The Trunk: Kernel-eem.1347.mcz

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The Trunk: Kernel-eem.1347.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-eem.1347
Author: eem
Time: 9 October 2020, 12:12:35.47215 pm
UUID: a8ab437c-2eac-4257-a403-12d21ea16588
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1346

Reduce compileCue:environment:classified:withStamp:notifying:logSource: to compileCue:classified:withStamp:logSource: by deriving parameteras from the cue, as intended.

=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1346 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassDescription>>compile:environment:classified:withStamp:notifying:logSource: (in category 'compiling') -----
  compile: text environment: anEnvironment classified: category withStamp: changeStamp notifying: requestor logSource: logSource
  compileCue: (CompilationCue
+ source: text
+ class: self
+ environment: anEnvironment
+ requestor: requestor)
- source: text
- class: self
- environment: anEnvironment
- requestor: requestor)
- environment: anEnvironment
  classified: category
  withStamp: changeStamp
- notifying: requestor
  logSource: logSource!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ClassDescription>>compileCue:classified:withStamp:logSource: (in category 'compiling') -----
+ compileCue: compilationCue classified: category withStamp: changeStamp logSource: logSource
+ | methodAndNode methodNode selector |
+ methodNode := self newCompiler compile: compilationCue ifFail: [^nil].
+ methodAndNode := CompiledMethodWithNode
+ generateMethodFromNode: methodNode
+ trailer: (compilationCue methodTrailer ifNil:
+ [self defaultMethodTrailerIfLogSource: logSource]).
+ selector := methodAndNode selector.
+ logSource ifTrue:
+ [self
+ logMethodSource: compilationCue source
+ forMethodWithNode: methodAndNode
+ inCategory: category
+ withStamp: changeStamp
+ notifying: compilationCue requestor.
+ RecentMessages default
+ recordSelector: selector
+ forClass: methodAndNode method methodClass
+ inEnvironment: compilationCue environment].
+ self
+ addAndClassifySelector: selector
+ withMethod: methodAndNode method
+ inProtocol: category
+ notifying: compilationCue requestor.
+ self instanceSide
+ noteCompilationOf: selector
+ meta: self isClassSide.
+ ^selector!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ClassDescription>>compileCue:environment:classified:withStamp:notifying:logSource: (in category 'compiling') -----
- compileCue: compilationCue environment: anEnvironment classified: category withStamp: changeStamp notifying: requestor logSource: logSource
- | methodAndNode methodNode selector |
- methodNode := self newCompiler compile: compilationCue ifFail: [^nil].
- methodAndNode := CompiledMethodWithNode
- generateMethodFromNode: methodNode
- trailer: (compilationCue methodTrailer ifNil:
- [self defaultMethodTrailerIfLogSource: logSource]).
- selector := methodAndNode selector.
- logSource ifTrue:
- [self
- logMethodSource: compilationCue source
- forMethodWithNode: methodAndNode
- inCategory: category
- withStamp: changeStamp
- notifying: requestor.
- RecentMessages default
- recordSelector: selector
- forClass: methodAndNode method methodClass
- inEnvironment: anEnvironment].
- self
- addAndClassifySelector: selector
- withMethod: methodAndNode method
- inProtocol: category
- notifying: requestor.
- self instanceSide
- noteCompilationOf: selector
- meta: self isClassSide.
- ^selector!