The Trunk: Kernel-fbs.783.mcz

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The Trunk: Kernel-fbs.783.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-fbs.783
Author: fbs
Time: 6 July 2013, 2:36:43.813 pm
UUID: b1d6f27c-91e2-8c4a-ae42-b0b2f25b280b
Ancestors: Kernel-fbs.782

Debugger support methods belong in Tools-Debugger.

=============== Diff against Kernel-fbs.782 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>abstractPCForConcretePC: (in category 'debugger support') -----
- abstractPCForConcretePC: concretePC
- "Answer the abstractPC matching concretePC."
- | abstractPC scanner client |
- self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap?'.
- abstractPC := 1.
- scanner := InstructionStream on: self.
- client := InstructionClient new.
- [(scanner atEnd
-  or: [scanner pc >= concretePC]) ifTrue:
- [^abstractPC].
- abstractPC := abstractPC + 1.
- scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: client] repeat!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>blockExtentsInto:from:to:scanner:numberer: (in category 'debugger support') -----
- blockExtentsInto: aDictionary from: initialPC to: endPC scanner: scanner numberer: numbererBlock
- "Support routine for startpcsToBlockExtents"
- | extentStart blockSizeOrLocator |
- self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap'.
- extentStart := numbererBlock value.
- [scanner pc <= endPC] whileTrue:
- [blockSizeOrLocator := scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: BlockStartLocator new.
- blockSizeOrLocator isInteger ifTrue:
- [self
- blockExtentsInto: aDictionary
- from: scanner pc
- to: scanner pc + blockSizeOrLocator - 1
- scanner: scanner
- numberer: numbererBlock]].
- aDictionary at: initialPC put: (extentStart to: numbererBlock value).
- ^aDictionary!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>blockExtentsToTempsMap (in category 'debugger support') -----
- blockExtentsToTempsMap
- "If the receiver has been copied with temp names answer a
- map from blockExtent to temps map in the same format as
- BytecodeEncoder>>blockExtentsToTempNamesMap.  if the
- receiver has not been copied with temps answer nil."
- ^self holdsTempNames ifTrue:
- [self mapFromBlockKeys: ((self startpcsToBlockExtents associations asSortedCollection:
- [:a1 :a2| a1 key < a2 key]) collect:
- [:assoc| assoc value])
- toSchematicTemps: self tempNamesString]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>debuggerMap (in category 'debugger support') -----
- debuggerMap
- ^DebuggerMethodMap forMethod: self!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>mapFromBlockKeys:toSchematicTemps: (in category 'debugger support') -----
- mapFromBlockKeys: keys toSchematicTemps: schematicTempNamesString
- "Decode a schematicTempNamesString that encodes the layout of temp names
- in a method and any closures/blocks within it, matching keys in keys to
- vectors of temp names."
- | map tempNames |
- map := Dictionary new.
- tempNames := schematicTempNamesString readStream.
- keys do:
- [:key| | tempSequence tempIndex |
- tempSequence := OrderedCollection new.
- tempIndex := 0.
- [(tempNames skipSeparators; peek) ifNil: [true] ifNotNil: [:ch| '[]' includes: ch]] whileFalse:
- [tempNames peek = $(
- ifTrue: [tempSequence addAllLast: ((self tempsSubSequenceFrom: (tempNames next; yourself)) withIndexCollect:
- [:temp :index|
- { temp. { tempIndex + 1. index } }]).
- tempNames peek ~= $) ifTrue: [self error: 'parse error'].
- tempIndex := tempIndex + 1.
- tempNames next]
- ifFalse: [tempSequence addAllLast: ((self tempsSubSequenceFrom: tempNames) withIndexCollect:
- [:temp :index|
- { temp. tempIndex := tempIndex + 1 }])]].
- map at: key put: tempSequence asArray.
- [tempNames peek = $]] whileTrue: [tempNames next].
- tempNames peek = $[ ifTrue:
- [tempNames next]].
- ^map!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>pcPreviousTo: (in category 'debugger support') -----
- pcPreviousTo: pc
- | scanner client prevPc |
- self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap?'.
- pc > self endPC ifTrue: [^self endPC].
- scanner := InstructionStream on: self.
- client := InstructionClient new.
- [scanner pc < pc] whileTrue:
- [prevPc := scanner pc.
- scanner interpretNextInstructionFor: client].
- ^prevPc!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>startpcsToBlockExtents (in category 'debugger support') -----
- startpcsToBlockExtents
- "Answer a Dictionary of startpc to Interval of blockExtent, using the
- identical numbering scheme described in and orchestrated by
- BlockNode>>analyseArguments:temporaries:rootNode:.  This is
- used in part to find the temp names for any block in a method, as
- needed by the debugger.  The other half is to recompile the method,
- obtaining the temp names for each block extent.  By indirecting through
- the blockExtent instead of using the startpc directly we decouple the
- debugger's access to temp names from the exact bytecode; insulating
- debugging from minor changes in the compiler (e.g. changes in literal
- pooling, adding prefix bytecodes, adding inst vars to CompiledMethod
- in literals towards the end of the literal frame, etc).  If the recompilation
- doesn't produce exactly the same bytecode at exactly the same offset
- no matter; the blockExtents will be the same."
- | index |
- self flag: 'belongs in DebuggerMethodMap'.
- index := 0.
- ^self
- blockExtentsInto: Dictionary new
- from: self initialPC
- to: self endPC
- scanner: (InstructionStream on: self)
- numberer: [| value | value := index. index := index + 2. value]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>tempsSubSequenceFrom: (in category 'debugger support') -----
- tempsSubSequenceFrom: tempNamesStream
- ^Array streamContents:
- [:tsss|
- [tempNamesStream skipSeparators.
- tempNamesStream atEnd
- or: ['[]()' includes: tempNamesStream peek]] whileFalse:
- [tsss nextPut: (String streamContents:
- [:s|
- [s nextPut: tempNamesStream next.
- tempNamesStream peek
- ifNil: [true]
- ifNotNil: [:peek| ' []()' includes: peek]] whileFalse])]]
- "thisContext method tempsSubSequenceFrom: 'les temps perdu(sont n''est pas la)' readStream"
- "thisContext method tempsSubSequenceFrom: ('les temps perdu(sont n''est pas la)' readStream skipTo: $(; yourself)"!