The Trunk: Kernel-nice.1311.mcz

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The Trunk: Kernel-nice.1311.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-nice.1311
Author: nice
Time: 8 March 2020, 12:24:19.658773 pm
UUID: 65fc97e5-6304-4459-ad5e-c2f3c94f5e34
Ancestors: Kernel-dtl.1310

Fix comparison of FullBlockClosures

Note: it's a bit misleading to get the compiledBlock into the startpc inst.var.
Note that other usage of startpc could as well be protected thru (self startpc).
I did not do it, because all other messages using the inst. var. are redefined in FullBlockClosure.

=============== Diff against Kernel-mt.1309 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: BlockClosure>>= (in category 'comparing') -----
  = aClosure
  self == aClosure ifTrue: [^true].
  aClosure class = self class ifFalse: [^false].
+ (self method == aClosure method and: [self startpc = aClosure startpc and: [self isClean]])
- (self method == aClosure method and: [startpc = aClosure startpc and: [self isClean]])
  ifTrue: [^true].
+ ^outerContext = aClosure outerContext and: [self startpc = aClosure startpc]!
- ^outerContext = aClosure outerContext and: [startpc = aClosure startpc]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CompiledCode class>>multipleBytecodeSetsActive: (in category 'method encoding') -----
+ multipleBytecodeSetsActive: aBoolean
+ "Inform the VM when multiple bytecode sets, typically the Sista bytecodes
+ in addition to the traditional V3 bytecode set, are now in use is this image.
+ The VM may use this information to update the image format number when
+ saving the image to the file system."
+ <primitive: 'primitiveMultipleBytecodeSetsActive'>
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CompiledCode class>>useSista: (in category 'method encoding') -----
+ useSista: useSistaEncoder
+ "Switch to or from the Sista bytecode encoder, and recompile the system
+ using that encoder. Assumes that Compiler recompileAll is working for the
+ existing system. Assumes that the currently available primary and secondary
+ bytecode encoders are EncoderForV3PlusClosures and EncoderForSistaV1.
+ This is a convenience method that must be updated as the available encoders
+ are changed."
+ "CompiledCode useSista: true"
+ "CompiledCode useSista: false"
+ | standardEncoder sistaEncoder activeEncoder |
+ standardEncoder := Smalltalk classNamed: #EncoderForV3PlusClosures.
+ sistaEncoder := Smalltalk classNamed: #EncoderForSistaV1.
+ activeEncoder := self preferredBytecodeSetEncoderClass.
+ useSistaEncoder
+ ifTrue: [sistaEncoder ifNil: [self error: 'EncoderForSistaV1 not present in this image'].
+ self preferredBytecodeSetEncoderClass: sistaEncoder.
+ activeEncoder ~= sistaEncoder
+ ifTrue: [(Smalltalk classNamed: #Compiler) recompileAll.
+ self multipleBytecodeSetsActive: true "VM should support Sista plus V3" ]]
+ ifFalse: [standardEncoder ifNil: [self error: 'EncoderForV3PlusClosures not present in this image'].
+ self preferredBytecodeSetEncoderClass: standardEncoder.
+ activeEncoder ~= standardEncoder
+ ifTrue: [(Smalltalk classNamed: #Compiler) recompileAll.
+ self multipleBytecodeSetsActive: false "VM needs to support V3 only" ]].
+ !

Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Kernel') postscript: '"Activate Sista bytecodes in the image"
+ CompiledCode useSista: true.
+ '!
- (PackageInfo named: 'Kernel') postscript: '"below, add code to be run after the loading of this package"
- "Since Kernel-eem.1198 redefines LargePositiveInteger hash,
-  rehash all hashed collections that contain hashed large integers."
- HashedCollection allSubclassesDo:
- [:c| | f |
- f := (c includesBehavior: Set)
- ifTrue: [[:i| i]]
- ifFalse: [[:i| i keys]].
- c allInstancesDo:
- [:h|
- ((f value: h) detect: [:e| e isInteger and: [e class ~~ SmallInteger]] ifNone: nil) ifNotNil:
- [h rehash]]]'!