The Trunk: KernelTests-eem.391.mcz

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The Trunk: KernelTests-eem.391.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-eem.391
Author: eem
Time: 1 January 2021, 11:29:37.785901 am
UUID: 26cca588-616d-452b-9894-287b0f7e677e
Ancestors: KernelTests-eem.390

Oops.  remember to include the meta part of the test.

=============== Diff against KernelTests-eem.390 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FloatTest>>testClassConstants (in category 'tests - characterization') -----
  "Test all the class constants that are floats to check that they are valid.
  Sometimes compiler bugs mean that the initialization method is incorrect, etc"
  | expectedVariables unexpectedVariables "these two are for determining if this test is correct, not its results"
   finiteVariables infiniteVariables nanVariables |
  finiteVariables := #(Pi Halfpi Twopi ThreePi RadiansPerDegree Ln2 Ln10 Sqrt2 E Epsilon MaxVal MaxValLn NegativeZero).
  infiniteVariables := #(Infinity NegativeInfinity).
  nanVariables := #(NaN).
  expectedVariables := Set new.
  unexpectedVariables := Set new.
  Float classPool keysAndValuesDo:
  [:name :value|
  value isFloat
  [(finiteVariables includes: name) ifTrue:
  [expectedVariables add: name.
  self assert: value isFinite.
  self deny: value isInfinite.
  self deny: value isNaN].
  (infiniteVariables includes: name) ifTrue:
  [expectedVariables add: name.
  self deny: value isFinite.
  self assert: value isInfinite.
  self deny: value isNaN].
  (nanVariables includes: name) ifTrue:
  [expectedVariables add: name.
  self deny: value isFinite.
  self deny: value isInfinite.
  self assert: value isNaN].
  (expectedVariables includes: name) ifFalse:
  [unexpectedVariables add: name]]
+ [self deny: ((finiteVariables includes: name) or: [(infiniteVariables includes: name) or: [nanVariables includes: name]])]].
+ "Now check that test itself is working as intended..."
+ self assert: unexpectedVariables isEmpty.
+ self assert: expectedVariables = (finiteVariables, infiniteVariables, nanVariables) asSet!
- [self deny: ((finiteVariables includes: name) or: [(infiniteVariables includes: name) or: [nanVariables includes: name]])]]!