Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Kernel-ul.1098.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Kernel-ul.1098 Author: ul Time: 24 April 2017, 12:59:49.967288 pm UUID: f803e743-6f80-4bd8-9d1b-192f56d70de6 Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1097 - rewrote senders of #clone to use #shallowCopy - Object >> #shallowCopy uses the fallback code of #clone, because that one is simpler (copying is done by #copyFrom:) and can copy CompiledMethods too. =============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1097 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassBuilder>>newSubclassOf:type:instanceVariables:from: (in category 'class definition') ----- newSubclassOf: newSuper type: type instanceVariables: instVars from: oldClass "Create a new subclass of the given superclass with the given specification." | newFormat newClass | "Compute the format of the new class" newFormat := self computeFormat: type instSize: instVars size forSuper: newSuper. newFormat ifNil: [^nil]. (oldClass == nil or:[oldClass isMeta not]) ifTrue:[newClass := self privateNewSubclassOf: newSuper from: oldClass] + ifFalse:[newClass := oldClass shallowCopy]. - ifFalse:[newClass := oldClass clone]. newClass superclass: newSuper methodDictionary: (oldClass ifNil: [MethodDictionary new] ifNotNil: [oldClass methodDict copy]) format: newFormat; setInstVarNames: instVars. oldClass ifNotNil:[ newClass organization: oldClass organization. "Recompile the new class" oldClass hasMethods ifTrue:[newClass compileAllFrom: oldClass]. oldClass hasTraitComposition ifTrue: [ newClass setTraitComposition: oldClass traitComposition copyTraitExpression ]. oldClass class hasTraitComposition ifTrue: [ newClass class setTraitComposition: oldClass class traitComposition copyTraitExpression ]. self recordClass: oldClass replacedBy: newClass. ]. (oldClass == nil or:[oldClass isObsolete not]) ifTrue:[newSuper addSubclass: newClass] ifFalse:[newSuper addObsoleteSubclass: newClass]. ^newClass! Item was changed: ----- Method: ClassBuilder>>privateNewSubclassOf:from: (in category 'private') ----- privateNewSubclassOf: newSuper from: oldClass "Create a new meta and non-meta subclass of newSuper using oldClass as template" "WARNING: This method does not preserve the superclass/subclass invariant!!" | newSuperMeta oldMeta newMeta | oldClass ifNil:[^self privateNewSubclassOf: newSuper]. newSuperMeta := newSuper ifNil:[Class] ifNotNil:[newSuper class]. oldMeta := oldClass class. + newMeta := oldMeta shallowCopy. - newMeta := oldMeta clone. newMeta superclass: newSuperMeta methodDictionary: oldMeta methodDict copy format: (self computeFormat: oldMeta typeOfClass instSize: oldMeta instVarNames size forSuper: newSuperMeta); setInstVarNames: oldMeta instVarNames; organization: oldMeta organization. "Recompile the meta class" oldMeta hasMethods ifTrue:[newMeta compileAllFrom: oldMeta]. "Record the meta class change" self recordClass: oldMeta replacedBy: newMeta. "And create a new instance" ^newMeta adoptInstance: oldClass from: oldMeta! Item was changed: ----- Method: EventSensor>>queueEvent: (in category 'private-I/O') ----- queueEvent: evt "Queue the given event in the event queue (if any). Note that the event buffer must be copied since it will be reused later on." self eventQueue ifNotNil: [:queue | + queue nextPut: evt shallowCopy].! - queue nextPut: evt clone].! Item was changed: ----- Method: Float>>veryDeepCopyWith: (in category 'copying') ----- veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier "Return self. Do not record me." + ^self shallowCopy! - ^ self clone! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>copyTwoLevel (in category 'copying') ----- copyTwoLevel "one more level than a shallowCopy" | newObject class index | class := self class. + newObject := self shallowCopy. - newObject := self clone. newObject == self ifTrue: [^ self]. class isVariable ifTrue: [index := self basicSize. [index > 0] whileTrue: [newObject basicAt: index put: (self basicAt: index) shallowCopy. index := index - 1]]. index := class instSize. [index > 0] whileTrue: [newObject instVarAt: index put: (self instVarAt: index) shallowCopy. index := index - 1]. ^newObject! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>shallowCopy (in category 'copying') ----- shallowCopy "Answer a copy of the receiver which shares the receiver's instance variables." + - | class newObject index | <primitive: 148 error: ec> + | class newObject | ec == #'insufficient object memory' ifFalse: [^self primitiveFailed]. + "If the primitive fails due to insufficient memory, instantiate via basicNew: to invoke + the garbage collector before retrying, and use copyFrom: to copy state." + newObject := (class := self class) isVariable + ifTrue: + [class isCompiledMethodClass + ifTrue: + [class newMethod: self basicSize - self initialPC + 1 header: self header] + ifFalse: + [class basicNew: self basicSize]] + ifFalse: + [class basicNew]. + ^newObject copyFrom: self! - class := self class. - class isVariable - ifTrue: - [index := self basicSize. - newObject := class basicNew: index. - [index > 0] whileTrue: - [newObject basicAt: index put: (self basicAt: index). - index := index - 1]] - ifFalse: [newObject := class basicNew]. - index := class instSize. - [index > 0] whileTrue: - [newObject instVarAt: index put: (self instVarAt: index). - index := index - 1]. - ^newObject! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>veryDeepCopyWith: (in category 'copying') ----- veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier "Copy me and the entire tree of objects I point to. An object in the tree twice is copied once, and both references point to him. deepCopier holds a dictionary of objects we have seen. Some classes refuse to be copied. Some classes are picky about which fields get deep copied." | class index sub subAss new uc sup has mine | deepCopier references at: self ifPresent: [:newer | ^ newer]. "already did him" class := self class. class isMeta ifTrue: [^ self]. "a class" + new := self shallowCopy. - new := self clone. (class isSystemDefined not and: [deepCopier newUniClasses "allowed"]) ifTrue: [ uc := deepCopier uniClasses at: class ifAbsent: [nil]. uc ifNil: [ deepCopier uniClasses at: class put: (uc := self copyUniClassWith: deepCopier). deepCopier references at: class put: uc]. "remember" new := uc new. new copyFrom: self]. "copy inst vars in case any are weak" deepCopier references at: self put: new. "remember" (class isVariable and: [class isPointers]) ifTrue: [index := self basicSize. [index > 0] whileTrue: [sub := self basicAt: index. (subAss := deepCopier references associationAt: sub ifAbsent: [nil]) ifNil: [new basicAt: index put: (sub veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier)] ifNotNil: [new basicAt: index put: subAss value]. index := index - 1]]. "Ask each superclass if it wants to share (weak copy) any inst vars" new veryDeepInner: deepCopier. "does super a lot" "other superclasses want all inst vars deep copied" sup := class. index := class instSize. [has := sup compiledMethodAt: #veryDeepInner: ifAbsent: [nil]. has := has ifNil: [class isSystemDefined not "is a uniClass"] ifNotNil: [true]. mine := sup instVarNames. has ifTrue: [index := index - mine size] "skip inst vars" ifFalse: [1 to: mine size do: [:xx | sub := self instVarAt: index. (subAss := deepCopier references associationAt: sub ifAbsent: [nil]) "use association, not value, so nil is an exceptional value" ifNil: [new instVarAt: index put: (sub veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier)] ifNotNil: [new instVarAt: index put: subAss value]. index := index - 1]]. (sup := sup superclass) == nil] whileFalse. new rehash. "force Sets and Dictionaries to rehash" ^ new ! |
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