Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-tfel.383
Author: tfel
Time: 28 January 2010, 2:37:15.04 am
UUID: 7b9f7929-2ba0-4997-bac3-23868341cb31
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.382
Seems that (according to ISO8601) reading a Time from a stream without explicit UTC offset should not assume the local timezone, but rather UTC.
This fixes DateAndTimeTest>>#testReadFrom
=============== Diff against Kernel-ul.382 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DateAndTime class>>readFrom: (in category 'squeak protocol') -----
readFrom: aStream
| offset date time ch |
date := Date readFrom: aStream.
[aStream peek isDigit]
whileFalse: [aStream next].
time := Time readFrom: aStream.
aStream atEnd
+ ifTrue: [ offset := Duration zero ]
- ifTrue: [ offset := self localOffset ]
ifFalse: [
ch := aStream next.
ch = $+ ifTrue: [ch := Character space].
offset := Duration fromString: ch asString, '0:', aStream upToEnd, ':0'].
^ self
year: date year
month: date monthIndex
day: date dayOfMonth
hour: time hour
minute: time minute
second: time second
nanoSecond: time nanoSecond
offset: offset
" '-1199-01-05T20:33:14.321-05:00' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.1+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.02+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.003+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.0004+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.00005' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.000006+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.0000007+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.00000008-01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.000000009+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45.0000000001+01:01' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45+01:57' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45-02:34' asDateAndTime
' 2002-05-16T17:20:45+00:00' asDateAndTime
' 1997-04-26T01:02:03+01:02:3' asDateAndTime