Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: KernelTests-nice.108
Author: nice
Time: 14 November 2009, 10:18:20 am
UUID: eb00b015-1a50-486c-a016-8d916812b282
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.107
move DependentsArrayTest from Kernel to KernelTests
=============== Diff against KernelTests-nice.107 ===============
Item was added:
+ ClassTestCase subclass: #DependentsArrayTest
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'KernelTests-Objects'!
+ !DependentsArrayTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
+ This class is to test the special implementation of DependentsArray.
+ DependentsArray size will not count nil elements (the ones reclaimed by garbage collector).
+ Consequently, any message implemented with a construction like (1 to: self size do: [:i | ]) and sent to the dependents of any object might not behave as supposed to.!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DependentsArrayTest>>testCanDiscardEdits (in category 'testing') -----
+ testCanDiscardEdits
+ "self debug: #testCanDiscardEdits."
+ | anObject aView |
+ anObject := Object new.
+ aView := StringHolderView new
+ model: Transcript;
+ window: (0@0 extent: 60@60);
+ borderWidth: 1.
+ aView hasUnacceptedEdits: true.
+ anObject addDependent: Object new. "this entry should be garbage collected"
+ anObject addDependent: aView.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect. "force garbage collection"
+ self
+ should: [anObject dependents size = 1]
+ description: 'first dependent of anObject should have been collected, second should not'.
+ self
+ shouldnt: [anObject canDiscardEdits]
+ description: 'anObject cannot discard edits because aView is a dependent of anObject and aView has unaccepted edits'.!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DependentsArrayTest>>testAddingTwice (in category 'testing') -----
+ testAddingTwice
+ | test dep2 deps |
+ test := Object new.
+ dep2 := String with: $z with: $u with: $t.
+ test addDependent: String new.
+ test addDependent: dep2.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect. "this will make first dependent vanish, replaced by nil"
+ test addDependent: dep2.
+ deps := test dependents.
+ self should: [deps asIdentitySet size = deps size] description: 'No object should be added twice in dependents'!