Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Kernel-mt.1244 Author: mt Time: 12 July 2019, 9:59:41.866568 am UUID: d585f898-09cc-094b-98ed-a74204c82019 Ancestors: Kernel-mt.1243 Refactoring of #literalsDo: - Step 2 of 3. For more information, see =============== Diff against Kernel-mt.1243 =============== Item was removed: - ----- Method: AdditionalMethodState>>hasLiteralSuchThat: (in category 'testing') ----- - hasLiteralSuchThat: aBlock - "Answer true if litBlock returns true for any literal in this array, even if embedded in further array structure. - This method is only intended for private use by CompiledMethod hasLiteralSuchThat:" - 1 to: self basicSize do: [:i | - | propertyOrPragma "<Association|Pragma>" | - propertyOrPragma := self basicAt: i. - (propertyOrPragma isVariableBinding - ifTrue: [(aBlock value: propertyOrPragma key) - or: [(aBlock value: propertyOrPragma value) - or: [propertyOrPragma value isArray - and: [propertyOrPragma value hasLiteralSuchThat: aBlock]]]] - ifFalse: [propertyOrPragma hasLiteralSuchThat: aBlock]) ifTrue: - [^true]]. - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledBlock>>allLiterals (in category 'literals') ----- - allLiterals - ^self homeMethod allLiterals! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledBlock>>allSubLiterals (in category 'literals') ----- - allSubLiterals - | literalsExceptOuter unfoldedSubLiterals | - literalsExceptOuter := self literals allButLast. - unfoldedSubLiterals := literalsExceptOuter - select: [:lit| lit isCompiledCode] - thenCollect: [:blockMethod| blockMethod allSubLiterals]. - unfoldedSubLiterals ifEmpty: - [^literalsExceptOuter]. - ^literalsExceptOuter, (unfoldedSubLiterals fold: [:a :b| a, b])! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledBlock>>codeLiteralsDo: (in category 'literals') ----- + codeLiteralsDo: aBlock + "Overwritten to not cause infinite loop." + + aBlock value: self. + + self literalsDo: [:literal | + (literal isCompiledCode and: [literal ~~ self outerCode]) ifTrue: [ + literal codeLiteralsDo: aBlock]].! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledBlock>>hasLiteral: (in category 'literals') ----- - hasLiteral: literal - "Answer whether the receiver references the argument, literal." - 2 to: self numLiterals do: "exclude outerCode" - [:index | | lit | - lit := self objectAt: index. - (lit literalEqual: literal) ifTrue: - [^true]. - (lit isCompiledCode and: [lit hasLiteral: literal]) ifTrue: - [^true]]. - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledBlock>>hasLiteralSuchThat: (in category 'literals') ----- - hasLiteralSuchThat: litBlock - "Answer true if litBlock returns true for any literal in this method, even if embedded in array structure." - 2 to: self numLiterals do: "exclude outerCode" - [:index | | lit | - lit := self objectAt: index. - ((litBlock value: lit) - or: [(lit isArray or: [lit isCompiledCode]) and: [lit hasLiteralSuchThat: litBlock]]) ifTrue: - [^true]]. - ^false! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledCode>>allLiterals (in category 'literals') ----- allLiterals + "Skip compiled-code objects. Keep literal arrays, bindings, etc." + + ^ Array streamContents: [:result | + self allLiteralsDo: [:literal | result nextPut: literal]]! - self subclassResponsibility! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>allLiteralsDo: (in category 'literals') ----- + allLiteralsDo: aBlock + "Enumerate all literals thoroughly. Follow nested instances of CompiledCode. Do not treat compiled code as literals here." + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | compiledCode literalsDo: [:literal | + literal isCompiledCode ifFalse: [literal allLiteralsDo: aBlock] ]]. + + "Enumerate special selectors." + self flag: #todo. + + "Enumerate special literals such as true and false." + self flag: #todo.! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>codeLiterals (in category 'literals') ----- + codeLiterals + + ^ Array streamContents: [:stream | + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | stream nextPut: compiledCode]]! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>codeLiteralsDo: (in category 'literals') ----- + codeLiteralsDo: aBlock + "Enumerate all literals that represent instances of CompiledCode. This is especially required for SistaV1." + + aBlock value: self. + + self literalsDo: [:literal | literal isCompiledCode ifTrue: [ + literal codeLiteralsDo: aBlock]].! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>hasLiteral: (in category 'literals') ----- + hasLiteral: aLiteral + "Since we cannot enumerate this code's special literals, we have to overwrite this method to invoke the encoder scanner explicitely." + + | scanBlock | + (super hasLiteral: aLiteral) ifTrue: [^ true]. + + scanBlock := self class + scanBlocksForLiteral: aLiteral + do: [:primaryScanner :secondaryScanner | + "E.g., scanner for SistaV1 or scanner for V3PlusClosures" + self signFlag ifTrue: [secondaryScanner] ifFalse: [primaryScanner]]. + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + (compiledCode scanFor: scanBlock) ifTrue: [^ true]]. + + ^ false! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>hasMethodReturn (in category 'testing') ----- + hasMethodReturn + "Answer whether the receiver has a method-return ('^') in its code." + + | scanner | + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + (scanner scanFor: [:x | (scanner willReturn + and: [scanner willBlockReturn not]) + "and: [scanner willReturnTopFromMethod not]" "-> Not supported in EncoderForSistaV1"]) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + ^ false! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>isQuick (in category 'testing') ----- + isQuick + + self subclassResponsibility.! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledCode>>literals (in category 'literals') ----- literals + + ^ Array streamContents: [:result | + self literalsDo: [:lit | result nextPut: lit]]! - "Answer an Array of the literals referenced by the receiver." - | literals numberLiterals | - literals := Array new: (numberLiterals := self numLiterals). - 1 to: numberLiterals do: - [:index | - literals at: index put: (self objectAt: index + 1)]. - ^literals! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>literalsDo: (in category 'literals') ----- + literalsDo: aBlock + "Evaluate aBlock for each of the literals referenced by the receiver. Note that this (raw) enumeration addresses *all* objects stored *after* the method header and *before* the first byte code. If you require a deep and meaningful enumeration of literals use #allLiteralsDo: or #codeLiteralsDo:." + + 1 to: self numLiterals do: [:index | + aBlock value: (self literalAt: index)].! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledCode>>messages (in category 'scanning') ----- messages "Answer a Set of all the message selectors sent by this method." + | result | + result := Set new. + self messagesDo: [:selector | result add: selector]. + ^ result! - | encoderClass scanner aSet | - encoderClass := self encoderClass. - aSet := Set new. - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - scanner scanFor: [ :x | - | selector | - (selector := encoderClass selectorToSendOrItselfFor: scanner in: self at: scanner pc) == scanner - ifFalse: - [aSet add: selector] - ifTrue: - [(encoderClass blockMethodOrNilFor: scanner in: self at: scanner pc) ifNotNil: - [:blockMethod| aSet addAll: blockMethod messages]]. - false "keep scanning" ]. - ^aSet! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>messagesDo: (in category 'scanning') ----- + messagesDo: workBlock + "Evaluate aBlock with all the message selectors sent by me. Duplicate sends possible." + + | scanner selector | + self isQuick ifTrue: [^ self]. + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + scanner scanFor: [ :x | + (selector := scanner selectorToSendOrSelf) == scanner + ifFalse: [workBlock value: selector]. + false "keep scanning" ] ].! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledCode>>messagesDo:encoderClass:visitedSet: (in category 'private') ----- - messagesDo: aBlock encoderClass: encoderClass visitedSet: visitedSet - "The inner engine for messagesDo:" - - | scanner | - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - scanner scanFor: [ :x | - | selector | - (selector := encoderClass selectorToSendOrItselfFor: scanner in: self at: scanner pc) == scanner - ifFalse: - [(visitedSet ifAbsentAdd: selector) ifTrue: - [aBlock value: selector]] - ifTrue: - [(encoderClass blockMethodOrNilFor: scanner in: self at: scanner pc) ifNotNil: - [:blockMethod| - blockMethod messagesDo: aBlock encoderClass: encoderClass visitedSet: visitedSet]]. - false "keep scanning" ]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledCode>>refersTo:bytecodeScanner:thorough: (in category 'literals') ----- - refersTo: literal bytecodeScanner: scanBlockOrNil thorough: thorough - "Answer if the receiver refers to the literal. If the scan block is non-nil, then - use it to find the literal in bytecode. If thorough is true, dive down into - literal arrays and method properties to locate references to the literal there-in." - 2 to: (self isCompiledBlock - ifTrue: [self numLiterals] "exclude outerCode or methodClass" - ifFalse: [self numLiterals - 1]) "exclude selector/properties and methodClass" - do: [:i| | lit | - lit := self objectAt: i. - (literal == lit or: [literal literalEqual: lit]) ifTrue: [^true]. "== for Float bindingOf: #NaN since NaN ~= NaN" - lit isCompiledCode - ifTrue: - [(lit refersTo: literal bytecodeScanner: scanBlockOrNil thorough: thorough) ifTrue: - [^true]] - ifFalse: - [thorough ifTrue: - [lit isVariableBinding - ifTrue: - [literal == lit key ifTrue: [^true]] - ifFalse: - [(lit isArray - and: [(lit hasLiteral: literal) - or: [literal isVariableBinding - and: [literal key isSymbol - and: [lit hasLiteral: literal key]]]]) ifTrue: - [^true]]]]]. - scanBlockOrNil ifNotNil: - [(self scanFor: scanBlockOrNil) ifTrue: - [^true]]. - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledCode>>refersTo:primaryBytecodeScanner:secondaryBytecodeScanner:thorough: (in category 'literals') ----- - refersTo: literal primaryBytecodeScanner: primaryScanBlockOrNil secondaryBytecodeScanner: secondaryScanBlockOrNil thorough: thorough - "Answer if the receiver refers to the literal. If the scan blocks are non-nil, then - use them to find the literal in bytecode. If thorough is true, dive down into - literal arrays and method properties to locate references to the literal there-in." - ^self - refersTo: literal - bytecodeScanner: (self signFlag - ifTrue: [secondaryScanBlockOrNil] - ifFalse: [primaryScanBlockOrNil]) - thorough: thorough! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledCode>>scanFor: (in category 'scanning') ----- scanFor: byteOrClosure "Answer whether the receiver contains the argument as a bytecode, if it is a number, or evaluates to true if a block. If a block it can take from one to four bytes." | s end | ^(s := InstructionStream on: self) scanFor: (byteOrClosure isBlock ifTrue: [byteOrClosure numArgs caseOf: { [1] -> [byteOrClosure]. [2] -> [[:byte| byteOrClosure value: byte value: s secondByte]]. [3] -> [end := self endPC - 2. [:byte| s pc <= end and: [byteOrClosure value: byte value: s secondByte value: s thirdByte]]]. [4] -> [end := self endPC - 3. [:byte| s pc <= end and: [byteOrClosure value: byte value: s secondByte value: s thirdByte value: s fourthByte]]] }] ifFalse: [[:instr | instr = byteOrClosure]]) " + SystemNavigation default browseAllSelect: [:m | m scanFor: 134] - Smalltalk browseAllSelect: [:m | m scanFor: 134] "! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>sendsMessage: (in category 'testing') ----- + sendsMessage: aSelector + + self messagesDo: [:selector | + selector = aSelector ifTrue: [^ true]]. + ^ false! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>sendsSelector: (in category 'testing') ----- + sendsSelector: aSelector + + self flag: #todo. "mt: Deprecate? AST/Refactoring project needs it..." + ^ self sendsMessage: aSelector! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledCode>>sendsToSuper (in category 'testing') ----- + sendsToSuper + "Answer whether the receiver sends any message to super." + + | scanner | + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + (scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass superSendScanBlockUsing: scanner)) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + ^ false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>allLiterals (in category 'literals') ----- - allLiterals - | literals unfoldedSubLiterals | - literals := self literals. - unfoldedSubLiterals := literals - select: [:lit| lit isCompiledCode] - thenCollect: [:blockMethod| blockMethod allSubLiterals]. - unfoldedSubLiterals ifEmpty: - [^literals]. - ^literals, (unfoldedSubLiterals fold: [:a :b| a, b])! Item was added: + ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>allLiteralsDo: (in category 'literals') ----- + allLiteralsDo: aBlock + "Overwritten to skip certain (raw) literals." + + " Exclude method selector (or properties) and the method's class." + 1 to: self numLiterals - 2 do: [:index | + (self literalAt: index) allLiteralsDo: aBlock]. + + "Enumerate method selector only through additional method state." + self penultimateLiteral isMethodProperties + ifTrue: [self penultimateLiteral allLiteralsDo: aBlock]. + + "Enumerate special selectors." + self flag: #todo. + + "Enumerate special literals such as true and false." + self flag: #todo.! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>hasLiteral: (in category 'literals') ----- - hasLiteral: literal - "Answer whether the receiver references the argument, literal." - 2 to: self numLiterals - 1 do: "exclude selector/properties & methodClass" - [:index | | lit | - lit := self objectAt: index. - (lit literalEqual: literal) ifTrue: - [^true]. - (lit isCompiledCode and: [lit hasLiteral: literal]) ifTrue: - [^true]]. - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>hasLiteralSuchThat: (in category 'literals') ----- - hasLiteralSuchThat: litBlock - "Answer true if litBlock returns true for any literal in this method, even if embedded in array structure." - (self penultimateLiteral isMethodProperties - and: [self penultimateLiteral hasLiteralSuchThat: litBlock]) ifTrue: - [^true]. - 2 to: self numLiterals + 1 do: - [:index | | lit | - lit := self objectAt: index. - ((litBlock value: lit) - or: [(lit isArray or: [lit isCompiledCode]) and: [lit hasLiteralSuchThat: litBlock]]) ifTrue: - [^true]]. - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>hasLiteralThorough: (in category 'literals') ----- - hasLiteralThorough: literal - "Answer true if any literal in this method is literal, - even if embedded in array structure." - - (self penultimateLiteral isMethodProperties - and: [self penultimateLiteral hasLiteralThorough: literal]) ifTrue:[^true]. - 2 to: self numLiterals - 1 "exclude superclass + selector/properties" - do:[:index | | lit | - (((lit := self objectAt: index) literalEqual: literal) - or: [(lit isVariableBinding and: [lit key == literal]) - or: [lit isArray and: [lit hasLiteral: literal]]]) ifTrue: - [^ true]]. - ^ false ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>literalsDo: (in category 'literals') ----- - literalsDo: aBlock - "Evaluate aBlock for each of the literals referenced by the receiver." - 1 to: self numLiterals do: - [:index | - aBlock value: (self objectAt: index + 1)]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>messages (in category 'scanning') ----- - messages - "Answer a Set of all the message selectors sent by this method." - - | scanner aSet | - aSet := Set new. - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - scanner scanFor: [ :x | - | selector | - (selector := scanner selectorToSendOrSelf) == scanner ifFalse: [ - aSet add: selector ]. - false "keep scanning" ]. - ^aSet! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>messagesDo: (in category 'scanning') ----- - messagesDo: aBlock - "Evaluate aBlock exactly once with all the message selectors sent by me." - - self isQuick ifFalse: - [self messagesDo: aBlock - encoderClass: self encoderClass - visitedSet: IdentitySet new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>messagesSequence (in category 'scanning') ----- messagesSequence - "Answer a Set of all the message selectors sent by this method." + self flag: #todo. "mt: Better change #messages to return an array instead of a set?" + ^ self messages asArray! - ^Array streamContents: - [:str| | scanner | - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - scanner scanFor: - [:x | | selectorOrSelf | - (selectorOrSelf := scanner selectorToSendOrSelf) == scanner ifFalse: - [str nextPut: selectorOrSelf]. - false "keep scanning"]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>objectForDataStream: (in category 'file in/out') ----- objectForDataStream: refStrm + "Reconfigure pragma. Example: #(#FFTPlugin #primitiveFFTTransformData 0 0). See FFT >> #pluginTransformData:." + + self primitive = 117 ifTrue: [(self literalAt: 1) at: 4 put: 0].! - - self primitive = 117 ifTrue: [self literals first at: 4 put: 0]. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>readsField: (in category 'scanning') ----- readsField: varIndex + "Answer whether the receiver loads the instance variable indexed by the argument." + - "Answer whether the receiver loads the instance variable indexed by the argument." | varIndexCode scanner | varIndexCode := varIndex - 1. + self isQuick ifTrue: [^ self isReturnField and: [self returnField = varIndexCode]]. + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + (scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass instVarReadScanBlockFor: varIndexCode using: scanner)) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + + ^ false! - self isQuick ifTrue: - [^self isReturnField and: [self returnField = varIndexCode]]. - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - ^scanner scanFor:(self encoderClass instVarReadScanBlockFor: varIndexCode using: scanner)! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>readsRef: (in category 'scanning') ----- readsRef: variableBinding "Answer whether the receiver reads the value of the argument." "eem 5/24/2008 Rewritten to no longer assume the compler uses the most compact encoding available (for EncoderForLongFormV3 support)." + | litIndex scanner | + (litIndex := self indexOfLiteral: variableBinding) = 0 + ifTrue: [^false]. + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + (scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass bindingReadScanBlockFor: litIndex - 1 using: scanner)) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + + ^ false! - (litIndex := self indexOfLiteral: variableBinding) = 0 ifTrue: - [^false]. - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - ^scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass bindingReadScanBlockFor: litIndex - 1 using: scanner)! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>refersToLiteral: (in category 'literals') ----- - refersToLiteral:aLiteral - - ^self hasLiteral: aLiteral.! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>sendsSelector: (in category 'literals') ----- - sendsSelector: aSelector - | scanner | - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - scanner scanFor: - [:x | - scanner selectorToSendOrSelf == aSelector ifTrue: - [^true]. - false "keep scanning"]. - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>sendsToSuper (in category 'scanning') ----- - sendsToSuper - "Answer whether the receiver sends any message to super." - | scanner | - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - ^scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass superSendScanBlockUsing: scanner)! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>writesField: (in category 'scanning') ----- writesField: varIndex + "Answer whether the receiver stores into the instance variable indexed by the argument." - "Answer whether the receiver stores into the instance variable indexed - by the argument." + | varIndexCode scanner | + self isQuick ifTrue: [^ false]. + varIndexCode := varIndex - 1. + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + (scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass instVarWriteScanBlockFor: varIndex - 1 using: scanner)) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + + ^ false! - | scanner | - self isQuick ifTrue: [^false]. - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - ^scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass instVarWriteScanBlockFor: varIndex - 1 using: scanner)! Item was changed: ----- Method: CompiledMethod>>writesRef: (in category 'scanning') ----- writesRef: variableBinding "Answer whether the receiver writes the value of the argument." "eem 5/24/2008 Rewritten to no longer assume the compler uses the most compact encoding available (for EncoderForLongFormV3 support)." + | litIndex scanner | + (litIndex := self indexOfLiteral: variableBinding) = 0 + ifTrue: [^ false]. + + self codeLiteralsDo: [:compiledCode | + scanner := InstructionStream on: compiledCode. + (scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass bindingWriteScanBlockFor: litIndex - 1 using: scanner)) + ifTrue: [^ true]]. + + ^ false! - (litIndex := self indexOfLiteral: variableBinding) = 0 ifTrue: - [^false]. - scanner := InstructionStream on: self. - ^scanner scanFor: (self encoderClass bindingWriteScanBlockFor: litIndex - 1 using: scanner)! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Pragma>>hasLiteralSuchThat: (in category 'testing') ----- - hasLiteralSuchThat: aBlock - "Answer true if litBlock returns true for any literal in the receiver, even if embedded in further array structure. - This method is only intended for private use by CompiledMethod hasLiteralSuchThat:" - ^(aBlock value: keyword) - or: [arguments hasLiteralSuchThat: aBlock]! |
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