Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Kernel-nice.399 Author: nice Time: 13 February 2010, 5:14:04.309 pm UUID: 426cc492-dbd7-ac48-9efb-d32c46007a76 Ancestors: Kernel-nice.398 Merge minor changes from Pharo. Correct a bug (concatenating aString , aCharacter) =============== Diff against Kernel-nice.398 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SqNumberParser>>readNamedFloatOrFail (in category 'parsing-private') ----- readNamedFloatOrFail "This method is used when there is no digit encountered: It try and read a named Float NaN or Infinity. Negative sign for -Infinity has been read before sending this method, and is indicated in the neg inst.var. Fail if no named Float is found" neg ifFalse: [(sourceStream nextMatchAll: 'NaN') ifTrue: [^ Float nan]]. (sourceStream nextMatchAll: 'Infinity') ifTrue: [^ neg ifTrue: [Float infinity negated] ifFalse: [Float infinity]]. + ^self expected: 'a digit between 0 and ' , (String with: (Character digitValue: base - 1))! - ^self expected: 'a digit between 0 and ' , (Character digitValue: base - 1)! Item was changed: ----- Method: NumberParser>>readExponent (in category 'parsing-private') ----- readExponent "read the exponent if any (stored in instVar). Answer true if found, answer false if none. If exponent letter is not followed by a digit, this is not considered as an error. Exponent are always read in base 10." | eneg epos | exponent := 0. sourceStream atEnd ifTrue: [^ false]. (self exponentLetters includes: sourceStream peek) ifFalse: [^ false]. sourceStream next. eneg := sourceStream peekFor: $-. epos := eneg not and: [self allowPlusSignInExponent and: [sourceStream peekFor: $+]]. exponent := self nextUnsignedIntegerOrNilBase: 10. + exponent ifNil: ["Oops, there was no digit after the exponent letter.Ungobble the letter" - exponent isNil ifTrue: ["Oops, there was no digit after the exponent letter.Ungobble the letter" exponent := 0. sourceStream skip: ((eneg or: [epos]) ifTrue: [-2] ifFalse: [-1]). ^ false]. eneg ifTrue: [exponent := exponent negated]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: SqNumberParser>>nextNumber (in category 'parsing-public') ----- nextNumber "main method for reading a number. This one can read Float Integer and ScaledDecimal" | numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart | base := 10. neg := self peekSignIsMinus. integerPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerOrNilBase: base. integerPart ifNil: [ "This is not a regular number beginning with a digit It is time to check for exceptional condition NaN and Infinity" ^self readNamedFloatOrFail]. numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart := nDigits - lastNonZero. (sourceStream peekFor: $r) ifTrue: ["<base>r<integer>" (base := integerPart) < 2 ifTrue: [^ self expected: 'an integer greater than 1 as valid radix']. + self peekSignIsMinus - (sourceStream peekFor: $-) ifTrue: [neg := neg not]. integerPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerBase: base. numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart := nDigits - lastNonZero]. ^ (sourceStream peekFor: $.) ifTrue: [self readNumberWithFractionPartNumberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart: numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart] ifFalse: [self makeIntegerOrScaledInteger]! Item was changed: ----- Method: NumberParser>>expected: (in category 'error') ----- expected: errorString requestor isNil ifFalse: [requestor notify: errorString , ' ->' at: sourceStream position in: sourceStream]. + ^ self fail! - self fail! Item was changed: ----- Method: Number class>>readFrom: (in category 'instance creation') ----- readFrom: stringOrStream "Answer a number as described on aStream. The number may be any accepted Smalltalk literal Number format. It can include a leading radix specification, as in 16rFADE. + It can as well be NaN, Infinity or -Infinity for conveniency. + If stringOrStream does not start with a valid number description, fail." - It can as well be NaN, Infinity or -Infinity for conveniency." ^(SqNumberParser on: stringOrStream) nextNumber! Item was changed: ----- Method: NumberParser>>on: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- + on: aStringOrStream + sourceStream := aStringOrStream isString + ifTrue: [ aStringOrStream readStream ] + ifFalse: [ aStringOrStream ]. - on: aStringOrStream - sourceStream := aStringOrStream isString - ifTrue: [ReadStream on: aStringOrStream] - ifFalse: [aStringOrStream]. base := 10. neg := false. integerPart := fractionPart := exponent := scale := 0. + requestor := failBlock := nil! - requestor := failBlock := nil.! Item was changed: ----- Method: NumberParser>>fail (in category 'error') ----- fail + failBlock ifNotNil: [^failBlock value]. - failBlock isNil ifFalse: [^failBlock value]. self error: 'Reading a number failed'! |
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