The Trunk: KernelTests-eem.334.mcz

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The Trunk: KernelTests-eem.334.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-eem.334
Author: eem
Time: 14 March 2018, 1:20:00.017816 pm
UUID: a9042bb4-a861-4b3e-9a42-6c031657b65a
Ancestors: KernelTests-tonyg.333

Tests for literal finding using the new multiple bytecode set aware machinery.

=============== Diff against KernelTests-tonyg.333 ===============

Item was added:
+ TestCase subclass: #LiteralRefLocatorTest
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'KernelTests-Methods'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LiteralRefLocatorTest>>testFindLiteralsInBytecode (in category 'tests') -----
+ testFindLiteralsInBytecode
+ "Create a method referencing integers, characters, special selectors and nil, true & false.
+ Compile it and check that the objects are found."
+ | source primary secondary binarySpecials integers characters |
+ binarySpecials := Smalltalk specialSelectors select: [:s| s isSymbol and: [s isBinary]].
+ "-65536 to 65535 in powers of two"
+ integers := ((16 to: 1 by: -1) collect: [:power| (2 raisedTo: power) negated]),
+ ((0 to: 16) collect: [:power| (2 raisedTo: power) - 1]).
+ "some printable characters; alas none have code > 255"
+ characters := (0 to: 65535)
+ select: [:n| (n between: 132 and: 160) not "these have no glyph in typical fonts"
+ and: [(Character value: n) shouldBePrintedAsLiteral]]
+ thenCollect: [:n| Character value: n].
+ [characters size > 32] whileTrue:
+ [characters := (1 to: characters size by: 2) collect: [:i| characters at: i]].
+ source := ByteString streamContents:
+ [:s| | binaries |
+ binaries := binarySpecials readStream.
+ s nextPutAll: 'exampleMethod'; crtab.
+ integers
+ do: [:n| s print: n]
+ separatedBy:
+ [binaries atEnd ifTrue: [binaries reset].
+ s space; nextPutAll: binaries next; space].
+ s nextPut: $.; crtab.
+ s nextPut: ${; space.
+ characters
+ do: [:c| s print: c]
+ separatedBy: [s nextPut: $.; space].
+ s space; nextPut: $}; nextPut: $.; crtab.
+ s nextPutAll: 'true ifTrue: [^nil] ifFalse: [^false]'].
+ primary := CompiledCode classPool at: #PrimaryBytecodeSetEncoderClass.
+ secondary := CompiledCode classPool at: #SecondaryBytecodeSetEncoderClass.
+ { primary. secondary } do:
+ [:encoderClass| | method |
+ method := (Parser new
+ encoderClass: encoderClass;
+ parse: source class: self class)
+ generate: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
+ binarySpecials, integers, characters, #(nil false true) do:
+ [:literal|
+ self assert: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: false).
+ (encoderClass scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ ifNil: [self assert: (method hasLiteral: literal)]
+ ifNotNil: [:scanBlock| self assert: (method scanFor: scanBlock)]].
+ "Now test for false positives..."
+ integers, characters, #(nil false true) do:
+ [:literal| | simpleSource simpleMethod |
+ simpleSource := ByteString streamContents:
+ [:s| s nextPutAll: 'exampleMethod'; crtab; print: literal; nextPutAll: ' class'].
+ simpleMethod := (Parser new
+ encoderClass: encoderClass;
+ parse: simpleSource class: self class)
+ generate: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
+ binarySpecials, integers, characters, #(nil false true) do:
+ [:anyLiteral|
+ anyLiteral == literal
+ ifTrue:
+ [self assert: (simpleMethod
+ refersTo: anyLiteral
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: anyLiteral)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: anyLiteral)
+ thorough: false).
+ (encoderClass scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: anyLiteral)
+ ifNil: [self assert: (simpleMethod hasLiteral: anyLiteral)]
+ ifNotNil: [:scanBlock| self assert: (simpleMethod scanFor: scanBlock)]]
+ ifFalse:
+ [self deny: (simpleMethod
+ refersTo: anyLiteral
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: anyLiteral)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: anyLiteral)
+ thorough: false).
+ (encoderClass scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: anyLiteral)
+ ifNil: [self deny: (simpleMethod hasLiteral: anyLiteral)]
+ ifNotNil: [:scanBlock| self deny: (simpleMethod scanFor: scanBlock)]]]]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LiteralRefLocatorTest>>testThoroughFindLiteralsInBytecode (in category 'tests') -----
+ testThoroughFindLiteralsInBytecode
+ "Create a method referencing integers, characters, special selectors and nil, true & false.
+ Compile it and check that the objects are found."
+ | literals problem primary secondary |
+ literals := #(-1 0 1 $0 $1 1.0 #[1 2 3 4] 'one' #one nil true false NaN).
+ problem := Float bindingOf: #NaN.
+ primary := CompiledCode classPool at: #PrimaryBytecodeSetEncoderClass.
+ secondary := CompiledCode classPool at: #SecondaryBytecodeSetEncoderClass.
+ { primary. secondary } do:
+ [:encoderClass| | method |
+ "NaN's binding should still be found even though (Float bindingOf: #NaN) ~= (Float bindingOf: #NaN)"
+ method := (Parser new
+ encoderClass: encoderClass;
+ parse: 'foo ^NaN' class: Float)
+ generate: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
+ [:literal|
+ self assert: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: false).
+ self assert: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: true)] value: problem.
+ "All the literals should be found in a thorough search, but not otherwise"
+ method := (Parser new
+ encoderClass: encoderClass;
+ parse: 'foo ^', literals storeString class: Float)
+ generate: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
+ literals, {problem. problem key} do:
+ [:literal|
+ self deny: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: false).
+ self assert: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: true)].
+ "Likewise if in a pragma"
+ method := (Parser new
+ encoderClass: encoderClass;
+ parse: 'foo <pragma: ', literals storeString, ' with: ', problem key storeString, '>' class: Float)
+ generate: CompiledMethodTrailer empty.
+ literals, {problem. problem key} do:
+ [:literal|
+ self deny: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: false).
+ self assert: (method
+ refersTo: literal
+ primaryBytecodeScanner: (primary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ secondaryBytecodeScanner: (secondary scanBlockOrNilForLiteral: literal)
+ thorough: true)]]!