Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Kernel-eem.1094.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Kernel-eem.1094 Author: eem Time: 13 April 2017, 9:22:45.544636 am UUID: ef197114-f2d6-437c-920f-1940bfe2b414 Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1093 Correct the SistaV1 bytecoders decoders up to immedately before the ensure4llocableSlots: bytecode (which is subject to change). Add incomplete directedSuperSend:numArgs: support. =============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1093 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: InstructionClient>>directedSuperSend:numArgs: (in category 'instruction decoding') ----- + directedSuperSend: selector numArgs: numArgs + "Send Message Above Specific Class With Selector, selector, bytecode. + Start the lookup above the class that is the value of the association on + top of stack. The arguments of the message are found in the top numArgs + stack locations beneath the association, and the receiver just below them."! Item was added: + ----- Method: InstructionPrinter>>directedSuperSend:numArgs: (in category 'instruction decoding') ----- + directedSuperSend: selector "<Symbol>" numArgs: numArgs "<SmallInteger>" + self print: 'directedSuperSend: ' , (self stringForSelector: selector numArgs: numArgs)! Item was changed: ----- Method: InstructionStream>>interpretNext2ByteSistaV1Instruction:for:extA:extB:startPC: (in category 'decoding - private - sista v1') ----- interpretNext2ByteSistaV1Instruction: bytecode for: client extA: extA extB: extB startPC: startPC "Send to the argument, client, a message that specifies the next instruction. This method handles the two-byte codes. For a table of the bytecode set, see EncoderForV1's class comment." | byte method | method := self method. byte := self method at: pc. pc := pc + 1. "We do an inline quasi-binary search on bytecode" bytecode < 234 ifTrue: "pushes" [bytecode < 231 ifTrue: [bytecode < 229 ifTrue: [| literal | bytecode = 226 ifTrue: [^client pushReceiverVariable: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte]. literal := method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte + 1. bytecode = 227 ifTrue: [^client pushLiteralVariable: literal]. ^client pushConstant: literal]. bytecode = 229 ifTrue: [^client pushTemporaryVariable: byte]. ^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC]. bytecode = 231 ifTrue: [^byte < 128 ifTrue: [client pushNewArrayOfSize: byte] ifFalse: [client pushConsArrayWithElements: byte - 128]]. bytecode = 232 ifTrue: [^client pushConstant: ((extB < 128 ifTrue: [extB] ifFalse: [extB - 256]) bitShift: 8) + byte]. ^client pushConstant: (Character value: (extB bitShift: 8) + byte)]. bytecode < 240 ifTrue: "sends, trap and jump" [bytecode < 236 ifTrue: "sends" + [(bytecode = 235 and: [extB >= 64]) ifTrue: + [^client + directedSuperSend: (method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 5) + (byte // 8) + 1) + numArgs: (extB - 64 bitShift: 3) + (byte \\ 8)]. + ^client - [^client send: (method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 5) + (byte // 8) + 1) super: bytecode = 235 numArgs: (extB bitShift: 3) + (byte \\ 8)]. bytecode = 236 ifTrue: + [^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC]. "reserved for ensureAllocableSlots:" - [^client trapIfNotInstanceOf: (method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte + 1)]. bytecode = 237 ifTrue: [^client jump: (extB bitShift: 8) + byte]. ^client jump: (extB bitShift: 8) + byte if: bytecode = 238]. bytecode < 243 ifTrue: [bytecode = 240 ifTrue: [^client popIntoReceiverVariable: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte]. bytecode = 241 ifTrue: [^client popIntoLiteralVariable: (method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte + 1)]. ^client popIntoTemporaryVariable: byte]. bytecode = 243 ifTrue: [^client storeIntoReceiverVariable: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte]. bytecode = 244 ifTrue: [^client storeIntoLiteralVariable: (method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte + 1)]. bytecode = 245 ifTrue: [^client storeIntoTemporaryVariable: byte]. "246-247 1111011 i xxxxxxxx UNASSIGNED" ^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC! Item was changed: ----- Method: InstructionStream>>interpretNext3ByteSistaV1Instruction:for:extA:extB:startPC: (in category 'decoding - private - sista v1') ----- interpretNext3ByteSistaV1Instruction: bytecode for: client extA: extA extB: extB startPC: startPC "Send to the argument, client, a message that specifies the next instruction. This method handles the three-byte codes. For a table of the bytecode set, see EncoderForSistaV1's class comment." + | method byte2 byte3 literal | - | method byte2 byte3 | method := self method. byte2 := method at: pc. byte3 := method at: pc + 1. pc := pc + 2. + + "** 248 (2) 11111000 iiiiiiii mssjjjjj Call Primitive #iiiiiiii + (jjjjj * 256) + m=1 means inlined primitive, no hard return after execution. + ss defines the unsafe operation set used to encode the operations. + (ss = 0 means sista unsafe operations, ss = 01 means lowcode operations, other numbers are not used) + Lowcode inlined primitives may have extensions." - "we search the bytecodes by what we expect to be the static frequency." bytecode = 248 ifTrue: + [| primitiveSetSelector primitiveNumber | + byte3 < 128 ifTrue: + [ "Maybe this should be restricted to the 13 bit primitiveNumber too..." + ^client callPrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 bitShift: 8)]. + primitiveSetSelector := (byte3 bitShift: -5) bitAnd: 3. + primitiveNumber := byte2 + ((byte3 bitAnd: 31) bitShift: 8). + primitiveSetSelector = 0 ifTrue: "Sista inline primitives" + [^client callInlinePrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 - 128 bitShift: 8)]. + primitiveSetSelector = 1 ifTrue: "Lowcode inline primitives" + [^client callLowcodeInlinePrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 - 128 bitShift: 8) extA: extA extB: extB]. + "fall through to ^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC below"]. + + "* 249 11111001 xxxxxxxx siyyyyyy push Closure Compiled block literal index xxxxxxxx (+ Extend A * 256) numCopied yyyyyy receiverOnStack: s = 1 ignoreOuterContext: i = 1" + bytecode = 249 ifTrue: + [literal := method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte2 + 1. + (byte3 noMask: 16rC0) ifTrue: + [^client pushFullClosure: literal numCopied: byte3]. + ^client + pushFullClosure: literal + numCopied: (byte3 bitAnd: 16r3F) + receiverOnStack: (byte3 anyMask: 16r80) + ignoreOuterContext: (byte3 anyMask: 16r40)]. - [^client callPrimitive: byte2 + (byte3 bitShift: 8)]. bytecode = 250 ifTrue: ["** 250 11111010 eeiiikkk jjjjjjjj Push Closure Num Copied iii (+ExtA//16*8) Num Args kkk (+ ExtA\\16*8) BlockSize jjjjjjjj (+ExtB*256). ee = num extensions" ^client pushClosureCopyNumCopiedValues: ((byte2 bitShift: -3) bitAnd: 7) + (extA // 16 bitShift: 3) numArgs: (byte2 bitAnd: 7) + (extA \\ 16 bitShift: 3) blockSize: byte3 + (extB bitShift: 8)]. bytecode = 251 ifTrue: [^client pushRemoteTemp: byte2 inVectorAt: byte3]. bytecode = 252 ifTrue: [^client storeIntoRemoteTemp: byte2 inVectorAt: byte3]. bytecode = 253 ifTrue: [^client popIntoRemoteTemp: byte2 inVectorAt: byte3]. + "** 254 11111110 kkkkkkkk jjjjjjjj branch If Not Instance Of Behavior/Array Of Behavior kkkkkkkk (+ Extend A * 256, where Extend A >= 0) distance jjjjjjjj (+ Extend B * 256, where Extend B >= 0)" + bytecode = 254 ifTrue: "The sign bit of extB inverts the operation. Would like to have extB < -128, but this is good enough for now." + [literal := method literalAt: (extA bitShift: 8) + byte2 + 1. + extB < 0 ifTrue: [^client branchIfInstanceOf: literal distance: (extB + 128 bitShift: 8) + byte3]. + ^client branchIfNotInstanceOf: literal distance: (extB bitShift: 8) + byte3]. - "249 11111001 xxxxxxxx syyyyyyy Reserved for Push Float" - "254-255 1111111 i xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy UNASSIGNED" ^self unusedBytecode: client at: startPC! Item was changed: ----- Method: InstructionStream>>interpretNextSistaV1InstructionFor: (in category 'decoding - private - sista v1') ----- interpretNextSistaV1InstructionFor: client "Send to the argument, client, a message that specifies the next instruction." | byte div16 offset method extA extB savedPC | method := self method. "For a table of the bytecode set, see EncoderForSistaV1's class comment." "consume and compute any extensions first." extA := extB := 0. savedPC := pc. [byte := self method at: pc. pc := pc + 1. byte >= 16rE0 and: [byte <= 16rE1]] whileTrue: [| extByte | extByte := self method at: pc. pc := pc + 1. byte = 16rE0 ifTrue: [extA := (extA bitShift: 8) + extByte] ifFalse: [extB := (extB = 0 and: [extByte > 127]) ifTrue: [extByte - 256] ifFalse: [(extB bitShift: 8) + extByte]]]. div16 := byte // 16. offset := byte \\ 16. "We do an inline quasi-binary search on each of the possible 16 values of div16" div16 < 11 ifTrue: [div16 < 6 ifTrue: [div16 < 4 ifTrue: [div16 < 2 ifTrue: [div16 = 0 ifTrue: [^client pushReceiverVariable: offset]. ^client pushLiteralVariable: (method literalAt: offset + 1)]. "div16 = 1" ^client pushConstant: (method literalAt: byte \\ 32 + 1)]. div16 = 4 ifTrue: [offset < 12 ifTrue: [^client pushTemporaryVariable: offset]. offset = 12 ifTrue: [^client pushReceiver]. offset = 13 ifTrue: [^client pushConstant: true]. offset = 14 ifTrue: [^client pushConstant: false]. offset = 15 ifTrue: [^client pushConstant: nil]]. "div16 = 5" offset < 2 ifTrue: [^client pushConstant: offset]. offset = 2 ifTrue: [^self interpretSistaV1ExtendedPush: extB for: client]. offset = 3 ifTrue: [^client doDup]. offset = 8 ifTrue: [^client methodReturnReceiver]. offset = 9 ifTrue: [^client methodReturnConstant: true]. offset = 10 ifTrue: [^client methodReturnConstant: false]. offset = 11 ifTrue: [^client methodReturnConstant: nil]. offset = 12 ifTrue: [^client methodReturnTop]. offset = 13 ifTrue: [^client blockReturnConstant: nil]. offset = 14 ifTrue: [^client blockReturnTop]. offset = 15 ifTrue: [^client doNop]. ^self unusedBytecode: client at: savedPC]. "short sends" div16 = 6 ifTrue: [^client send: (Smalltalk specialSelectorAt: offset + 1) super: false numArgs: (Smalltalk specialNargsAt: offset + 1)]. div16 = 7 ifTrue: [^client send: (Smalltalk specialSelectorAt: offset + 17) super: false numArgs: (Smalltalk specialNargsAt: offset + 17)]. ^client send: (method literalAt: offset + 1) super: false numArgs: div16 - 8]. "div16 >= 11; bytecode >= 176" div16 < 14 ifTrue: [div16 = 11 ifTrue: [offset < 8 ifTrue: [^client jump: offset + 1]. ^client jump: offset - 7 if: true]. div16 = 12 ifTrue: [offset < 8 ifTrue: [^client jump: offset + 1 if: false]. ^client popIntoReceiverVariable: offset - 8]. "div16 = 13" offset < 8 ifTrue: [^client popIntoTemporaryVariable: offset]. offset = 8 ifTrue: [^client doPop]. offset = 9 ifTrue: + [^client trap]. - [^client doDup]. ^self unusedBytecode: client at: savedPC]. "2 byte and 3 byte codes" byte < 248 ifTrue: [^self interpretNext2ByteSistaV1Instruction: byte for: client extA: extA extB: extB startPC: savedPC]. ^self interpretNext3ByteSistaV1Instruction: byte for: client extA: extA extB: extB startPC: savedPC! |
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