: EventSensor class>>duplicateAllControlAndAltKeysChanged (in category 'preference change notification') ----- + duplicateAllControlAndAltKeysChanged + "The Preference for duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys has changed; reset the other two." + "At some point the various exclusive CtrlAlt-key prefs should become a radio button set, then these methods wouldn't be needed." + (Preferences + valueOfFlag: #swapControlAndAltKeys + ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [ + self inform: 'Resetting swapControlAndAltKeys preference'. + (Preferences preferenceAt: #swapControlAndAltKeys) rawValue: false. + ]. + (Preferences + valueOfFlag: #duplicateControlAndAltKeys + ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [ + self inform: 'Resetting duplicateControlAndAltKeys preference'. + (Preferences preferenceAt: #duplicateControlAndAltKeys) rawValue: false. + ]. + self installKeyDecodeTable. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: EventSensor class>>duplicateControlAndAltKeysChanged (in category 'preference change notification') ----- + duplicateControlAndAltKeysChanged + "The Preference for duplicateControlAndAltKeys has changed; reset the other two." + (Preferences + valueOfFlag: #swapControlAndAltKeys + ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [ + self inform: 'Resetting swapControlAndAltKeys preference'. + (Preferences preferenceAt: #swapControlAndAltKeys) rawValue: false. + ]. + (Preferences + valueOfFlag: #duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys + ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [ + self inform: 'Resetting duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys preference'. + (Preferences preferenceAt: #duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys) rawValue: false. + ]. + self installKeyDecodeTable. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: EventSensor class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') ----- + initialize + + self flag: #REMOVE. "temporary initialization method to support InputSensor removal" + "Update the preferences" + { #swapMouseButtons . #swapControlAndAltKeys . #duplicateControlAndAltKeys . #duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys } + do: [ :key | | pref changeSelector | + pref := Preferences preferenceAt: key. + changeSelector := (key , #Changed) asSymbol. + pref ifNotNil: [ pref changeInformee: EventSensor changeSelector: changeSelector ] ]. + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: EventSensor class>>swapControlAndAltKeysChanged (in category 'preference change notification') ----- + swapControlAndAltKeysChanged + "The Preference for swapControlAndAltKeys has changed; reset the other two." + (Preferences + valueOfFlag: #duplicateControlAndAltKeys + ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [ + self inform: 'Resetting duplicateControlAndAltKeys preference'. + (Preferences preferenceAt: #duplicateControlAndAltKeys) rawValue: false. + ]. + (Preferences + valueOfFlag: #duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys + ifAbsent: [false]) ifTrue: [ + self inform: 'Resetting duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys preference'. + (Preferences preferenceAt: #duplicateAllControlAndAltKeys) rawValue: false. + ]. + self installKeyDecodeTable. + ! |
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