Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-topa.916
Author: topa
Time: 1 April 2015, 2:00:39.799 pm
UUID: 8f05add4-c132-40ad-a4cc-a6131ec098f3
Ancestors: Kernel-topa.915
(same as before)
Fix arguments access in WeakMessageSend
=============== Diff against Kernel-topa.915 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: WeakMessageSend>>withEnsuredReceiverAndArgumentsDo:otherwise: (in category 'private') -----
withEnsuredReceiverAndArgumentsDo: aBlock otherwise: altBlock
"Grab real references to receiver and arguments. If they still exist, evaluate aBlock."
"Return if my receiver has gone away"
| r a |
r := self receiver.
r ifNil: [ ^altBlock value ].
"Make sure that my arguments haven't gone away"
+ a := Array withAll: self arguments.
- a := Array withAll: arguments.
a with: shouldBeNil do: [ :arg :flag |
arg ifNil: [ flag ifFalse: [ ^altBlock value ]]
^aBlock value: r value: a!