The Trunk: Kernel-nice.848.mcz

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The Trunk: Kernel-nice.848.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-nice.848
Author: nice
Time: 3 May 2014, 10:47:32.344 pm
UUID: 8e301b04-6b3d-4f42-8292-6d3a8eb34f82
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.847

Now that there is a direct access to Float negativeInfinity, use it.

=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.847 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FORTRANNumberParser>>nextNumber (in category 'parsing-public') -----
  "main method for reading a number with FORTRAN syntax.
  This one can read Real and Integer (not complex)"
  | numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits mantissa value numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart noInt |
  base := 10.
  (self nextMatchAll: 'NaN') ifTrue: [^Float nan].
  neg := self peekSignIsMinus.
  (self nextMatchAll: 'Infinity')
+ ifTrue: [^neg ifTrue: [Float negativeInfinity] ifFalse: [Float infinity]].
- ifTrue: [^neg ifTrue: [Float infinity negated] ifFalse: [Float infinity]].
  (noInt := sourceStream peekFor: $.)
  [integerPart := 0.
  numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart := 0]
  [integerPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerBase: base.
  numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart := nDigits - lastNonZero].
  (noInt or: [sourceStream peekFor: $.])
  [fractionPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerBase: base ifFail: [nil].
  fractionPart isNil
  ["no interger part, no fraction part..."
  self expected: 'a digit 0 to 9'.
  fractionPart := 0]
  [numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits := lastNonZero.
  numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart := nDigits - lastNonZero].
  self readExponent]
  [self readExponent ifFalse: [^neg ifTrue: [integerPart negated] ifFalse: [integerPart]].
  fractionPart := 0].
  fractionPart isZero
  [mantissa := integerPart // (base raisedTo: numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart).
  exponent := exponent + numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart]
  [mantissa := integerPart * (base raisedTo: numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits)
  + (fractionPart // (base raisedTo: numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart)).
  exponent := exponent - numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits].
  value := self
  makeFloatFromMantissa: mantissa
  exponent: exponent
  base: base.
  ^neg ifTrue: [value isZero ifTrue: [Float negativeZero] ifFalse: [value negated]] ifFalse: [value]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Float class>>fromIEEE32Bit: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  fromIEEE32Bit: word
  "Convert the given 32 bit word (which is supposed to be a positive 32bit value) from a 32bit IEEE floating point representation into an actual Squeak float object (being 64bit wide). Should only be used for conversion in FloatArrays or likewise objects."
  | sign mantissa exponent newFloat delta |
  word negative ifTrue: [^ self error:'Cannot deal with negative numbers'].
  word = 0 ifTrue: [^ Float zero].
  sign := word bitAnd: 16r80000000.
  word = sign ifTrue: [^self negativeZero].
  exponent := ((word bitShift: -23) bitAnd: 16rFF) - 127.
  mantissa := word bitAnd:  16r7FFFFF.
  exponent = 128 ifTrue:["Either NAN or INF"
  mantissa = 0 ifFalse:[^ Float nan].
  sign = 0
  ifTrue:[^ Float infinity]
+ ifFalse:[^ Float negativeInfinity]].
- ifFalse:[^ Float infinity negated]].
  exponent = -127 ifTrue: [
  "gradual underflow (denormalized number)
  Remove first bit of mantissa and adjust exponent"
  delta := mantissa highBit.
  mantissa := (mantissa bitShift: 1) bitAnd: (1 bitShift: delta) - 1.
  exponent := exponent + delta - 23].
  "Create new float"
  newFloat := self new: 2.
  newFloat basicAt: 1 put: ((sign bitOr: (1023 + exponent bitShift: 20)) bitOr: (mantissa bitShift: -3)).
  newFloat basicAt: 2 put: ((mantissa bitAnd: 7) bitShift: 29).

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqNumberParser>>readNamedFloatOrFail (in category 'parsing-private') -----
  "This method is used when there is no digit encountered:
  It try and read a named Float NaN or Infinity.
  Negative sign for -Infinity has been read before sending this method, and is indicated in the neg inst.var.
  Fail if no named Float is found"
  neg ifFalse: [(sourceStream nextMatchAll: 'NaN')
  ifTrue: [^ Float nan]].
  (sourceStream nextMatchAll: 'Infinity')
  ifTrue: [^ neg
+ ifTrue: [Float negativeInfinity]
- ifTrue: [Float infinity negated]
  ifFalse: [Float infinity]].
  ^self expected: 'a digit between 0 and ' , (String with: (Character digitValue: base - 1))!