The Trunk: Kernel-tfel.1041.mcz

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The Trunk: Kernel-tfel.1041.mcz

Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-tfel.1041
Author: tfel
Time: 27 September 2016, 3:41:40.508268 pm
UUID: 31da1f70-2af0-e74e-b46c-74f1c7b615b7
Ancestors: Kernel-tfel.1040

uniclasses might not have a category

=============== Diff against Kernel-tfel.1040 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassBuilder>>name:inEnvironment:subclassOf:type:instanceVariableNames:classVariableNames:poolDictionaries:category:unsafe: (in category 'class definition') -----
  name: className inEnvironment: env subclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariableNames: instVarString classVariableNames: classVarString poolDictionaries: poolString category: category unsafe: unsafe
  "Define a new class in the given environment.
  If unsafe is true do not run any validation checks.
  This facility is provided to implement important system changes."
  | oldClass instVars classVars copyOfOldClass newClass |
  environ := env.
  instVars := Scanner new scanFieldNames: instVarString.
  classVars := (Scanner new scanFieldNames: classVarString) collect: [:x | x asSymbol].
  "Validate the proposed name"
  unsafe ifFalse:[(self validateClassName: className) ifFalse:[^nil]].
  oldClass := env at: className ifAbsent:[nil].
  oldClass isBehavior
  ifFalse: [oldClass := nil]  "Already checked in #validateClassName:"
  ifTrue: [
  copyOfOldClass := oldClass copy.
  copyOfOldClass superclass addSubclass: copyOfOldClass].
  [ | newCategory needNew force organization oldCategory |
  unsafe ifFalse:[
  "Run validation checks so we know that we have a good chance for recompilation"
  (self validateSuperclass: newSuper forSubclass: oldClass) ifFalse:[^nil].
  (self validateInstvars: instVars from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper) ifFalse:[^nil].
  (self validateClassvars: classVars from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper) ifFalse:[^nil].
  (self validateSubclassFormat: type from: oldClass forSuper: newSuper extra: instVars size) ifFalse:[^nil]].
  "See if we need a new subclass"
  needNew := self needsSubclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariables: instVars from: oldClass.
  needNew == nil ifTrue:[^nil]. "some error"
  (needNew and:[unsafe not]) ifTrue:[
  "Make sure we don't redefine any dangerous classes"
  (self tooDangerousClasses includes: oldClass name) ifTrue:[
  self error: oldClass name, ' cannot be changed'.
  "Check if the receiver should not be redefined"
  (oldClass ~~ nil and:[oldClass shouldNotBeRedefined]) ifTrue:[
  self notify: oldClass name asText allBold,
  ' should not be redefined. \Proceed to store over it.' withCRs]].
  needNew ifTrue:[
  "Create the new class"
  newClass := self
  newSubclassOf: newSuper
  type: type
  instanceVariables: instVars
  from: oldClass.
  newClass == nil ifTrue:[^nil]. "Some error"
  newClass setName: className.
  newClass environment: environ.
  ] ifFalse:[
  "Reuse the old class"
  newClass := oldClass.
  "Install the class variables and pool dictionaries... "
  force := (newClass declare: classVarString) | (newClass sharing: poolString).
  "... classify ..."
+ category ifNotNil: [
+ newCategory := category asSymbol.
+ organization := environ ifNotNil:[environ organization].
+ oldClass isNil ifFalse: [oldCategory := (organization categoryOfElement: oldClass name) asSymbol].
+ organization classify: newClass name under: newCategory suppressIfDefault: true].
- newCategory := category asSymbol.
- organization := environ ifNotNil:[environ organization].
- oldClass isNil ifFalse: [oldCategory := (organization categoryOfElement: oldClass name) asSymbol].
- organization classify: newClass name under: newCategory suppressIfDefault: true.
  "... recompile ..."
  newClass := self recompile: force from: oldClass to: newClass mutate: false.
  "... export if not yet done ..."
  (environ at: newClass name ifAbsent:[nil]) == newClass ifFalse:[
  [environ at: newClass name put: newClass]
  on: AttemptToWriteReadOnlyGlobal do:[:ex| ex resume: true].
  environ flushClassNameCache.
  newClass doneCompiling.
  "... notify interested clients ..."
  oldClass isNil ifTrue: [
  SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classAdded: newClass inCategory: newCategory.
  ^ newClass].
  newCategory ~= oldCategory
  ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance class: newClass recategorizedFrom: oldCategory to: category]
  ifFalse: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance classDefinitionChangedFrom: copyOfOldClass to: newClass.].
  ] ensure:
  [copyOfOldClass ifNotNil: [copyOfOldClass superclass removeSubclass: copyOfOldClass].
  Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.