Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-mt.1256
Author: mt
Time: 14 August 2019, 11:47:08.245475 am
UUID: d8d2cfa5-57d9-b24e-8173-811646541d8a
Ancestors: Kernel-mt.1255
Speed up #isDeprecated check to speed up browsing tools. Thanks to Levente to the hints!
=============== Diff against Kernel-mt.1255 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: CompiledMethod>>isDeprecated (in category 'testing') -----
+ "Note that #literalsDo: is faster than #hasLiteral: (and #hasLiteral:scanForSpecial:). We already know that 'self deprecated' should be the first statement in a deprecated method, which is directly accessible in this method's literals. No need to check compiled blocks or other nested structures. We expand the implementation of #literalsDo: here to gain twice the speed.
- "Note that #literalsDo: is faster than #hasLiteral: (and #hasLiteral:scanForSpecial:). We already know that 'self deprecated' should be the first statement in a deprecated method, which is directly accessible in this method's literals. No need to check compiled blocks or other nested structures.
Note that both #isQuick and is-this-method check make no sense performance-wise. Maybe bench again in the future."
+ | literal |
+ 1 to: self numLiterals do: [:index |
+ ((literal := self literalAt: index) == #deprecated: or: [ literal == #deprecated ])
+ ifTrue: [ ^true ] ].
- self literalsDo: [:literal |
- (#deprecated = literal or: [#deprecated: = literal])
- ifTrue: [^ true]].
^ false!