Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Kernel-ul.1063.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Kernel-ul.1063 Author: ul Time: 13 March 2017, 5:08:47.219548 am UUID: 3959a034-7e65-47a1-b70f-e493b376d673 Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1062 SortedCollection Whack-a-mole =============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1062 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Behavior>>compressedSourceCodeAt: (in category 'accessing method dictionary') ----- compressedSourceCodeAt: selector "(Paragraph compressedSourceCodeAt: #displayLines:affectedRectangle:) size 721 1921 Paragraph selectors inject: 0 into: [:tot :sel | tot + (Paragraph compressedSourceCodeAt: sel) size] 13606 31450" | rawText parse | rawText := (self sourceCodeAt: selector) asString. parse := self newCompiler parse: rawText in: self notifying: nil. ^ rawText compressWithTable: ((selector keywords , parse tempNames , self instVarNames , #(self super ifTrue: ifFalse:) , ((0 to: 7) collect: [:i | String streamContents: [:s | s cr. i timesRepeat: [s tab]]]) , (self compiledMethodAt: selector) literalStrings) + sorted: [:a :b | a size > b size])! - asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a size > b size])! Item was changed: ----- Method: Categorizer>>changeFromCategorySpecs: (in category 'accessing') ----- changeFromCategorySpecs: categorySpecs "Tokens is an array of categorySpecs as scanned from a browser 'reorganize' pane, or built up by some other process, such as a scan of an environment." + | newCategories newStops cc currentStop oldElements newElements | - | newCategories newStops temp cc currentStop oldElements newElements | oldElements := elementArray asSet. newCategories := Array new: categorySpecs size. newStops := Array new: categorySpecs size. currentStop := 0. newElements := WriteStream on: (Array new: 16). 1 to: categorySpecs size do: + [:i | | catSpec | - [:i | | catSpec selectors | catSpec := categorySpecs at: i. newCategories at: i put: catSpec first asSymbol. + catSpec allButFirst + replace: [ :each | + each isSymbol + ifTrue: [each] + ifFalse: [each printString asSymbol ] ]; + sort; + do: [ :elem | + (oldElements remove: elem ifAbsent: nil) ifNotNil: [ + newElements nextPut: elem. + currentStop := currentStop+1]]. - selectors := catSpec allButFirst collect: [:each | each isSymbol - ifTrue: [each] - ifFalse: [each printString asSymbol]]. - selectors asSortedCollection do: - [:elem | - (oldElements remove: elem ifAbsent: [nil]) notNil ifTrue: - [newElements nextPut: elem. - currentStop := currentStop+1]]. newStops at: i put: currentStop]. "Ignore extra elements but don't lose any existing elements!!" oldElements := oldElements collect: [:elem | Array with: (self categoryOfElement: elem) with: elem]. newElements := newElements contents. categoryArray := newCategories. (cc := categoryArray asSet) size = categoryArray size ifFalse: ["has duplicate element" + | uniqueElements | + uniqueElements := cc copy. + categoryArray withIndexDo: [ :dup :ii | + uniqueElements remove: dup ifAbsent: [ "real duplicate" + | dup2 num | + num := 2. + [dup2 := (dup,' #', num printString) asSymbol. cc includes: dup2] whileTrue: [num := num + 1]. + cc add: dup2. + categoryArray at: ii put: dup2 ] ] ]. - temp := categoryArray asOrderedCollection. - temp removeAll: categoryArray asSet asOrderedCollection. - temp do: [:dup | | ii dup2 num | - ii := categoryArray indexOf: dup. - num := 2.. - [dup2 := (dup,' #', num printString) asSymbol. cc includes: dup2] whileTrue: [num := num + 1]. - cc add: dup2. - categoryArray at: ii put: dup2]]. categoryStops := newStops. elementArray := newElements. oldElements do: [:pair | self classify: pair last under: pair first].! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>allMethodsInCategory: (in category 'accessing method dictionary') ----- allMethodsInCategory: aName "Answer a list of all the method categories of the receiver and all its superclasses " + | set | + set := Set new. + self withAllSuperclassesDo: [:aClass | + set addAll: ( + aName = ClassOrganizer allCategory + ifTrue: [aClass organization allMethodSelectors] + ifFalse: [aClass organization listAtCategoryNamed: aName])]. + ^set sorted - | aColl | - aColl := OrderedCollection new. - self withAllSuperclasses - do: [:aClass | aColl - addAll: (aName = ClassOrganizer allCategory - ifTrue: [aClass organization allMethodSelectors] - ifFalse: [aClass organization listAtCategoryNamed: aName])]. - ^ aColl asSet asSortedArray "TileMorph allMethodsInCategory: #initialization"! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>chooseInstVarAlphabeticallyThenDo: (in category 'instance variables') ----- chooseInstVarAlphabeticallyThenDo: aBlock | allVars index | "Put up a menu of all the instance variables in the receiver, presented in alphabetical order, and when the user chooses one, evaluate aBlock with the chosen variable as its parameter." + allVars := self allInstVarNames. - allVars := self allInstVarNames asSortedArray. allVars isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'There are no instance variables']. + allVars sort. index := (UIManager default chooseFrom: allVars lines: #() title: 'Instance variables in ', self name). index = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. aBlock value: (allVars at: index)! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>classCommentBlank (in category 'accessing comment') ----- classCommentBlank ^String streamContents: [:stream| stream nextPutAll: 'A'; nextPutAll: (self name first isVowel ifTrue: ['n '] ifFalse: [' ']); nextPutAll: self name; nextPutAll: ' is xxxxxxxxx.'; cr; cr; nextPutAll: 'Instance Variables'. + self instVarNames sorted do: [:each | - self instVarNames asSortedCollection do: [:each | stream crtab; nextPutAll: each; nextPut: $:; tab: 2; nextPutAll: '<Object>']. stream cr. + self instVarNames sorted do: [:each | - self instVarNames asSortedCollection do: [:each | stream cr; nextPutAll: each; crtab; nextPutAll: '- xxxxx'; cr]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassDescription>>printSubclassesOn:level: (in category 'accessing class hierarchy') ----- printSubclassesOn: aStream level: level "As part of the algorithm for printing a description of the receiver, print the subclass on the file stream, aStream, indenting level times." | subclassNames | aStream crtab: level. aStream nextPutAll: self name. aStream space; print: self instVarNames. self == Class ifTrue: [aStream crtab: level + 1; nextPutAll: '[ ... all the Metaclasses ... ]'. ^self]. + subclassNames := self subclasses sort:[:c1 :c2| c1 name <= c2 name]. - subclassNames := self subclasses asSortedCollection:[:c1 :c2| c1 name <= c2 name]. "Print subclasses in alphabetical order" subclassNames do: [:subclass | subclass printSubclassesOn: aStream level: level + 1]! |
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