Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Kernel-ul.941.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-ul.941
Author: ul
Time: 14 August 2015, 10:13:29.228 pm
UUID: fc6d8eaf-1f0b-459c-9ff7-89c0a607ec72
Ancestors: Kernel-ul.940
- added support for regular expressions to BlockClosure >> #valueSupplyingAnswers:
=============== Diff against Kernel-ul.940 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BlockClosure>>valueSupplyingAnswers: (in category 'evaluating') -----
valueSupplyingAnswers: aListOfPairs
"evaluate the block using a list of questions / answers that might be called upon to
automatically respond to Object>>confirm: or FillInTheBlank requests"
on: ProvideAnswerNotification
do: [ :notification |
| caption |
caption := notification messageText withSeparatorsCompacted. "to remove new lines"
detect: [ :each |
caption = each first
or: [ (caption includesSubstring: each first caseSensitive: false)
+ or: [ (each first match: caption)
+ or: [ (caption respondsTo: #matchesRegex:)
+ and: [ caption matchesRegex: each first ] ] ] ] ]
- or: [ each first match: caption ] ] ]
ifFound: [ :answer | notification resume: answer second ]
ifNone: [
(ProvideAnswerNotification signal: notification messageText)
ifNil: [ notification resume ]
ifNotNil: [ :outerAnswer | notification resume: outerAnswer ] ] ]!