Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-nice.275
Author: nice
Time: 20 October 2009, 12:00:39 pm
UUID: 9d60c14b-5160-4046-9e7f-3a79c91ca775
Ancestors: Kernel-nice.274
use #fasterKeys bis
classVariablesString was not traitified
=============== Diff against Kernel-nice.274 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ClassDescription>>classVariablesString (in category 'printing') -----
"Answer a string of my class variable names separated by spaces."
^String streamContents: [ :stream |
+ self classPool fasterKeys sort
- self classPool keys asSortedCollection
do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each ]
separatedBy: [ stream space ] ]!